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Summer Vacation Planning: Here Are 100 Places in America To Visit

Summer vacations means three months of no school. Families with small and school aged children use these warmer days to travel. It can get expensive to fly so a road trip could be in order. We’ve compiled 100 places in America to road trip to this Summer as you plan our the weeks ahead:


The northeast is the oldest part of the country, and home to many notable and historic landmarks. Whether you live in the northeast or just take your au pair there to visit, consider visiting these 20 places.


The Pacific Northwest is home to everything from beaches to mountains to national parks, making it a breathtaking area to visit. If you’re planning on touring the PNW with your au pair, be sure to check out these 20 places.


If you’d like to travel someplace warm and full of southern charm, look no further than these 20 southern locales.


The Southwest is home to a little bit of everything, whether you want to visit a natural landmark like the Grand Canyon or something more other worldly like the UFO museum in Roswell. No matter what you want to do, one things for sure, these 20 locations aren’t to be missed.


If you are looking to spend some time in the heart of the country, then the Midwest is where you need to head. There’s something for everyone, especially when you travel to these 20 spots.

Summer Camp Slots Are Filling UP Already: 10 Alternatives


Even though Summer Camp slots have already started filling up, there are plenty alternatives out there for parents to consider.

Can you believe it is already time to start scoping for and signing up your little ones for summer camps already? Yup! By the middle of February, most of the best and most popular camps are already filled and only taking children for the wait list.

Here is a website that attempts to curate all the camps nationwide for you to peruse: www.summercamps.com. Get on it, parents!

If you are thinking of alternatives, and or if you are on a tight budget and camp may be out of the question this year, there are plenty of alternatives for you to consider.

Here are 10 we posted previously, shared again for your convenience:

1.Volunteer Programs – Older children can learn a sense of civic responsibility and the importance of helping others by spending part of their summer participating in a local volunteer program. Animal lovers among the smaller set may be thrilled with the idea of helping at a local animal shelter, while others may enjoy working with a local charity or visiting a local retirement community.

2.Community Day Camps – Community centers in most cities offer summer day camp programs, allowing kids to enjoy all of the fun activities that are a part of a sleep-away camp without the stress of spending weeks away from the familiarity of home.

3.Religious Summer Programs – Many places of worship offer vacation workshops and other similar programs with a theme of religious instruction during summertime, which may be an ideal choice for devout families. Kids can spend the summer among peers who share their spirituality, learning about their family’s belief system through arts and crafts, story time, and other kid-friendly activities.

4.Arts Workshops – Many art museums offer programs specifically tailored to budding art aficionados; local universities may also host summer programs for children staffed by students with education or arts majors. University programs may include visual art, musical instruction, or theater programs, depending upon your area.

5.Sports Clinics – Pint-sized athletes are sure to love spending the summer honing their skills, which makes a local sports clinic the ideal choice. These programs keep kids physically active, which is a huge plus for parents who are concerned about the sedentary lifestyle that many children adopt when school ends. Rather than spending hours in front of the television or the computer, kids who participate in a sports clinic can enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and exercise while becoming stronger and more skilled athletes.

6.Academic Programs – During summer vacation many school systems still offer programs for academically gifted children. Some programs even focus on peer-tutoring, allowing more advanced students to offer assistance to classmates who struggle in some areas, which can build a sense of social consciousness. Alternatively, many programs feature an emphasis on building and expanding gifted kids’ already-impressive knowledge base.

7.Scouting – While the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America do have summer camps for their troop members scattered across the country, plenty of troops stay home during summer vacation to participate in locally-based scouting activities. School vacations provide active scouts with the opportunity to earn merit badges and other achievements, which can be difficult to do during the hectic school year.

8.Family Day Trips – Families can spend their summer vacation taking a series of fun and exciting day trips. Visiting the zoo, the park, or a children’s center during the dog days of summer are surefire cures for the boredom and inertia that often sets in around mid-July.

9.Visiting Extended Family – Today’s families tend to be more spread out than in previous generations, so kids might not get to spend as much time with members of their extended family as they would like. While spending a few weeks at summer camp might be daunting for some kids, visiting a favorite family member during summer vacation might not be as stressful.

10.Family Camping Trips – Skipping a sleep-away summer camp doesn’t mean that kids have to forgo the camping experience altogether; outdoorsy families can plan a camping trip that keeps everyone together and costs far less than sleep-away camp fees.


summer camp photo

5 Exercises You Can Do With Your Baby at Home; No Gym Required

It’s a New Year and a new opportunity to get in shape, even if you just had a baby.
After getting the A-OK from your doctor, there are certain exercises that you can safely to with your baby in tow! These exercises are great for the woman who cannot get to the gym.
I also highly recommend doing Gaiam‘s Pilates for Weightloss ($11.99) which I did relreligiously every day while breastfeeding and lost an average of 2 lbs per week steadily. I was really shocked that the weight peeled off like that without me really altering my eating. Great stuff!
Finally, for not-so-new moms, check out these older fitness-related posts that are still relevant and can be used to help you get in shape from home, today and beyond!












7 Things To Do Before Returning to School After Having a Baby


You don’t have to let the fact that you had a baby before or in the middle of college deter you from returning or starting. Despite all the obstacles and challenges associated with returning to school after a baby, if you put in a plan, you certainly can do it and findAnanny.com wants you to use these beneficial suggestions to get it done.

1. Build a Support System – The most important thing for a student mom to have in place is a strong and reliable support system. Not only will you need help with childcare and managing the needs of your new baby while keeping up with your studies, you’ll also need a shoulder or two you can cry on when things get difficult. Finishing school as a parent will be a challenge, and having a few people in your corner can make all the difference.

2. Create a Routine That Works For Your Family – There is no hard-and-fast rule about how you have to structure your household routine, especially when your little one is still an infant. Find a schedule that works for you and build around it. If online classes are more conducive to learning and completing assignments than a traditional classroom setting, that’s the best solution for you. On the other hand, getting out of the house and interacting with your classmates may help you manage the demands of parenthood more easily. Whatever works for you is the best solution, regardless of how well it would work for someone else

3. Set Realistic Goals -You may have planned to take on a full course load before your pregnancy, but that may not be realistic after the birth of a child. Rather than setting goals that aren’t feasible and being disappointed when they prove to be a bit more than you’re ready to handle, take your time and make a plan that you can actually adhere to. Celebrate each milestone along the way and stay focused on each smaller goal as they approach

4. Work Out a Reasonable Timeline- Finishing school on the standard time table may be out of the cards for you as a new mom, and that’s okay. The goal is to finish, so take the time to figure out when you can realistically complete your studies. You may have to shoulder a lighter burden in terms of classes and finish later than some of your peers, but you’ll still leave with a diploma, which is better than trying to take on too much only to end up burned out and frustrated enough to quit school altogether. You may also have ideas of returning to school days after the birth of your child, however, that may not be possible. Finding the right time to return to school after you recover from delivery and have bonded with your new baby may be a bit more complicated than simply returning as soon as you’re discharged from the hospital.

5. Find a Caregiver You Trust – Your child will have to be cared for while you’re at school since you won’t be able to take her to class with you. To make the transition into school after becoming a new parent, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve found a childcare provider you absolutely trust and have no qualms about leaving her with. If you’re distracted and worried about your child’s safety while you’re in class, your academic performance probably won’t reflect your actual abilities.

6. Prepare for a Bit of Separation Anxiety -Regardless of how excited you are to get back into school after your maternity leave ends, you will feel at least a little bit of separation anxiety until you adjust to the idea of no longer spending the entirety of each day with the fascinating little person you’ve created. If you’re prepared for the stress of leaving your child in someone else’s care and understand that it’s just temporary, it can lessen the sting and help to make that pain a bit more manageable.

7. Don’t Be Scared to Adjust Your Schedule – As a new mom and a student, your schedule may have to be adjusted a few times until you find the one that works for you. Making adjustments is not the same as admitting defeat, so don’t be afraid to finagle things until you find the methods that work best for you and your new family.

15 Things to Remember When You Bring Baby Home

When you bring your newborn home there are a lots of things in the environment that can easily get him or her sick. But there are things you can do to minimize the risk of your new baby getting ill.

Here are 15 simple tips you can try to follow compliments of Newborn care:

  1. Be Firm With Friends and Relatives – It’s natural to want to show your newborn off to your nearest and dearest, but they can present a health risk for her. It’s important to keep in mind that not only is it okay to be firm in regard to your child’s health, it’s imperative. Don’t let a cousin with a case of the sniffles handle your new baby or allow loved ones to pick her up before washing their hands.
  2. Insist on Good Hand Washing Habits – One of the most effective ways of protecting your newborn’s health is to insist that everyone who touches her wash their hands thoroughly before doing so. Hands come into contact with so many germ-laden surfaces and objects throughout the day that it’s just not a good idea to skip a thorough scrubbing before cuddling.
  3. Keep the Kisses Away from Baby’s Face – Newborns are so cute and cuddly, they seem to be just begging for affection. No matter how much you want to cover her little face with kisses, it’s smart to keep in mind just how many germs are carried by your saliva.
  4. Don’t Skip the Vaccinations – There’s a battle raging amongst parents about the efficacy of vaccinations versus their perceived risks, but vaccinations do prevent many illnesses. Not only should your infant be immunized according to doctors’ recommendations, but so should older siblings and adults that will be caring for her.
  5. Remember that Breast is Best – Breastfeeding isn’t always an option, but it’s one that should be carefully considered if there’s any feasibility at all. In cases of adoption, low milk production or a mother’s need to be on medications that can be excreted through breast milk, formula is a perfectly adequate nutritional substance. It doesn’t, however, contain the antibodies that boost a baby’s new immune system.
  6. Avoid Crowded Places – Shopping malls, restaurants or even dinner parties can be crowded areas with high concentrations of people who are carrying communicable illnesses. In the interest of keeping your baby healthy, it’s wise to save his big debut for a time when his immune system is a bit more developed.
  7. Pay Special Attention to Older Siblings – Older siblings who attend preschool, daycare or elementary school are exposed to illness-spreading germs all day long, and they may have developed a resistance that allows them to still carry those germs without exhibiting symptoms of illness themselves. Make sure that your older children understand the importance of good hygiene, especially when it comes to spending time with a new baby.
  8. Keep Your Doctor’s Appointments – Time is a commodity that new parents seldom have an adequate supply of, but it’s important to remember that appointments with your pediatrician should be kept if at all possible.
  9. Hire an Experienced Caregiver – The rookie nanny you’re considering might be enthusiastic, but she may also lack the experience or training that will allow her to confidently care for a newborn without spreading illnesses. While it’s perfectly acceptable to hire a nanny with little to no practical work experience, you should make sure that she’s well-versed in the care of newborns and minimizing the spread of germs.
  10. Keep the Nursery Clean – When you’re sleep deprived and living on the quick snacks you can fit in during Baby’s naps, the idea of house cleaning probably isn’t an appealing one. Making sure that your newborn’s nursery is clean, however, is one of the best ways to prevent her from becoming sick.
  11. Practice Good Crib Safety Habits – Guarding your newborn’s health doesn’t just mean keeping her clear of illness-causing germs; it also requires you to be focused on her safety. Fluffy pillows, snuggly blankets and soft crib bumpers may seem like great tools for keeping her comfortable, but they can actually increase her risk of SIDS. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants’ cribs contain no pillows, plush toys or thick blankets.
  12. Minimize Play Dates – If your older children are accustomed to hosting play dates, it may be a smart move to consider putting them on hold for a few months or working with other parents in your playgroup to find alternate hosting solutions until your newborn is a bit older.
  13.  Keep Pets Clear of the Nursery – Fido might be man’s best friend, but he doesn’t need to be licking your newborn’s face or spreading dander throughout her nursery. Making the baby’s room a pet-free zone for a while can reduce the number of germs and contaminants that she’s exposed to during the earliest days of her life.
  14. Sterilize Bottles and Nipples – It simply isn’t possible to keep every germ away from your newborn, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make an effort to protect her from them when you’re able. Sterilizing the bottles and nipples that she puts into her mouth during feeding time is one of the measures that you shouldn’t neglect.
  15. Take Care of Yourself! – An exhausted, overworked parent’s immune system might not be the most effective, so it’s important that you make every effort to take care of yourself, too. When you’re sick, it’s difficult to avoid passing those illnesses on to your baby. Guarding your own health and well-being isn’t self-indulgent; it’s a necessary step of preventing the spread of illnesses to your child.

A Dozen Of Our Faves On Elle’s Best Dressed Couple List

All of our faves were recognized among Elle magazine’s 33 Best Dressed Couple listing in a recent post.

I found a dozen of the celeb moms (and dads) featured on Bellyitch Blog on the list, including…

Amal and George Clooney

Beyonce and Jay Z

Current second time Mom-to-be Chrissy Teigen and her husband John Legend

Duchess Kate and Prince William

Ciara and Russell Wilson


Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Gabrielle Union-Wade and Dwayne Wade

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka

Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake

Jenna Dewan Tatum and Channing Tatum

What This Blogger Wants for Christmas

This time of year, people are assembling their Christmas wish list and dropping hints. I am one of them! Here are 6 items on my wish list that are making a repeat appearance from a past year:

1. Exlura Women’s Off Shoulder Batwing Sleeve Loose Oversized Pullover Sweater Knit Jumper – $22.90

I love silk and silk blend sweaters because they feel great on the skin and have longevity compared to those made of synthetic materials. You can wear this sweater with jeans on the weekend or over dress pants and wear them at an evening function. Love.

2. CONVERSE ALL STAR Boots • Converse • $59

It’s getting cold so it’s boots weather and because I’m always on the go, these Converse boots are a combo of my active sneakers and my riding boots and are Perfect! They are different and will turn heads.

3. Burberry  Plastic Sunglasses • Burberry • $103

I lost these very same glasses a month after I got them this year so a replacement would be great. I love these frames. They fit my face wonderfully.

4. Apple iPad Pro $30 per month+

I love that the iPad Pro  is large enough to function as a laptop and a tablet. I checked out the specs and other functionalities and they’re tops. I’d love to get one of these one of these on Christmas morn.

5. Burberry Small Leather & Canvas Check Henham Cross body Bag • Burberry • $595

I don’t go anywhere without my Coach cross body bag. It lets me keep my hands free and my bag secure to my body. I would love to  get a larger one that can fit more things and can let me give my other bag a rest. This Burberry cross body bag would be ideal!

6. Marc by Marc Jacobs Door Knob iPhone 6 Case • Marc by Marc Jacobs • $88

I have been using the massive protective Otter case that I purchased when I got my iPhone 7  for the longest time because not a lot of manufacturers of chic cases had them available when I first got it. I’m a selfie queen so a stylish alternative to the boring grey I have now would be amazing!.

That’s it for this blogger! What’s on your Christmas wish list?

What Happened at the Ritchie Station Marketplace Catherine’s Media Launch Last Night

When full-figured and fashionable Catherine Weaver opened up a small boutique in Memphis, Tennessee in 1960, she probably  couldn’t image that her little shop, Catherine’s, would turn into a style destination with over 400 locations nationwide catering to chic and sophisticated women 16W-34W and 0X-5X.

The sister brand to Lane Bryant prides itself on offering affordable high quality clothes in cuts, designs, shapes, patterns and color to flatter any figure.

I attended the media and bloggers launch of Catherine’s newest location, inside the relatively new Ritchie Station Marketplace shopping complex in Capitol Heights, Maryland last night. 

I arrived to the Thursday evening event when it was already an hour in. The store which sits on a slight hill, nestled near the Dave & Buster’s entertainment center, was brightly lit with all the crisp fall line of clothing, and it was also electrifying with popular music blaring overhead, setting the mood.

I saw very fashionable full figure bloggers milling about, greeting one another, checking out the offerings, and just generally,  looking fabulous like this gorgeous curvy woman in this very fly denim dress and fierce colorblock platform heels!

Ma’am! We’re not worthy…mkay!?! 
Thanks to our host, a nice display of refreshments sat nearby which was just what I needed at the end of a long day, fighting a little bit of traffic in the Uber to get there. 
Petite caprise sandwhiches, fruit and crackers and a cheese plate! Yum! Please and thank you!
…and is that jicama?!? Owww! 

I was immediately drawn to the Breast Cancer Awareness Collection in the center aisle, where 10% of sales from the pink, black and grey athletic wear will support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation
I liked the athletic gear and yoga wear section, generally, because it was bright and colorful and made of breathable swear wicking materials !


Then my eyes wandered to the wonderfully styled mannequins which offer styling suggestions and ideas. Of course that sweater would pair perfectly with this blouse and this belt! Of course!

And then there are the Catherines’ Curvy Collection items that can be mixed and matched to create night, day, play and in between looks depending on how one accessorize, dress up or dress down the pieces. 
And as with each Catherine’s, the very friendly sales staff are able to assist you in hooking up an outfit and finding the perfect accessory to match.

This poncho above is to die for, right?!

Personally, I adored the ladies working this night at this location.

And they really know how to guide your selections so you leave happy and knowing you got a great deal!

I couldn’t get enough of the jewerly and I left the store purchasing a gorgeous rose gold cuff necklace, a thick rose gold rope bracelet and some whimsical earrings that look really tribal.
Just in time for fall, there are loads of leather, plaid and scarves to welcome the cooler temps. 
 But you can still find some light and airy floral pieces that are sunny and reminiscent of Spring.
 The lingerie, undergarments and intimates section was fully stocked as well. 
And the buy 3, get 1 free sale was on point! 

Overall, I had a great time, connecting with other bloggers, influencers and fashion journalists from the area.

We got a special discount but you don’t have to be a blogger to get treated special!

For those of you who live in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, this weekend, starting today through Sunday, stop on in the Ritchie Station store to get a chance to win a $250 shopping spree, special personal styling, goodies and gifts, $10 off a next visit and more!

Educator Schools: Two Ways East Asian Parents Are Different From Us


Editor’s Note: I’m still reading The Drive to Learn: What the East Asian Experience Tells Us about Raising Students Who Excelbut in the meantime, its author, scholar Dr. Cornelius Grove offers this guest post to school us American parents on two ways East Asian parents approach schooling and educating children differently:

You’re the parent of a young child. You know that a solid education is critical to their future. But, right now, the U.S. ranks 17th in education, behind not only Asian nations but many Western nations too – even Russia. So what, as a parent, can you do?

For your child, you are probably taking all the steps recommended: You read to them; you require them to finish their homework; you communicate regularly with their teacher. You hope to instill in them, during these impactful early years, the habit of attaining academic excellence.

However. there are additional things you should be doing. But basic to what you do is how you think about your child’s learning. Americans have a distinctive way of thinking about these things, quite different from how people elsewhere think about children’s learning, like in East Asia. Their children learn more than ours. So how do people in nations at the top of the school rankings think differently?

For decades, East Asian students have excelled in the international rankings, Here are two ways in which East Asians think differently from us:

1. Children should “fit” schools; schools should not “fit” children. In the U.S. during the early 1900s, the idea grew that schools should “fit” the desires and interests of their students.  Educators’ focus shifted from teaching skills effectively towards teaching them appealingly.  Parents began to expect “child-centered” learning and, recently, began worrying that students are stressed by homework. Americans came to expect schools to adapt to, or “fit,” their students.

In East Asia, making schools fit students has not been a goal. Citizens believe that what schools teach is very important and must be taught thoroughly. Students are expected to strive for mastery.  These beliefs are motivated both by concern for students’ futures, and by concern for their standing as worthy members of their education-focused families. For instance, when children finish their homework, they continue studying using parent-purchased workbooks. In these and other ways, parents help children adapt to schools’ stringent expectations.

The East Asian perspective leads to parental behavior rarely seen in the U.S.:

  • East Asian parents view academic learning as each child’s most important responsibility within the family.
  • During each child’s first years of schooling, parents think of themselves as actively sharing that responsibility with their children.
  • Parents don’t simply encourage children’s studying; they coach, train, and drill them so that academic excellence is assured.
  • If a child performs poorly, her parents participate with her to diagnose what had not been done correctly, and then to master that skill.

2. Children perform well academically, or not, depending on their effort. East Asians know that individuals have – or lack – a range of inborn abilities, but they don’t consider this important in explaining children’s school performance.

American parents focus on inborn abilities. At first they don’t know what these are, but they think it’s vital to find out. They provide the child with a range of experiences so that unique abilities can emerge. Parents assume that each child must rely throughout life on the abilities he’s been given. They see each child as shaped much more by inner factors than by anyone’s effort.

East Asian parents focus on a child’s effort. They view children as malleable, which means “able to be changed, without breaking, into a new shape through the application of effort.” Parents believe it’s their responsibility to shape each child and direct her onto an advantageous life course.  They should do this because they understand their community’s values. They can do this because their child is malleable – and capable of persevering effort.

The East Asian perspective leads to parental behavior rarely seen in the U.S.:

  • East Asian parents govern children’s use of time, insuring that a majority of their waking hours are devoted to academic learning.
  • Parents never pump up their children’s self-esteem; they know that self-esteem grows naturally as the result of outstanding performances.
  • Parents actively instruct, mold, direct, and train children, insuring that they know the “how to” of academic skills.
  • Parents don’t worry that persevering academic effort will harm their child physiologically or psychologically.

As the parent, what can you do? If you believe that masterful capacity to learn is your greatest gift to your child, be guided by East Asians’ ways of thinking and remember these five tips:

  1. You and your child are responsible for his academic prowess.
  2. The habit of persevering study must be set early in life.
  3. Insure mastery of basic processes; do not fear drilling.
  4. Pay relentless attention to correcting each learning shortfall.
  5. Don’t inflate his self-esteem; instead, insure that he earns it.

Dr. Cornelius Grove, managing partner of the consultancy Grovewell, is also an independent scholar and author of iconoclastic books on education including his latest, The Drive to Learn: What the East Asian Experience Tells Us about Raising Students Who Excel. For more information, please visit, www.thedrivetolearn.info and connect with Dr. Grove on Twitter, @corneliusngrove.

What Your Baby’s Birthstone Tell You About Her Future Personality


Pregnancy is a very special time for expectant mothers and fathers. The miraculous growth of an entirely new human being continues to mesmerize and evoke feelings of previously unknown depths. Filled with incredible joy and immense anticipation, parents count the weeks leading up to the birth of their little baby.

Apart from shopping for baby items and getting the nursery ready, many of us visualize our baby before the birth because we are full of impatience and curiosity. While you wonder whether you are going to have a boy or a girl, you also frequently ask yourself what kind of a personality your little one is going to have. Is he going to be funny, smart, artistic, or intellectual? Is she going to be a doctor, a ballet dancer, or a rocket scientist?

One way of doing so is by looking at astrological star signs; another is to look at the wisdom provided through birthstones. According to many, birthstones predict a child’s personality traits.

Gemstones have featured throughout history, and birthstones are no different. Experts trace the origins of birthstones back to the Bible, or, more precisely, back to Moses. He is believed to have chosen twelve precious gemstones to decorate a special breastplate for Aaron, the high priest. The twelve stones are said to have represented the twelve tribes of Israel.

Later, these twelve gems became associated with the signs of the zodiac and, eventually, each gemstone was dedicated to one of the twelve calendar months. When looking for a list of birthstones, you may find different variations; however, the list we feature here is the one most jewelry makers use today.

The Power of Gemstones

Throughout history, gemstones have been used not just for their value and beauty but, also, because of their inherent energy. While not everyone will believe in the healing force of gemstones, people throughout human history have attributed special powers to gemstones. Individual gems have been associated with distinct qualities, and today’s crystal therapists use each precious gem for specific purposes.

Unique Qualities and Characteristics of Birthstones

Because each birthstone is associated with unique properties and intended for specific uses, we can, therefore, make certain guesses about the personality of the people born in each month. Consequently, if your child is going to be a January child, you can look up the properties of garnet and get an impression of the type of personality your child is likely to have. You may also wish to purchase the right birthstone for you child, as a source of comfort, as well as joy and strength.

What Birthstones Can Tell You About the Personality of Your Child

Taking a look at each of the qualities associated with your baby’s likely birthstone is utterly fascinating. While it will just give you a glimpse of what type of little person she/he is going to be, even a snapshot can delight and excite.

Let’s take a look at each birthstone, month by month.

start with mine and check out the rest here 

September – Sapphire

Even though most people think of sapphire as a stunningly blue gem, sapphire comes in many colors. The most famous sapphire ring is perhaps the engagement ring Prince Charles gave to Diana in 1981 as an engagement ring. Prince William gave the same ring to Kate, now the Duchess of Kent, in 2011.

Throughout history, sapphire was associated with the divine. The Greeks, Buddhists, and Hindus also used sapphire for its spiritual qualities, believing that this precious gem provided a direct link to higher powers.

Personality Traits: People born in September are believed to be intelligent and calm and slow to lose their cool, but also reluctant to share their feelings.

Crystal therapists use sapphire to strengthen veins, calm cells, and enhance spiritual gifts.

continue reading about the other months’ birthstones here. 


Batman138 Bro138 Dolar138 Gas138 Gudang138 Hoki99 Ligaciputra Panen77 Zeus138 Kilat77 Planet88 Gaspol168 Sikat88 Rupiah138 Garuda138 Gacor77 Roma77 Sensa138 Panen138 Slot138 Gaco88 Elanggame Candy99 Cair77 Max7 Best188 Space77 Sky77 Luxury777 Maxwin138 Bosswin168 Cocol88 Slot5000 Babe138 Luxury138 Jet77 Bonanza138 Bos88 Aquaslot Taktik88 Lord88 Indobet Slot69 Paus138 Tiktok88 Panengg Bingo4d Stars77 77dragon Warung168 Receh88 Online138 Tambang88 Asia77 Klik4d Bdslot88 Gajah138 Bigwin138 Markas138 Yuk69 Emas168 Key4d Harta138  Gopek178 Imbaslot Imbajp Deluna4d Luxury333 Pentaslot Luxury111 Cair77 Gboslot Pandora188 Olxtoto Slotvip Eslot Kuy138 Imbagacor Bimabet