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That 4Moms Origami Stroller is a Celebrity Fave

origami stroller

It’s been a long while since I last did my most expensive baby stroller post and since then the market has exploded with some amazing strollers.

One of the top strollers known and widely loved by tech aficionados is the  4moms Origami Stroller. It’s loved because it take the  stress out of traveling about with your kid. I mean it folds and unfolds automatically when you press a button and comes equipped with tech features like a built-in phone charger, thermometer, mileage counter, and LED headlights. If you had any doubt that this is the Rolex of strollers, the Origami Stroller even charges itself as you walk!

It’s on the pricey side but if you can afford it you’ll join the likes of a bunch of celebs who have been photographed out and about with their kids in them. about $850!

Kourtney Kardashian, Rachel Zoe, Tia Mowry, Kim Zolciak, Bethenny Frankel, Melanie Brown, Denise Richards, Kim Zolciak, Neil Patrick Harris and Mario Lopez all have been seen pushing their tots in it.

Check out ABC News review here:

ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos

Want to scope out more parenting tech gadgets? Check out some of the other parenting tech essentials at the Beacon!

NBA Finals: Baby ‘Stuff Curry’ and ‘Cry Baby LeBron’ are Taking the Media by Storm (VIDEO)

baby curry

Ten month old Landon Benton is an Instagram star with close to 80,000 followers and is affectionately now known as Stuff Curry, after the popular Golden State Warriors player Steph Curry.

The moniker came by accident.

In fact, Landon’s mom, Jessica Benton, didn’t even know of Curry and thought a commenter calling her baby Stuff Curry was being mean like some others who have, unfortunately, criticized her cute cherubic baby’s loveable rolls.  Jessica told ESPN  that she Googled the term and found the NBA star. And the rest is history, as they say.

The Illinois mom has since taken it upon herself to outfit her baby in Warriors jerseys and gear and reclaim and play up the name to the baby’s fans, TODAY reported.

And also since then, baby Benton’s career has taken off. He’s been featured on UK’s DailyMail and other sites.

He recently starred in a spoof of an NBA Finals after game press conference along with another baby cast as  “Cry Baby LeBron on Jimmy Kimmel Live!   The Cleveland Cavaliers 5-time NBA champ and MVP, LeBron James, is dad to our Bellyitch Bumpwatch alum, Savannah Brinson James

He and baby LeBron were also part of a recent Jimmy Kimmel Live video/interview too.

Benton’s mom is an advocate against bullying after her older son committed suicide at age 20. He had been bullied as a teen.

? Bullies No Bueno! ? No place for them types around here!! (Tee from @tdotkids) #babylandonlee #stuffcurry

A photo posted by Baby Landon (Stuff Curry™) Lee (@babylandonlee) on

It’s great to see her use Stuff Curry’s new found fame to raise awareness about bullying.  

Behind the scenes:

Father’s Day Countdown: Best and Worst Movie Dads


best and worst dads

Just in time for Father’s Day, Zimbio assembled a very cute list of the best and worst TV movies along with a short little explanation of what made them get that designation. My faves among the list


Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird

 Universal Pictures

Played By: Gregory Peck

Year: 1962

Key Quote: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view — until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”

Furious Styles in Boyz n the Hood


Played By: Laurence Fishburne

Year: 1991

Key Quote: “Any fool with a d— can make a baby, but only a real man can raise his children.”

Bryan Mills in Taken


Played By: Liam Neeson

Year: 2008

Key Quote: “If you let my daughter go now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you,


Norman Osborn in Spider-Man


Played By: Willem Dafoe

Year: 2002

Key Quote: “You’re weak. You were always weak and you will always be weak until you take control!”

Dr. Evil in Austin Powers

worst 2

New Line Cinema

Played By: Mike Myers

Year: 1997

Key Quote: “Kill the little bastard. See if I care.”


Melvin “Mel” from Baby Boy



Played By: Ving Rhames

Year: 2001

Key Quote: “Deal with your son…Deal with him before I kill him!”



Check out the full list HERE!


Just Had a Baby and Want to Start a Biz? Great Tips Ahead….

woman with laptop woc

Our Bellytich Bumpwatch alum Ivanka Trump is all about promoting female businesswomen and entrepreneurs, especially moms. She shared on her blog recent “7 great tips for Entrepreneurial New Moms.” Here is an excerpt:

Protect the time that’s important to you

In the startup world, every single call and every single meeting is extremely important. It’s all too easy to get into a pattern of working without any flexibility for yourself, but it’s important to live in a way that aligns with your values. Don’t sacrifice beautiful moments with your children and miss all the firsts, because that’s time you’ll never get back. Create rules for yourself to protect the time important to you, whether that’s time when you need to be 100% focused on your business or 100% focused on your family. For example, bedtime with my kids is sacred to me. I start my day earlier and go home earlier, so that I can always be there in the evening, and I never schedule anything during that time.

Maximize your hours

Traditionally, in the business world, hard work is measured by the hours you put in. When you’re a mother and entrepreneur, it’s never about the number of hours you work; it’s about maximizing what you do with the hours that you have. Every day, I determine the most important things we need to do for the business, as well as the most important things I need to do for my family. I prioritize those things and I don’t spend time on anything that’s not necessary. Be conscious of getting a return on the investment of each hour.

Read the rest

Photo: #WOCinTech

Memorial Day Grilling Alternative: Bison is Healthier and Lower in Fat


The President of the United States might have just given the bison the designation as the first ever National mammal, but that isn’t stopping people from consuming them as a healthier alternative to chicken and beef. I didn’t even realize that bison was eaten until I saw them on the menu at a restaurant a few years back.

The Honest Bison  company sells “100% grassfed and humanely raised” Bison for retail at supermarket. Interesting. I’m a vegetarian who wouldn’t eat a national mammal, or any mammal, but I realize others do, so I’m sharing a bison bratwurst recipe to consider if you want to mix up your grilling this Memorial Day weekend or any outdoor (or indoor) eating day this summer.

                             Bison Bratwurst Recipe

bison bratwurst


1 lb. (4 brats) Bison Bratwurst

1 onion, sliced

1 bottle of bock-style beer*

2 cups beef broth (or bison broth made with The Honest Bison’s soup bones!)

2 tbsp. grassfed butter

3 cups sauerkraut, drained on paper towels

1 cup halved Brussels sprouts (sautéed in advance with coconut oil)

Sea salt and pepper to taste


Heat a tall-sided skillet or wide, shallow pot over medium-high heat.

Add onion, beer, and bison bratwurst. Simmer, turning brats occasionally, until beer is reduced to a syrupy consistency and onions are caramelized, about 10 minutes.

Remove brats and add beef/bison broth to the pan, scraping the bottom until mixture is fully incorporated.

Add the brats back into the pan and simmer until fully cooked, about 10 minutes more.

Remove brats and bring broth to a full boil until reduced to syrupy consistency. Be careful that it doesn’t burn off.

Reduce heat to medium-low and melt the grassfed butter, scraping up the caramelized bits in the pan.

Add brats back into the pan. Place sauerkraut around brats and cook until somewhat crisp. Turn brats over and stir often.

Add the sautéed Brussels sprouts and stir them into the sauerkraut until heated.

Season with salt and pepper to taste if needed.

Let The Honest Bison know how your dish came out, tag @thehonestbison on Instagram! Happy eating and Happy Memorial Day! Recipe modified from Chaos in the Kitchen.

Make-A-Wish: 10-Year Old Cancer Patient’s Animated Short ‘Wish’ Came Out Wonderfully

neshama cancer

I absolutely LOVED seeing the animated film that Stage 4- cancer patient 10-year old Nesham Ryman created as part of her Make-A-Wish foundation wish.

Neshama loves drawing and art and inspired by Pixar animation in films, she came up with a wonderfully imaginative story about invisible characters that are clumsy (like most of us). The “Klumz” wreak havoc on the lives of a family but only they don’t think they are causing trouble but actually creating fun and magic and art!

“I love drawing and I love movies,”  explains Neshama, who has undergone several reconstructive surgeries in her life. “For my wish, I wanted to combine them by making an animated film.”

Make A Wish   The Klumz by Neshama Ryman   YouTube

It’s a marvelous tale brought to life with the help of the people from Boston-based animation studio Fablevision. The project was funded by Macy‘s “Believe” campaign. For every letter a child wrote to Santa last year, the retail shopping store donated $1 to the @MakeAWish through the end of last year 2015.

And the result is this fantastical short film which Neshama and her siblings narrated and starred in as well! Enjoy it here and the behind-the-scenes short after!

Make A Wish   The Klumz by Neshama Ryman   YouTube2


Neshama’s mother, Lamelle, said in the behind-the scenes short that she believes that the film reflects the struggle of families with children who have cancer.

“Seeing her idea become reality, the image of a bottle of beet sauce splattering all over the table, made me think that, in some ways, it’s representative of the experience of a family dealing with a child’s cancer diagnosis,” said Lamelle. “A giant glass of beet sauce has spilled on your white tablecloth and you need to figure out how to make this the most positive, uplifting journey as possible.”

Heart-warming! I’m rooting for Neshama!

Kim Kardashian’s Mid-Air Pregnancy Scare SnapChat May or May Not have Been Brand Sponsored

kim k snap

Kim Kardashian-West snapchatted a mid-flight pregnancy scare last weekend and many speculated if it was done for attention. In actuality, we see that after showing a small selection of different brand’s tests to pick from, after a few minutes, she shared with her loads of fans and followers that she wasn’t pregnant.

snap scare

The brand of choice to share this news: ClearBlue.

snap preg scare

It may or may not be a coincidence that ClearBlue’s celebrity brand ambassadors Tamera Mowry-Housley, Kendra Wilkinson and  Melissa Rycroft used their pregnancy tests to share their results to their collective millions of fans and followers on social medial.

clear blue brand ambassadors

She did later snapchat a response to people asking her why she shared such a private moment:

“Some people were asking me why I would Snapchat the pregnancy test on the airplane, and I just thought it was, like, funny because I’ve been so private before and what do I really care if I was pregnant again?… I didn’t get my period this month so I was just really confused and I couldn’t stand to be, like, on a whole plane flight for 10 hours not knowing. So that’s why I decided to put it on Snapchat, and I’m not pregnant!’”

No mention of being paid to share that one result which was the clearest of all, but whatevs. What is for sure is that Kardashian-West  did just give that brand a lot of publicity, not just among her fans, but all the media and blogs like this one talking about the brand.

Brilliant! I can’t hate the players or the game!

Here are Solid Tips for Surviving a Car Trip


Ah, the road trip. Just you, the open road and your kids screaming from the back seat about how one of them crossed into “no-man’s land.”

So, what do you do? You don’t want to be stuck at home until the kids turn 18, but you’re not sure you’ll survive hearing the dreaded “are we there yet?” eight minutes into an eight-hour drive. While carefree, “go wherever the wind takes you” road trips may be a thing of your past, they’re possible to survive and even enjoy. But before you pack the car, check out these tips for family road trip success.

Frequent or Infrequent Stops

If you’re traveling with kids, you’re guaranteed to make some pit stops; there is really no way around it. So why not try to make those stops special?

Plot out a few spots along the way where the kids can get out and expend some energy. Check out state parks along your route for a picnic lunch with a view (and room to run around for a half hour). In addition, find unique or quirky landmarks, like the Spam Museum outside Minneapolis or the World’s Largest Alligator in Christmas, Florida. If you are traveling across state lines, stop somewhere the kids can pick out a souvenir from each new state.

Snacks for the Road

Bring a small cooler filled with healthy and easy-to-handle snacks. While it may be fun for a special treat, you definitely want to avoid hunting down snacks at a gas station. For a long car ride, offer your kids some low-sugar snacks to avoid energy spikes. Pack a variety of finger foods, like cheese crackers, yogurt pouches, cereal, carrot sticks or rice cakes. For drinks, try electrolyte water, which will hydrate them faster and for longer periods, allowing you to stop for bathroom breaks less frequently.

Some In-Car Games

Who doesn’t remember playing 20 questions or the license plate game while road tripping as a kid? These kinds of simple car games never go out of fashion.

In addition to those choices, which alone could keep the whole car entertained for hours, try “I’m Going on a Picnic.” Great for kids ages five and up, this is an alphabet-based memory game, where the first person declares “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m bringing (something that starts with the letter A).” The next player repeats the first item and adds one of their own, starting with the letter B. The game continues through the alphabet, and if a player slips up on a letter, they’re out (although you may want to make an exception for younger players or else the game will be over pretty quick).

For quieter games, bring a pad of paper and pencil to play Tic Tac Toe or Hangman.

Tech at Your Fingertips

Look, there’s nothing wrong with using a little modern technology to help make a road trip go smoothly. Not every mile of the open road will be scenic and not every minute needs to be filled with a family sing-along. In fact, it may be the difference between success and a complete meltdown.

Before the trip, invest in an unlimited 4G LTE plan and smartphone like the LG G4, so the kids can have a variety of entertainment at their fingertips. Have your kids pick out a movie or TV show beforehand that you can stream right before the going gets tough.

Holly Madison on Her Pregnancy Diet with Baby #1 Compared to Baby #2

holly madison rainbow

Holly Madison is expecting her second child, a baby boy this time and on her latest E! Pregnancy Blog post, she shared how she recently discovered that each pregnancy is indeed different. She figured it out because her pregnancy diet and cravings are so vastly different.  During her first pregnancy, the former star of The Girls Next Door and Holly’s World on E! said she craved smoothies and healthy stuff, but for this pregnancy, she’s only interested in eating unhealthy stuff and junk food.

Here are both of her “Pregnancy Diets.” “If you can, I would follow the first one!” she pens:

Breakfast 1: Blueberry Green Smoothie: -1 cup water, -1 cup blueberries, -1 cup spinach, 1 banana

Breakfast 2: Escape to Starbucks for an Americano for my maximum daily caffeine allowance and the only thing that doesn’t make me nauseous, a.k.a. a carb, such as a slice of pumpkin bread…which we all know is basically a dessert loaf.

Lunch 1: Organic Kale Salad with oil-free vinaigrette dressing and a bowl of red pepper and tomato soup.

Lunch 2: This is where I make a secret run to a fast food joint, such as Taco Bell, In-n-Out, or the chicken-sandwich-joint-which-shall-not-be-named. Be sure and throw away any evidence before you get back to your house. And drive home with the windows down to get rid of that fast food smell. Who needs the judgment?

Console yourself with the fact that you are taking your daily prenatal vitamin and DHA supplement. For those of you with a sweet tooth, I highly recommend Honest Company’s calcium and vitamin D gummies…they are seriously good!

Snack 1: green smoothie: -1 cup spinach, -1 cup kale, -1 cup water, -1 banana, -2 apples

Snack 2: choke down an organic green juice, preferably while holding your nose. Concentrate on keeping it down by reminding yourself how good this is for the baby.

Dinner 1: Homemade vegan lasagna

Dinner 2: order dairy-free Pinkberry from Postmates

Ha! So there you have it! We think the difference could have to do with the fact she is expecting a child of a different gender this round. Go figure!

Madison is expecting her second child with husband Pasquale Rotella. Their daughter, Rainbow Aurora Rotella, was born in 2013.

After a Mid-Life Divorce: 7 Things to Do to Bounce Back


Women spend so much of life nurturing and giving to others that when they find themselves alone—because of an empty nest, the end of a marriage, or the death of a partner—they often struggle with feeling purposeless. The problems of recently-divorced mid-lifers in particular are many.  Is there a way to overcome this sense of loss and move toward a life filled with connectedness, fulfillment and happiness?

Workshop facilitator and speaker Patti Clark, author of This Way Up: Seven Tools for Unleashing Your Creative Self and Transforming Your Life has been dedicated to helping women through various life transitions for more than 20 years. She identifies 7 key actions that women can take right now to move through this sense of loss and toward a life filled with more enthusiasm, creativity, and joy.

  1. Get Creative!
  • Journal – buy a journal you love the feel of and write in it every morning – externalize your internal process.
  • Play with color – buy some colored pens or pastels and just play with the color, see which colors you are attracted to, don’t judge the outcome, don’t try to draw a stunning picture, just play with color.
  • Doodle – get some pencils and doodle circles and lines and squiggles; get lost in the process, the end result doesn’t matter.
  • Garden – play outside.  Go get your hands dirty, just dig for a while, plant a small herb garden, plant a flower, play in the dirt.
  • Dance, move to music. No one to watch you or judge, just listen to a song you like and move, feel the music move through you.
  • Cook, play with spices. Experiment, don’t follow a recipe, cook with some spices that smell good.
  • Sew. Don’t try to make anything in particular, just play with putting fabrics together, enjoy the texture and color.
  1. Start Re-Wiring your brain – Pay attention to how and what you think
  • Identify the thought process you’d like to transform and set the intention to  change it
  • Observe/pay attention to what thoughts you want to change and why – what is the negative impact on your life
  • Shift your focus when those negative thoughts arise
  • Use your imagination – think about something positive, create a positive scenario
  • Interrupt your thoughts and patterns when the negative thoughts arise.
  • Create a specific plan and choose what to do instead of dwelling on the negative thoughts
  • Look within for inspiration and support; practice meditation and visualization.

3. Be Happy Now  – specific steps toward well being

Birds eye view of a woman gardener weeding an organic vegetable garden with a hand fork.


  • Practice Resilience – Resilience is the rapidity with which we recover from adversity; research shows that meditation improves our capacity for resilience. Focus on recovering – small steps forward every day.
  • Look at your Outlook – Refers to the ability to see the positive in others, the ability to savor positive experiences, the ability to see another human being as a human being who has innate basic goodness, the ability to say “She means well” and mean it.
  • Where is your Attention – What do you generally pay attention to? Researchers found that people spend an average of 47 per cent of their waking life not paying attention to what they’re doing! Focus on what you’re doing right now – pay attention, savor the moment
  • Practice Generosity – Data shows us that when individuals engage in generous and altruistic behavior, they actually activate circuits in the brain that are key to fostering well-being.  Volunteer, help others
  • Get Outside Garden – play in the dirt and get your hands dirty; spend time on the beach, take a walk in the woods.
  • Exercise – moving your body lifts your mood
  • Surround yourself with happy people – who you hang out with matters
  1. Focus on Love and Love Yourself First



  • Focus on your own needs. Practice saying ‘No’ to others and ‘Yes’ to yourself.
  • Give your body the nurturing, rest, and comfort it needs.
  • Prioritize time for yourself, time to do what you love, without judgment that it is a waste of time; and set boundaries to protect the time you have prioritized for yourself.
  • Don’t keep blaming yourself for past mistakes, learn from them and let them go.
  • Dream big! Dream without editing, without judgment, without feeling that you ‘don’t deserve it.’
  • Choose to spend time with people who put your up, not down.
  • Read books and watch movies that make you feel good about yourself.
  1. Be Grateful for what you have now


  • Start each day, before you get out of bed, by saying one thing that you are grateful for.
  • Keep a Gratitude Journal—Establish a daily practice in which you write down 3 things a day that you are thankful for
  • Use Visual Reminders—The two primary obstacles to gratefulness are forgetfulness and a lack of mindful awareness, so visual reminders can serve as cues to trigger thoughts of gratitude.
  • Remember the Bad—Sometimes it is helpful to remember the hard times that you once experienced and how far you have come.
  • Thank at least one person a day for something they have done. Practice gratitude consciously.
  • Call someone once a week to thank them for something kind they have done.
  • Make a conscious decision to practice gratitude—Research shows that making an oath to perform a behavior increases the likelihood that it will happen.
  1. Pay attention to your distractions
    coloring book


  • Instead of hopping on to Facebook, (just a quick peak to see if anyone likes me today)– UNHOOK – one of the best ways to get back in touch with your self is to give yourself a full day off unhooked. Give yourself a 24 hour no phone, no computer day. Journal, walk, draw, unhook!
  • Instead of having just one more glass of wine… go for a walk at sunset instead of making 5:00 happy hour with wine, make it a happy half hour walk.
  • Instead of watching TV, even when there is nothing on that you want to watch … try using an Adult coloring book – it’s creative, playful and proven to reduce stress
  • Instead of shoving food – any food – in your mouth … volunteer to feed others.  Practicing volunteering and service helping others is a great way to feel better about yourself.
  • Instead of shopping, (one more pair of shoes will make me feel better) . . . take time to decide where you would really like to help the world, what problem touches you deeply, then donate that money to a good cause that will serve toward a solution that you will feel good about.
  • Instead of getting insanely busy doing anything else but sitting still… just sit still and breathe. Time yourself – give yourself 10 minutes to watch clouds go by; to watch a sunset; or watch flames in a fire.
  • Even exercise can be a way to avoid getting to know ourselves better… Instead of going out for another run, try sitting quietly and just breathing, and when the urge to jump up feels overwhelming, take another deep breath and just sit and feel where the discomfort is and sit through it.
  1. Inspiration is a soft whisper and a gentle nudge – learn to pay better attention when inspiration comes – and most importantly take action on the inspiration when it does come


  • Wake up 5-10 minutes earlier than you normally do. Close you eyes and ask for any guidance for the day.  That quiet time just upon waking is prime time to access inspiration
  • Allow yourself 10-15 minutes a day (longer is better) to get lost in the flow of something – doodling, playing an instrument, playing with clay, coloring (Zen Adult Coloring Books are great for this) – in this flow time inspiration often comes.
  • Get quiet, look within for 10 minutes a day. This doesn’t have to be hard – it can be done by walking in nature, by sitting quietly watching a sunset, watching flames in a fire, or just closing your eyes and breathing.
  • Ask yourself a question that you want guidance on then go for a walk and pay attention – perhaps you’ll meet someone on your walk or you’ll see something that gives you a flash of inspiration.
  • Start every morning with an intention. Set the intention deliberately and then pay attention to anything during the day that happens around that intention.
  • Take action on any inspiration that comes.  Learn to trust that small, still voice and then act on it. The more you listen for your inspiration and take action on it, the more you will trust it and it will become easier to take action on.
  • Journal about any inspiration and action that you took before you go to bed. Ask for any guidance before you go to sleep. Journal in the morning about any insights from dreams or interesting thoughts upon waking.

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