Are you wondering what changes and developments your newborn baby will undergo during their very first year of life? Here’s a complete guide to everything you should expect at each month.
1 Month
In the first month of a baby’s life, you might notice that they have some changes to their skin. Their skin might go quite red or look fairly spotty. But don’t’ worry about these as they are to be expected; they should go away on their own if you leave them. Once your baby is two weeks old, they might go through some excessive crying fits. Normally, these are nothing to worry about, and your baby will grow out of this phase. However, if it is very difficult to soothe your newborn, it could be a sign of colic. If this is the case, take your baby to your doctor for a checkup.
2 Months
You might notice your baby’s very first smile once they reach the two-month mark. It’s at this age that infants start to recognize faces as well, so expect a lot of cooing and smiling when she sees you and other relatives! Some babies might even start to bear weight on their legs when they are held upright, though this is something that you shouldn’t try and rush.

3 Months
Once they hit three-months old, babies will be able to stay awake for longer periods. But that doesn’t mean that they can go without their afternoon nap! Now is also the time to prevent cradle cap as it often appears for the first time around three or four months. If you have been breastfeeding your newborn until now, you should try and introduce some formula milk to their diet now as this will give you a chance to take some time off to relax.
4 Months
Parents who have been struggling with the lack of sleep can start to see a light at the end of the tunnel at four months as this is when most babies start to sleep through the whole night. You should start to introduce some tummy time to your child now as they will be strong enough to push up onto their arms when placed on their front. As they aren’t fully mobile yet, they won’t be able to move out of this position, but giving them a chance to use their arms this way can help to strengthen their muscles.
5 Months
Now that he or she is five-months old, your baby will understand object permanence. This is the understanding that objects still exist even when we can’t see them. So, now is a great time to start playing peek-a-boo with them and challenging them to try and find objects, such as their favorite teddy bear. They will find this endlessly entertaining!Unfortunately, it’s not just fun and games at the five-month mark as this is when some health conditions, including food allergies and eczema, can start to raise their heads. You should also keep an eye out for some of the early signs of teething as they might begin around about now.

6 Months
Your baby is now half a year old! And they will now start to develop their very own personality. Plus, six-month olds are usually filled with confidence, and they will try to wave and smile at everyone who they see, even random passersby in the street! Your little one will start to get a bit more mobile right now and will want to find out about items by putting them in its mouth. So, it’s important that you keep a good eye on them so that they don’t eat anything that they shouldn’t!
7 Months
Once your child reaches seven-months old, they will need to be in a very tight routine. Babies love routines as it gives them some control and they always know what to expect next. You will find that if you ever break from your usual routine, you young child could get very cranky and annoyed. Now is also the time to start baby-proofing your house, especially in the kitchen area. Seven-month olds will be trying to explore as much as possible, so it’s important that there is nothing lying around the house that could hurt them. You might also notice that your baby starts to get a lot hungrier throughout the day. This is perfectly natural and not something that you should be worried about. It’s a good idea to introduce some mid-morning and afternoon snacks to help support their diet.

8 Months
Remember the good old days when you could place your baby down on the floor and they just stayed there? Well, those days are, unfortunately, long gone! Your baby will now be able to roll, crawl, and scoot along the floor, usually a lot quicker than you might expect! However, you shouldn’t worry if your baby can’t crawl yet. As long as they have reached other important milestones, then there shouldn’t be anything to worry about when it comes to their development. They might just be lazy! You should also notice that the baby’s language skills start to improve, even though he or she won’t be able to say any real words yet. But there will be plenty of baby words and they will soon be saying their first ‘mama’ and ‘dada’!
9 Months
Even though your baby won’t be able to speak just yet, at eight-months old you will start to notice some speech patterns. They might stick to the same baby words and noises while you talk to them. It’s about this time when babies start to experiment with facial expressions, and you might notice that your infant tries to mimic you. Trust me, this can be hilarious! One of the worst things about nine-months old, though, is that they might start to turn into very fussy eaters.
10 Months
We’re in double digits now! Did you notice that your baby became a bit pickier with their food at nine months? Well, don’t expect this to get any easier. In fact, most children become a lot more stubborn with their food once they hit ten months. You might also see an increase in their appetite as well, but this isn’t something that you should be worried about. Your baby will have probably learnt to point by now, so you should expect to be asked to get them certain items a lot more often through gestures. Some ten-month olds develop a sense of adventure and start to try to climb. Make sure you always watch them as they normally try to climb up before they have mastered the art of climbing back down!

11 Months
Your newborn baby isn’t so much of a newborn now. In fact, it’s almost their very first birthday! Your baby should now be able to grasp onto items and hold themselves up with a little help. If your child hasn’t already taken their first steps, they should do so this month. So, it’s a good idea to always keep the video camera on hand to catch this precious moment on film! Babies also start to recognize pictures and images, so they become more interested in picture books. It’s also a good idea to make sure that your baby is active every day so that they don’t pile on any excess pounds.
Don’t forget that these milestones are just averages, and there usually isn’t anything to worry about if your child is late reaching them. If you are super worried, though, take them to the doctor.