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Your Baby’s First Year: Month by Month

Are you wondering what changes and developments your newborn baby will undergo during their very first year of life? Here’s a complete guide to everything you should expect at each month.

1 Month

In the first month of a baby’s life, you might notice that they have some changes to their skin. Their skin might go quite red or look fairly spotty. But don’t’ worry about these as they are to be expected; they should go away on their own if you leave them. Once your baby is two weeks old, they might go through some excessive crying fits. Normally, these are nothing to worry about, and your baby will grow out of this phase. However, if it is very difficult to soothe your newborn, it could be a sign of colic. If this is the case, take your baby to your doctor for a checkup.

2 Months

You might notice your baby’s very first smile once they reach the two-month mark. It’s at this age that infants start to recognize faces as well, so expect a lot of cooing and smiling when she sees you and other relatives! Some babies might even start to bear weight on their legs when they are held upright, though this is something that you shouldn’t try and rush.

3 Months

Once they hit three-months old, babies will be able to stay awake for longer periods. But that doesn’t mean that they can go without their afternoon nap! Now is also the time to prevent cradle cap as it often appears for the first time around three or four months. If you have been breastfeeding your newborn until now, you should try and introduce some formula milk to their diet now as this will give you a chance to take some time off to relax.

4 Months

Parents who have been struggling with the lack of sleep can start to see a light at the end of the tunnel at four months as this is when most babies start to sleep through the whole night. You should start to introduce some tummy time to your child now as they will be strong enough to push up onto their arms when placed on their front. As they aren’t fully mobile yet, they won’t be able to move out of this position, but giving them a chance to use their arms this way can help to strengthen their muscles.

5 Months

Now that he or she is five-months old, your baby will understand object permanence. This is the understanding that objects still exist even when we can’t see them. So, now is a great time to start playing peek-a-boo with them and challenging them to try and find objects, such as their favorite teddy bear. They will find this endlessly entertaining!Unfortunately, it’s not just fun and games at the five-month mark as this is when some health conditions, including food allergies and eczema, can start to raise their heads. You should also keep an eye out for some of the early signs of teething as they might begin around about now.

6 Months

Your baby is now half a year old! And they will now start to develop their very own personality. Plus, six-month olds are usually filled with confidence, and they will try to wave and smile at everyone who they see, even random passersby in the street! Your little one will start to get a bit more mobile right now and will want to find out about items by putting them in its mouth. So, it’s important that you keep a good eye on them so that they don’t eat anything that they shouldn’t!

7 Months

Once your child reaches seven-months old, they will need to be in a very tight routine. Babies love routines as it gives them some control and they always know what to expect next. You will find that if you ever break from your usual routine, you young child could get very cranky and annoyed. Now is also the time to start baby-proofing your house, especially in the kitchen area. Seven-month olds will be trying to explore as much as possible, so it’s important that there is nothing lying around the house that could hurt them. You might also notice that your baby starts to get a lot hungrier throughout the day. This is perfectly natural and not something that you should be worried about. It’s a good idea to introduce some mid-morning and afternoon snacks to help support their diet.

8 Months

Remember the good old days when you could place your baby down on the floor and they just stayed there? Well, those days are, unfortunately, long gone! Your baby will now be able to roll, crawl, and scoot along the floor, usually a lot quicker than you might expect! However, you shouldn’t worry if your baby can’t crawl yet. As long as they have reached other important milestones, then there shouldn’t be anything to worry about when it comes to their development. They might just be lazy! You should also notice that the baby’s language skills start to improve, even though he or she won’t be able to say any real words yet. But there will be plenty of baby words and they will soon be saying their first ‘mama’ and ‘dada’!

9 Months

Even though your baby won’t be able to speak just yet, at eight-months old you will start to notice some speech patterns. They might stick to the same baby words and noises while you talk to them. It’s about this time when babies start to experiment with facial expressions, and you might notice that your infant tries to mimic you. Trust me, this can be hilarious! One of the worst things about nine-months old, though, is that they might start to turn into very fussy eaters.

10 Months

We’re in double digits now! Did you notice that your baby became a bit pickier with their food at nine months? Well, don’t expect this to get any easier. In fact, most children become a lot more stubborn with their food once they hit ten months. You might also see an increase in their appetite as well, but this isn’t something that you should be worried about. Your baby will have probably learnt to point by now, so you should expect to be asked to get them certain items a lot more often through gestures. Some ten-month olds develop a sense of adventure and start to try to climb. Make sure you always watch them as they normally try to climb up before they have mastered the art of climbing back down!

11 Months

Your newborn baby isn’t so much of a newborn now. In fact, it’s almost their very first birthday! Your baby should now be able to grasp onto items and hold themselves up with a little help. If your child hasn’t already taken their first steps, they should do so this month. So, it’s a good idea to always keep the video camera on hand to catch this precious moment on film! Babies also start to recognize pictures and images, so they become more interested in picture books. It’s also a good idea to make sure that your baby is active every day so that they don’t pile on any excess pounds.

Don’t forget that these milestones are just averages, and there usually isn’t anything to worry about if your child is late reaching them. If you are super worried, though, take them to the doctor.

Duchess Catherine and her Tiny Bump Debuts in Public

Catherine, Duchess Of Cambridge stepped out for the first time since announcing her third pregnancy on Tuesday night.

The British royal was joined by her husband William, Duke of Cambridge, as she debuted her tiny bump in a pale blue Temperley London dress while attending an event in London to mark World Mental Health Day.

Catherine, who has been battling a type of severe morning sickness known as hyperemesis gravidarum, showed the merest hint of a burgeoning belly as she posed for photographers and spoke to guests at the event.

Her US$1,050 dress, the Eclipse Lace Collar Dress in Iris, skimmed over her tummy, and the 35-year-old teamed the outfit with a black clutch bag and matching black court shoes.

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This Week in Celebrity Pregnancy Announcements: Bethany Hamilton, Jessie James Decker

This week is full of celebrity pregnancy announcements.

Tanisha Thomas from The Bad Girls Club announced her news this week.

And now celebrity professional skateboarder Bethany Hamilton has announced she is expecting her second child with hubby Adam Dirks (E! News)

Country music singer Jessie James Decker and her husband, NFLer Eric Decker are also expecting their third child. (Celebrity Baby Scoop)

Congrats all!

9 Facts About C-Section Recovery They Don’t Tell You

Speaking of unspoken truths about C-Sections, writing for HuffPo  Kate Auletta offers 9 things no one tells you about C-Section.


1. That “mild tugging sensation” line was clearly first said by a man. Mild is perhaps the understatement of the century. You feel like the wind is being taken out of you as your teeth chatter from the anesthesia. This is not a surgery for claustrophobes, as you’re completely stuck on the table — arms pinned down — while the inability to breathe overwhelms you.


2. The catheter keeps you company in the days following birth because you can’t really walk to the bathroom without those trusty ab muscles helping you out (more on that below). And then, as in all cases with a catheter, you have to learn to pee again — the longer the catheter is in, it seems, the harder it is to remember how to pee. Also not fun when you have a nurse and some loved ones waiting outside the bathroom door and you feel like you’re 5 again.

3. Have someone teach you how to even get up and out of bed. Congratulations! Your ab muscles are completely non-existent now. The good news: Your arms are gonna get buff.


4. Do yourself a solid and go to your local drug store (or better yet, send someone else) to buy some big-ass high-waisted underwear. You’re not gonna want anything — zippers, buttons, elasticized underwear — coming near your stomach, especially the birth area, for a while.

5. Walking is a challenge. Your core is called your core for a reason. Go easy on yourself.

6. Those drugs are your best friend. Give yourself some time to wean off the heavy stuff. Stock up on Aleve, which you’ll also need daily, and be prepared to use it A LOT.


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Thank You Tamera Mowry-Housley for Raising Awareness About C-Section Postpartum Woes

Tamera Mowry-Housley shared some of her own personal insight into some of the pains that women who undergo a C-Section endure when viewers of her FOX panel talk show The Real started to reply to a segment today on the show.

One follower who replied to her general tweet about the realities of C-section especially when you’re nursing.

“I know sum1 whose c-section stitching came undone just from tryin to get out of the shower,” the Twitter user Eunice responded.

To that, The Real co-host said hers “came undone when” she “had to pick up” her son, Aden. Ouch!

Mowry-Housley and her husband FOX News Correspondent Adam Housley welcomed daughter Ariah Talea in July 2015 and son Aden Tanner in November 2012.

What followed was heartwarming and great for awareness building. Many other users offered their own stories which could elevate the understanding among those who have never had a C-section or have misconceptions about it.

I know personally,I could relate to the one about the guts on the tray. My husband almost passed out when she made the mistake of peering over the surgery screen and got an eyefull of entrails! Eeeek!

“Women don’t get enough credit for enduring this surgery(they put your organs on a tray, my Husband looked)&then going right into motherhood,” a woman named Dawn Venosa Mannix added to the discussion.

“It hurt to laugh, sneeze, cough, pee. Everything hurts,” chimed in user named Beach Bunni.  “We still have to care for our newborn while healing. It makes us stronger though.”

So true, sister!

Writing for HuffPo Parents, blogger Kate Auletta offers 9 things no one tells you about C-Section.


1. That “mild tugging sensation” line was clearly first said by a man. Mild is perhaps the understatement of the century. You feel like the wind is being taken out of you as your teeth chatter from the anesthesia. This is not a surgery for claustrophobes, as you’re completely stuck on the table — arms pinned down — while the inability to breathe overwhelms you.


2. The catheter keeps you company in the days following birth because you can’t really walk to the bathroom without those trusty ab muscles helping you out (more on that below). And then, as in all cases with a catheter, you have to learn to pee again — the longer the catheter is in, it seems, the harder it is to remember how to pee. Also not fun when you have a nurse and some loved ones waiting outside the bathroom door and you feel like you’re 5 again.

3. Have someone teach you how to even get up and out of bed. Congratulations! Your ab muscles are completely non-existent now. The good news: Your arms are gonna get buff.


4. Do yourself a solid and go to your local drug store (or better yet, send someone else) to buy some big-ass high-waisted underwear. You’re not gonna want anything — zippers, buttons, elasticized underwear — coming near your stomach, especially the birth area, for a while.

5. Walking is a challenge. Your core is called your core for a reason. Go easy on yourself.

6. Those drugs are your best friend. Give yourself some time to wean off the heavy stuff. Stock up on Aleve, which you’ll also need daily, and be prepared to use it A LOT.

7. I’m getting really real here now: Get some Colace. Your first bowel movement will hurt that much more since you have no stomach muscles with which to push. But man, will you be proud when you walk out of that bathroom.

8. You can’t lift anything because of how it can affect your core, and you can’t really lean over to even empty the dishwasher. Basically, best case scenario is that you’re an immobile, milk-producing machine with a baby attached to your breast sideways cause you’re scared he or she will kick the scar.

9. Don’t worry. No matter how your child is born, it’ll still likely be the best thing that ever happens to you, you tired shell of your former self.

Thank you!

Run, Don’t Walk, to Disney On Ice Presents ‘Dare to Dream’ (REVIEW)

I am not sure what I loved most about the Disney On Ice production of  “Dare to Dream” that opened last night at the Eagle Bank Arena in Fairfax, Virginia: the choreography (especially the aerial above-ice acrobatics), the bright and flamboyant costuming, the pyrotechnics or the overall production.

I do know that if you live in a home of Disney movie fanatics (or Disney in general), you’re not going to want to miss this opp to be their hero by getting them tickets to this show!

We expected to see how far Moana will go when she embarks on an action-packed voyage with mighty demigod Maui in a quest to save her island, become a wayfinder, and find her own identity. Anna’s devotion to her estranged sister Elsa sets her on a perilous journey to mend their bond, and stop an eternal winter. Rapunzel breaks out of her tower and teams up with an unlikely companion, Flynn Rider, as she goes to great lengths to realize her dream. Armed only with courage, Belle befriends the enchanted castle staff and learns to look beyond the Beast’s rough exterior. With help from her friends and a little magic, Cinderella is determined to make the wish in her heart come true.

My daughter and I fought intense Friday traffic to get to the media Lua before the show and got there in time to grab some deelish donuts, braided knots, Polynesian chicken skewers and tropical punch!

We also took some fun photo booth snaps before settling down into our awesome Section 100 seats smack in the middle of the arena former known as The Patriots Center--compliments of the kind folks at the Feld Entertainment.

The atmosphere in the arena as we scurried down the hallways  to get to our seats was electrifying.

Vendors sold everything from glow in the dark mini-ears to giant bags of cotton candy and every Disney princess accessory a girl would love.

And there were tons of princesses there in the form of adorable tikes outfitted in their best gown or Queen Elsa, Princess Jasmine, Tiana, Cinderella, Belle and Moana.

Totes adorbs! I think my ovaries were bursting at this moment witnessing all that cuteness at once!

The theme for the night is an ideal that, personally, I aspire to always embrace: “No  goal is too big when we find the strength to shape our own destiny at Disney On Ice presents Dare To Dream!”


In Dare to Dream, hosts Mickey and Minnie take us on a journey across raging seas and snow covered mountains to spark the courage inside us all!

This show introduced Moana to the Disney family and she closed the production to much fanfare as all the kids sang along.

The second biggest hit among attendees at our show was Frozen, followed by Tangled ( the new Rapunzel sequel) and Beauty and the Beast!

Well, given these are the most recent Disney films out, it makes sense! But everyone equally enjoyed the part of the adventure featuring the Cinderella story!

It was a fantastic time, filled with oohs and aaahs, singing along, even among the parents, and marveling at the skillful and beautiful skating.

Here is a snippet of some of the performances I captured

And even though I brought a bunch of layers with me expecting it to be cold, the arena was at a pleasant and comfortable temperature. Score!

If you live near the area, then I highly advise you to nab some tickets to this show which runs through October 8. If not, check out the website for times and location near you!

Tickets start at just $20 so it’s definitely an affordable outing for the family and those on a budget should keep their eyes peeled on discount sites like Groupon for deals.

Overall, I highly recommend taking your little ones to this show. It’s most definitely worthwhile investment and a memorable experience that your kids will be grateful to have had.

I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as

well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and

opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events.

Even though I receive these benefits, I always give an opinion that is 100% mine.


Pregnancy Complications To Keep On Your Radar

Don’t worry because the majority of pregnancies go along without a hitch. Aside from the morning sickness and constant peeing, it’s a smooth transition. Still, it’s always a good idea to be on the alert when you and your baby’s health are in question. One way to stay on top of things is to watch out for the complications which can occur. After all, not every birth is plain sailing. The following are by no means guaranteed to happen, yet it is helpful to know the signs.

Here is a quick guide to the complications to watch out for during pregnancy.

Premature Labor

On average, pregnancies should last up to 37 weeks. However, some women give birth way before the nine-month mark. It’s called an early pregnancy, and it occurs to around 12% of babies in the States. So, it isn’t an issue to worry about because it is by no means uncommon. Still, a premature labor needs addressing as soon as possible to make sure the baby is safe. The best way to tell is to time your contractions. Regular ones which occur before 37 weeks are a sign you are going to give birth.

Heart Problems

Of course, pregnancy puts a strain on a woman’s body which can affect the heart. Quite simply, one of the most vital organs in the body has to be able to pump enough blood around the body for both the mother and child. Unfortunately, some women have hearts which aren’t up to the task. Aside from high blood pressure, it can also lead to heart failure. Women who suffer from palpitations or excessive fatigue should contact their doctor ASAP. Even if you don’t exhibit the symptoms, you can ask for a simple test to be on the safe side.


Another cause of the pressure on the body is gestational diabetes. Because the body has to share food and water, it can often go without sufficient nutrition. When this happens, blood sugar can plummet or skyrocket depending on the circumstances. Thankfully, there are tests on hand to ensure the experts don’t miss a diagnosis. A birth injury lawyer would insist on a glucose screening between 24 and 28 weeks, and so should you. If the result is positive, it’s essential to keep your blood sugar in check by maintaining your diet and not missing a meal.

Breech Birth

Last but not least, there is a breech baby. Usually, this is when a child spins around in the womb and comes out feet first. The reason this is an issue is the umbilical cord. Sometimes, the cord can wrap around the neck and lead to complications. There is no way for a mother to tell if the baby is breech without a consultation. Babies move and kick that much that it’s impossible to tell what movement is what. If the doctor spots it before the birth, they should be able to turn the baby back to a normal position.

Hopefully, none of these will occur, but it’s still a good idea to watch out for the signs.

Are you Ready for ‘A Bad Moms Christmas’? (WATCH TRAILER)

Our favorite Bad Moms are back! This time, three under-appreciated and over-burdened women now have to host and entertain their own moms for Christmas.

By the end of the journey, our moms three, played by Mila Kunis (Amy), Kristen Bell (KiKi) and Kathryn Hahn (Carla),  will redefine how to make the holidays special for all and discover a closer relationship with their mothers, played by Christine Baranski, Susan Sarandon and Cheryl Hines.

Jay Hernandez and Wanda Sykes return and Peter Gallagher plays the character Amy’s mom.   Watch the Trailer! Start getting your mom friends together now! The film hits theaters on November 3, 2017!

The Shaming Trend Has Gone So Far We’re Shaming the Shamers

Once upon a time, you could joke with a friend about packing on a few pounds or point out that their kid is about to stroll into traffic and no one would take offense or accuse you of “fat shaming” or “mommy shaming” them.

In our online digital world we live in, we can no longer point out anything we disagree with or find critical of others without being accused of being a “shamer.”

 I am hopeful that at some point, this obsession with shaming the shamers simmer down.

When you think of it, to shame a shamer makes you a shamer too, no?

Our coddled, participation-prize culture will not let anyone upset the feelings or sensitivities of their vulnerable friends even on mundane things.

This is true even if said friend opened up the door to criticism by posting private moments on social media. I mean even legit questionability about their judgments are OFF. THE.TABLE.

But…shhsss! What about?…Nope sssshut it!

Every body who lets slip through their typing fingers some level of judgment about something she or he sees scroll through their social media feed is a Cyber Bully.

So long as we’re creating new categories of shaming, I’ve come up with a list of things that people shame us about on social media that can be added.

Grammar Police Shamed- When you post a long soliloquy on your position of a pop culture topic or policy and the first person to comment under your post only do so to point out that you used the word “your” or “their” wrong.

Selfie Shamed- When you bump into someone you haven’t seen in a while at a party and she rolls her eyes at you when you ask to take an Usie ‘for the Gram.’

Facebook Shamed– When you see someone you are FB friends with but who doesn’t post often and they tell you “you’re always on Facebook!” Like, shut up. How would you know I’m always on there unless you are too?

Cheapskate Shamed- When you get someone a nice gift at one of those discount stores like Ross, TJ Maxx or Marshalls and you have to spend a bunch of time removing the discount price sticker they practically glued on the worst possible spot on the item, like the glass of the picture frame, and you feel bad because you know had you spent more money and gotten them something from Things Remembered or Macy’s, you wouldn’t have had to do all that scraping and soaking off the price glue.

Being a Petty Jealous Friend Shamed — When you get called out for tagging a busted looking photo of a friend who normally looks snatched In all her Instagram pics because her social media game is on point like that but she looks like the rest of us in non-staged and hyper filtered photos and you didnt’ think anyone would make YOU the enemy because you thought we all agreed she needed to be exposed.

Smart phone addicted shamed — When your date takes a photo of you on your phone and posts it on Twitter or Snapchat and everybody comments or retweets it and eventually some journalist embeds the photo in their article about the “10 Rude Things You Can Do On A Date” and then your mother sees it and calls to tell you this is why you’ll never be married.

There are so many ways people are made to feel bad about their choices on line. Add Yours.

This post was written in fun but I wholly expect someone to shame me for it.


Originally posted on Medium

We Can’t Believe How Big These Kids of Celebs Have Gotten!

You know you’re getting older when you see some your kids’ friends on Facebook and social media celebrating a birthday and you think, “my where has the time gone?” or “boy have those kids gotten big!

I think the same can be said of a few of the celeb parents we’ve followed when they first had children compared to now.

There’s Chris Tucker and his son Destin is 19 and is a spitting image of his famous comedian dad.

Demi Moore and her three daughters are are now 23 (Tallulah), 25 (Scout) and 28 (Rumer)! wow!

Kobi Bryant’s daughters are 14 (Natalia), 11, (Gianna) and 8 months (baby Bianka), seen with mom Vanessa.

Madonna‘s son David is and daughter Mercy are both now 11-years old.

Mel B stepped out with her daughters 10-year old Angel and 5-year old Madison earlier in the Spring and I didn’t realize they had grown so much.

Russell Simmons‘ daughters, almost 15-year old Aoki and 17-year old Ming stepped out at a charity event looking so adult as they did with their mom and half brothers 8-year old Kenzo (with Djimon Honsou) and 2-year old Wolfe Lee (with hubby Tim Leissner)

Kelly Ripa has a 19-year old!! Her son Michaeal and also a 15-year-old daughter Lola, and 13-year-old son Joaquin with hubby Mark Consuelos.

Nia Long  took her 16-year old son  Massai Zhivago Dorsey II on a humanitarian trip to Africa. Look how much taller he is than she is!

Reese Witherspoon’s kids with Ryan Phillipe , Ava are 14 and 17 -year old, respectively.

Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith’s son Trey (with Will’s ex Sheree Zampani) is 24!

Down to the younger ones who have grown up is Tia Mowry whose son Cree is now 6.

Finally, Jennifer Hudson’s son David Otunga, Jr. is almost 8-years old. His birthday is today! Happy Birthday, David Jr!


Photos: Instagram, Getty

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