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Remy Ma is Almost 5 Months Pregnant

Rapper Remy Ma casually announced during her lavish vow renewal with her husband Papoose (real name: Shamele Mackie) that she was expecting her first child after suffering a miscarriage, infamously referenced during her rap beef with Nicki Minaj  last year.

In the caption to a photo taken by photographer Daniel J. Vasquez, the “Melanin Magic” singer, added the hashtags, “#16weeks #BabyMackie.”

The renewal ceremony itself was an intimate affair with all the guests wearing white and playing Jenga, oversized Connect Four and other lawn games at the garden event.

Papoose followed up with his own  announcement by sharing his excitement:

“Y’all already know I’m on level 1 thousand! Man I almost told y’all so many times! But my wife would’ve killed me. She wanted to wait until after the first trimester!” he captioned a video from the formal portraits taken during the ceremony. “Words can’t describe my happiness. I’m just working/building on myself… So I can be the best father possible! God is good #blacklove.”

Since then, he has posted several times sweet shares about his excitement about finally becoming a father.

She has a teenage college-bound son named Jace and he has a teen daughter Dejanae, both from previous relationship.

Congrats to them both!

How to Save Money on #BackToSchool Shopping

It’s that time of the year again! Parents are gearing up to start doing their back to school shopping for their little ones starting school and returning for the first time. It can be very costly endeavor but not if you plat it smart!  These tips from the experts at Experian should help you save a few pennies this year.

1. Create a back-to-school budget to guide your spending.

Building a back-to-school budget will keep you focused when shopping — and help you avoid buying unplanned items.

2. Scout out school supplies you already have before going to stores.

A key to save money on back-to-school shopping is simply to audit the supplies you already have. While you find useful items, make a list of all the pens, pencils, notebooks, highlighters, art supplies, backpacks, and other necessities. You can also spend some time checking out closets and dressers to find out what clothing still fits.

3. Take advantage of stores that price match to save extra money on school essentials.

Stores like Walmart and Target will often price match — which means it’s a good idea to compare prices on school essentials with different retail and online stores. If you find better deals online, talk with customer service to show them the discount at another store to receive a price match. You can also set price alerts on websites like CamelCamelCamel.com to track Amazon.com pricing to know when is the best time to buy a particular item.

4. Check to see if your state has a sales tax holiday.

One of the best ways to save a little money on those purchases is to shop during your state’s sales tax holiday when sales tax is waived on certain items. Not all states offer them, but keep an eye out, because your state may make a last-minute announcement.

5.  Stay focused on your back-to-school shopping list by shopping alone.

One strategy to help you shop faster – and help you stay on budget is to shop without the kids (if possible). Shopping alone can help you be strategic as you shop down the aisles and focus on the necessities you need (e.g. school supplies, electronics). As children get older, they will want to be involved in certain shopping decisions (e.g. clothing, shoes), which is an opportunity to teach them about budgeting

6.  Visit consignment and thrift stores (or swap clothes with other parents)

Most back-to-school spending is going toward clothing and accessories – so finding ways to lower spending on that category is key. If your child is old enough, you can give them a certain clothing budget and take them to second-hand store to buy things they want.  Another option is to organize a clothing swap with other parents you know — or consider selling older clothes at garage sales or online.

Mom Guilt Starts One Day Postpartum: The Rooming In Debate

After I gave birth to my first child, I was one of those moms who would read every childbirth, infant care, motherhood preparation book around. I was a typical neurotic over educated first time mom in America. I joined online communities of mothers having babies the same month as I was to and it was during the various discussions that once in a while a controversial topic would crop up. There were many: To circumcise or Not. To Breastfeed or Not and how long is too long? To succumb to in utero genetic defect testing or Not. It never ceased to amaze me how passionate women could be. Yes the issues were complex and multidimensional, but Geez Louise!

Seemingly nice and sensible women would get all crazed and judgmental when they’d discover that some in their comfortable circle were choosing a path different from their own. Women would label others, call names, banish and shame folks out from the communities; some would self-exile themselves or break out and form other boards. Imagine, all this stress from a bunch of women who never ever met each other most times!! Things would seriously get heated and passionate many times. It’s interesting because though that was nearly 8 years ago, I have seen and heard of similar instances since then among the dozens, might I say hundreds of similar online communities that have emerged since those days. Besides the occasional melo- and sometimes over-dramatic rift every now and again, those communities were the best places to get educated, share resources and knowledge and go through the overall experience with others in their same shoes.

Anyway, at some point, the topic of “rooming in” cropped up.

rooming-in /room·ing-in/ (rldbomacm´ing-in″) the practice of keeping a newborn infant in a crib near the mother’s bed instead of in a nursery during the hospital stay.dorland()

On one side of the argument was that right after birth, an infant needed to have constant access to his/her mother to encourage bonding and ease the baby’s assimilation into the outside world. The advocates for rooming in were usually the same ones who would admonish a mother for even thinking about allowing a newborn to be nursed by formula or even breastmilk through a bottle. To the women in the “au naturale” corner, I will call it, the mom had to be in a coma for it to be okay for the baby to receive nourishment through a latex nipple. So naturally, according to the moms in this corner, it would not even make sense to have the child stay in the nursery. You had to be there in an instant to hear her stirring from hunger so you could pick her up and immediately stick a breast in its mouth. No matter if you are struggling to produce milk, that your milk hadn’t come in yet or you were suffering from extreme fatigue and other effects of having had a c-section for example. They’d point to articles like this one from the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health sclaiming that rooming in mothers had higher instances of maternal attachment to her child

On the other side of the argument were those who felt that a mother needed to use all the luxury and comfort of having a 10+ nursing and hospital staff at her beck and call to take care of her and her baby. These “Posh moms” as they were sometimes mockingly referred to, did not see the rush to have 24/7 access to the baby when they could be using the 2-5 days postpartum in the hospital stay to rest up, heal and get prepared for life after the hospital. They’d have thousands of hours of uninterrupted sleep to expect in the coming months ahead and those initial days post partum were the ABSOLUTE best time to get some much needed mom time. Take advantage of the support as not everyone could afford a baby nurse or nanny at home.

I admit for my first child, I was wholly in the Au Naturale corner. I planned on breastfeeding and did not want baby to spend too much any extra time. When he wasn’t sleeping on my chest, baby was laying in the bassinet and if he but let out a wimper I would have my nose pressed against his bassinet looking for signs of distress. A wet diaper? Hungry? Hot? Cold? Whatever.

I barely slept. I was on edge and anxious. I was recovering from surgery and dealing with all the discomfort and pain from that, but yet I had a new un-selfish role and I had to be ready and able to take care of my child. Whenever a nurse asked if I wanted him to stay in the nursery so I could get some consistent sleep, I always declined. My new role as a mom would be secondary to anything else.

Needless to say, 4 days later when I got home, it was more of the same in terms of lack of sleep. But it was okay. I was doing my job. I was/am a good mom.

Well my has my tune changed three kids, three hospitalizations and three c-sections later. For my second son, I was a less anxious mom because I knew what to expect. I knew no one was going to kidnap him in the nursery. I knew he would get excellent care, be bathed and monitored appropriately in the nursery so I was less at edge with him spending extended periods of time in the nursery. If the time did come when I’d let him hang out at the nursery so I could rest, towards the end of my nap, I would wake up a bit panicky missing him dearly. I’d buzz the heck out of the nursing call station for them to return him to me. But it was all good, because I let myself let go and sleep once in a while. I appreciated them more because I knew what awaited me when I would be discharged.

With my third and last child, boy had my tune turned 180 degrees. I FINALLY realized the importance of taking advantage of the enormous support the hospital staff gave. Imagine, there were 5-10 persons including a lactation consultant, a primary nurse, a vital signs nurse, a baby nurse, a pediatrician, doctors, neonatal physicians, a home care instructor and others all on staff answering my beck and call and making sure I was comfortable and taking a load off.

Boy was I a nut to refuse all that help before! In short, the thing is there is such a thing as “balance.” A new mom can bond with her baby and even do some kangaroo care. She could nurse exclusively, if she wanted. And she could have the baby spend the night in the nursery. All she has to do is buzz when the baby is hungry and they’d happily return your screaming and wailing baby back to you.

It is not a condemnation or commentary on a mother’s value and worth as a mother, on her commitment to raise her child from birth to not be within arm’s reach of her baby that soon all the time. Now I think it is shameful for those who insist on judging others and condemning those who do not agree or make the same choices.

It is a personal choice and a mom’s choice should be respected either way. But without the judgmental neurotic condemning mother, how fun would those mom online communities be? ha

10 Kid-FriendlyThings to Grill This 4th of July

Fourth of July is for grilling in many cities in America.

While just about every adult loves a good cookout, grilling can be hit or miss with the kids. If you’ll be grilling for the family, you may want to stick to serving foods that are attractive to adults and kids alike, that way you can ensure that everyone ends dinner with a full belly.

The next time you’re grilling, consider these kid-friendly grill favorites.

  1. Cheesy corn on the cob: Peel back the husks and remove the silks.  Using kitchen twine, tie the husks together to make a handle to help little hands hold onto the corn.  This also helps keep the husks from burning. Soak corn in cold salted water for about 10 minutes.  Drain the corn and place it on the grill.  Close the lid and let cook for 15 minutes, turning it occasionally.  The grill should be set to medium heat.  Once the corn is golden brown, remove it from grill and brush with melted butter, chili powder and grated Parmesan cheese.
  2. Kabobs: Kids love nothing better than food on a stick; take corn dogs, Popsicles, and lollipops as a testament to this fact. For this reason, kabobs are a popular kid-friendly grilling option.  You can include the kids when threading the food onto the kabobs and they will like them even better because they helped to make them.  Remember, your kabob options are endless. You can make anything from peppers, onions, and chicken to pineapple, tomatoes, and ham, both of which are sure to be a hit.
  3. Sausage on a stick: Make your own sausage on a stick.  Try using regular polish sausages or the sausages with cheese on the inside of them.  Next, thread them on soaked wooden skewers or metal skewers lengthwise, as if it was a corn dog. Place them on the grill.  These sausages on a stick are fun to eat and much easier to manage than a bulky bun loaded with toppings.
  4. Peaches: If your kids like peaches, and even if they don’t, you have to try this sweet grilled variation of them.  Cut the peach in half and remove the pit.  Then dip the peach half into granulated sugar and place it on an oiled grill.  Keep the heat on the low side because it doesn’t take long for these beauties to warm through and get some grill marks on them.  Pull them off the grill, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you have tasty treat.
  5. Sliders: These small size burgers are easier to hold, and there’s less to eat so they work well for little hands and stomachs.  Take 2lbs. of hamburger and mix in salt and pepper to taste.  Form your sliders using a 2” biscuit cutter.  You should be able to get 12 sliders from 2lbs of meat. Press your thumb into the middle of each slider and chill patties for about an hour.  Place some party rolls, split side down on the grill.  Grill for about 2 minutes keeping an eye on them.  Take them off, butter them and tent them with foil.  Put the sliders on the grill and cook for about 3 minutes per side.  Take the patties off the grill and slide them on the toasted buns. Add any toppings your kids like.
  6. Pizza: What kid doesn’t like pizza?  Use your own pizza dough recipe or buy some pre-made dough.  Cut the dough into four equal pieces.  Have the kids pat their dough into a rough circle while you preheat the grill on high.  Throw some flour on the counter to make it easier for the kids to press out their dough.  Add the rounds to a baking sheet covered in a dusting of corn meal.  Take your tongs and a clean towel dipped in oil and oil the grill.  Then carry the dough rounds out and put the pizzas on the oiled grill. After they cook for 2 minutes, flip the pizzas over and have the kids add their toppings.  Pizza sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese and any other favorite toppings can be added to create the ideal pizza. Close the lid and continue to cook the pizza for another 2-3 minutes.  Remove from the grill and let it sit for about 5 minutes before serving.
  7. Grilled potatoes: If you go camping you’ve probably heard of this recipe.  Take 3 large baking potatoes and cut them first in half and then into 1” slices.  Toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika and garlic powder.  Preheat the grill to medium-high and then add a layer of sliced potatoes onto 2 layers of heavy duty foil that’s about 20” square.  Fold the foil around the potatoes tightly and grill for about 30 minutes turning the packet every 10 minutes.  Make sure the potatoes can be easily pierced with a fork and enjoy.
  8. Veggies and dip: Cut 2 zucchini and 2 summer squash into ½” slices cut on the diagonal.  Toss slices into ½ cup of Italian dressing.  Then grill for 3 minutes per side.  Remove from the grill. To make the dip, mix together 2/3 cup sour cream (low fat is fine), 2 chopped scallions (optional), ½ t. Worcestershire sauce, 1 t. lemon juice, 1 t. salt and a little pepper.   Kids can help mix up the dip while the veggies are grilling.
  9. Grilled bananas: While younger children may need a little help with this recipe, older children can certainly make them themselves with supervision. Place bananas on the grill in their skins.  Keep turning them until the skins are blackened.  Remove the stem and skins and slice. Serve them over ice cream for a special treat
  10. Pizza dogs: Cut slices into the hot dogs about ½” apart and ¼” deep.  Grill the hot dogs until heated through and the hot dog should be open at the cut marks.  Serve hot dogs on a bun with pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese. For younger children, be sure to slice the hotdog lengthwise before serving.

Ex WWE Star Stacy Keibler Welcomes Second Child, Son Bodhi Brooks

Congrats to Stacy Keibler on the birth of her second child, a baby boy she and husband Jared Pobre have named Bodhi Brooks Pobre. The former WWE star announced the news on Instagram with a picture of hers and hubby’s hands ans their 3-year-old daughter Ava holding Bodhi’s teenie weenie hand.

“Born at home, on 6.18.18 our sweet little man Bodhi Brooks Pobre entered our world,” she captioned the photo. “His spirit melts our hearts ♥️♥️♥️ We feel beyond blessed!”

Keibler has a home birth, the same as with Ava.

The actress, who once dated George Clooney, kept her pregnancy private until right before almost giving birth when she announced it on social media.



Keibler and Pobre wed in a private ceremony in March 2014.

Lilly Ghalichi Mir Answers Fans in Cute Pregnancy Q & A (VIDEO)

Shahs of Sunset alum Lilly Ghalichi took to Instagram and YouTube to answer some of her fans and followers’ questions about her pregnancy. It was refreshing to me reviewing it to see that the ordinarily extremely svelte attorney was interested in maintaining the curves she’d grow after pregnancy.

Also, her husband told her to embrace the weight gain and pregnancy symptoms because it is a blessing to be a host to a baby.

She also shared her maternity style which really just consists of wearing tube dressed, specifically the  Wolford Fatal Dress in all the colors: red, black and white.

Also, our Bellyitch Bumpwatch alum Khloe Kardashian sent her a pair of her company Good American’s Maternity Jeans

Finally, on the suggestion of her health practitioner, she fought leg fatigue by wearing Jobst Compression Shocks.

It was also refreshing that she told her audience that there really isn’t any way to avoid getting stretch marks because it is genetic. And she is right, the marks appear sometime in the trimester, or even after.

While you cannot avoid the marks, you could do something to slow down their appearance or make them less visible and for the eyelash entrepreneur relies on Bio Oil that she slathers all over her tummy and everywhere gaining weight and or Tee Tree Oil for hair breakage.

To combat acne and other pregnancy-related face breakouts, Ghalichi turns to Murad Clarifying Mask.

As to the things she avoids, all the things he docs told her: She doesn’t drink alcohol or use nail polish unless it is toxic-free pregnancy-friendly polish. She avoids caffeine and cut out sushi, ignoring friends who said they took the risk and ate sushi but as a first time mom-to-be, Ghalichi says she wasn’t taking the risk.

Cravings was Popsicles and carbs thus her 1 pound per week pregnancy weight gain. At 20 weeks, she has gained 20 pounds and says she is comfortable gaining 40 more because she wants her body to do what it wants and to be the best for her baby girl.

Yes! Very refreshing. She is an ideal mom-to-be, who investigates, research and heeds to all the rules! Bravo!

Check out her maternity style on her archived Insta Story HeRE!

Watch her Q&A HERE:

A Drug Store Pharmacist Denied a Miscarrying Woman’s Prescription On His Moral Grounds

If anyone has ever undergone a miscarriage, you know how devastating the entire ordeal can be.  It is an emotional time especially when time comes to expelling the non-viable baby from your uterus.

Fortunately for technology, women no longer have to succumb to the very invasive treatment of having an in office surgical procedure done. Nowadays, there is US Food and Drug Administration-approved medicine called Misoprostol that will do it for you.

That is the option that 35-year-old Nicole Arteaga took when her doctor offered it but when she went to her local Walgreens drug store in Peoria, Arizona last Wednesday to fill the prescription at  nine weeks pregnant, the pharmacist refused.

He cited his own moral objections, as Arteaga described in a now-viral detailed Facebook post

Arizona is one of six states that allow pharmacies or pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions on religious or moral grounds, according to the National Women’s Law Center.

“If you have gone thru a miscarriage you know the pain and emotional roller it can be,” Arteaga wrote in her post, which has been shared more than 36,000 times. “I left Walgreens in tears, ashamed and feeling humiliated by a man who knows nothing of my struggles but feels it is his right to deny medication prescribed to me by my doctor.”

She was later able to get the drug when she received notification that her  prescription was ready for pickup at another location across town.

Walgreens eventually said in a statement that Walgreens pharmacists are allowed to “step away from filling a prescription for which they have a moral objection” per the State’s law.

According to the statement, and in this situation, the pharmacist was “required to refer the prescription to another pharmacist or manager on duty to meet the patient’s needs in a timely manner.”

The Arizona State Board of Pharmacy announced Monday that it plans to investigate what happened in Arteaga’s case.

The AP reports that the board wants to look into whether the Walgreens pharmacist actually followed the Arizona law:

“Arizona is one of multiple states with a ‘conscience clause’ law that allows health care providers to refrain from assisting in abortion, abortion medication or emergency contraception. The law says medical professionals like pharmacists must state their objection in writing.”

Kam Gandhi, the executive director of the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy, told the AP that the state’s “conscience clause” law needs to be clarified.

10 Ways to Keep Baby Cool When You Have No AC

Staying cool during the summer isn’t just a desire for babies, it’s a necessity. Babies who become overheated can suffer terrible consequences, ranging from heat exhaustion to heatstroke. While babies can’t exactly tell you when they are hot, there are signs that can indicate your baby is overheating. Some signs that indicate overheating include your baby being extremely thirsty, tired, and having skin that is cool and moist.

Overheating is one of the leading causes of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) according to the National Sleep Foundation. When babies are too warm they sleep deeper, which can lead to trouble. For this reason, it’s important not to overdress your baby for sleep. When she is sleeping in her crib and there is no air conditioning in her room, putting her in a onesie or a pair of light pajamas is best. You’ll also want to have a fan running in her room to circulate the air, but make sure that the fan isn’t blowing directly on her. To cool the air that the fan is blowing you can put a pan of ice water in front of it.

A good rule of thumb is to dress your baby like you are comfortably dressed, plus one layer. If you are comfortable wearing shorts and a T-shirt then put her in that as well, plus a onesie underneath. If you’re burning up and have a pair of shorts on, leaving your baby just in her diaper may be appropriate. Try to avoid synthetic fabrics when dressing her as they tend to trap the heat and moisture in instead of allowing her skin to breathe.

If you are going to be going outside with your baby then dress her in lightweight cotton long pants, long sleeves, and a floppy hat. Keep her in the shade and preferably somewhere she can feel a breeze. It’s better to keep her skin covered than to use sunscreen on a very young infant. If you must use sunscreen, apply it conservatively and only to the areas of skin that are exposed. You’ll also want to avoid being outside between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m because the sun’s rays are the most damaging during these times.

On hot days holding your baby can cause her to become too hot. Your body is warm against hers and she can overheat from being held close to you. If you must use a baby carrier, make sure it’s a lightweight nylon or mesh one and not something heavy like denim. You want to use breathable fabrics wherever possible.

It’s also essential to keep babies hydrated when it’s hot outside. Babies sweat too, and in warmer weather you need to make sure that you are giving her plenty of fluids. Infants over six months of age can be given water to help keep them hydrated.

Water play can be a good option for those babies that are able to sit up on their own. Never leave your baby unattended during water play or a bath. Babies love to splash in the water. Taking her to a covered baby pool will also help to keep her cool. If these things are not an option, putting a cool wash cloth on your baby from time to time throughout the day will help keep her cool.

If it just seems too hot both in your home and outside and you fear that your baby is too warm it’s a good idea to go hang out in a public place with air conditioning. The library or the mall can offer convenient, cool choices.

If you feel like your baby is becoming sick from the heat, contact her healthcare provider. Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are serious conditions that warrant medical attention.

The Moment This ‘Parenthood’ Star Accidentally Revealed Her Baby’s Gender

Parenthood alum Erika Christensen had planned to keep the gender or her second child private but that is until she accidentally spilled the beans at an even this weekend.

While attending the Vanity Fair and Max Mara Celebrate Alexandra Shipp, ‘2018 Women in Film Max Mara Face of the Future’ Award recipient event on June 12thChristensen first told reporters she was not planning to share the baby’s sex but got carried away chatting about her firstborn daughter 2-year old Shane that she ended up revealing the secret accidentally.

“My mom got her a T-shirt that says, ‘Big sister.’ She seems to grasp that there’s a baby in here. She’s giving the baby some kisses. Hopefully, the little one will learn a lot from her sister,” Christensen said before realizing her slip up. “Oh, well, there you go.”


The Clover actress added about her husband Cole Maness reaction to growing the family.

“He’s very excited. He’s extremely in love with our girl,” she said. “He’s very excited to kind of see what the family expansion means for us.”

cool! congratst!

Bey and Jay Release Joint Album: Planned Blog Post Canceled!

I was going to blog about something totally different this afternoon, but you know how Beyonce releasing an album has a habit of throwing all of my plans in disarray. [See review of Beyonce projects here] and [here] She and her husband Shawn”Jay Z” Carter released a 9-track album called “Everything Is Love” smack dab in the middle of their On the Run II tour. [This is right after the Beychella performance which was right after Jay’s album “4:44” which was right after Bey’s “Lemonade”]

These two don’t want us to keep our coins in our own pockets this summer. Anyway, I digress…

Dee Locket of Vulture did an excellent job summing it up for me so I’ll syndicate her opening paragraph to an excellent review you can read in its entirety HERE:

Your weekend plans: Canceled. Yeezy season: Dismissed. Drake: Who? Beyoncé and Jay-Z have pulled a Beyoncé and Jay-Z and surprise-dropped yet another album — but this time, as a couple. Their first-ever joint album Everything Is Love — the one that’s been percolating since even before Lemonade and 4:44 — was released on Saturday evening at the end of the duo’s London show on their On the Run Tour II with one casual parting announcement: “Album Out Now.” Out! Now! The nine-song album, complete with one visual component and a bonus track, is streaming in full on Tidal as we speak. With their trilogy recounting marital strife to remarried bliss now complete, what do we make of this closing chapter? From the shots at Trump, the NFL, Spotify, the Grammys, and Kanye West, to the Blue Ivy cameo, to filming a music video in the Louvre, here’s everything you need to know about the conversation the Carters have caused now.

Phew! What an intro. Well, today is Father’s Day and before heading out to celebrate, while the men are busy watching World Cup games, I hopped on to pen a few thoughts.

First, I don’t have Tidal, where the album exists exclusively. Yes, they are still trying to make it happen, and even have gone as far as declare war on Spotify. No really, they mention the streaming competitor in one of the songs.  My subscription expired so my options are to re-up it to listen to the complete set or wait until it slowly releases on other platforms. le sigh.

I hear it’s getting mixed, but mainly good reviews. Because I have nothing to add substantively, I’ll share that I loved the only released-to-the-public video out: “Apeshit”.  Imagine! They rented out The Louvre in Paris, France for the video shoot! Wow!


The video for the song is a cinematic and visual treat. I love art. All art. Musical, visual, performing but especially art of yesteryear and religious art so it was a bonus to get to see flashes of famous pieces in the video.

And it is also a bit political. In the middle, there is an overt swipe at the anti-Take A Knee movement.

There is a lot to digest and there have already been publised a bevy or reviews. One thing I can offer that may not have been shared by others about “Apesh*t”  is some of  the similarities to other visual stimuli in other pieces.

Screeeeech!! Hold up, before I go there, I was also taken by the fact the song is Trap and besides both dropping some serious bars and Jay Z delivering an exceptionally good performance, he later gets side-graded (*is that a word?*) in my opinion to be to the sound effects emoting guy to Beyonce’s shine when it’s her turn to spit verses.

You know, like the guy Takeoff in the group Migos? ha!

Anyway, back to the visual similarities I spotted…

First, her sister Solange is famous for her love of dance and art combined. Her wedding reception took place at the New Orleans Museum of Art, and earlier this year, she unveiled a performance piece at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, and performed her title song to her first Grammy-winning album “Cranes In the Sky” at the Guggenheim in New York City.

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And so her big sister went bigger.

The second similarity. The dancers in all brown reminded me of the all Brown clothing the dancers in Remy Ma (featuring Chris Brown) video “Melanin Magic.”

And finally, the album cover is of a woman braiding a man’s hair. It was reminiscent of Rihanna shaving dancer Mette Towley‘s  hair in the intro to N.E.R.D.’s song Lemon.

Art begets Art. There is nothing truly original anymore and everyone’s interpret, pay homage to and weave in aspects of previously done works.

What else did I spot?

I love that there is a shot in the video that is an ode to us Virgos! Beyonce is one too. I got this long lingering shot…

More visuals:

Beautiful! Bravo!



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