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When Your Friends Don’t Get What You’re Going Thru, There’s Online Mom-to-Be Communities Like BrightBod.com

online mom

When I was expecting my first child, I did what a lot of anxious first time soon-to-be first-time moms did.  I searched and found an online community of women who were also expecting. I felt comfortable being able to commiserate with other women in my same position. At the time, none of my friends were on the mommy and kids route yet. An online community was the next best thing to IRL (in real life) friends. That was over 14 years ago. Since then, several other online communities have sprouted up.

One new one, BrightBod.com, stands out because it is trying to position itself as more than an online community but also a potential alternative to folks to who do not have healthcare. A reader reviewer, Sharon, checked out the absolutely FREE service and here is her testimonial about her experience:

I wasn’t sure what to expect for my first prenatal checkup. I knew I was going to have lab work done and a complete physical. I was told by a friend that the hormones present in a blood test would confirm I was pregnant, but I wondered why they would be drawing blood to confirm I was pregnant (when any simple urine test could determine that). Actually, it wasn’t until I went to BrightBod.com that I was able to speak with another woman in a video chat about the emotional aspects of some of the tests my Doctor will be conducting.

BrightBod is where pregnant women go to connect with other pregnant women in a free video conference. You can video conference with another pregnant woman one-on-one or video conference with a Pregnancy Support Group. (All of the Support Groups at BrightBod.com are also free. BrightBod is paying people to lead their 30-minute Pregnancy Support Group video conference each week. Their email is Info@BrightBod.com.)

BrightBod.com has become one of my favorite sites. One of the first things I discovered about BrightBod is that I was able to select my Avatar from a big group of Avatars, which were in Yoga poses, Dance poses or Kung Fu poses. Then, I selected a hair color for my Avatar. Next, I selected a hair length. Last, I uploaded a pic I took of Central Park in NYC as a background photo.

Select Medical Condition

Frequently, I like to use BrightBod’s custom 3-D backgrounds (Disco lights, Zero gravity, Magical forest, etc.), which move with my Avatar. Do I need a 3-D background to learn about Pregnancy? Definitely not, but it makes it so much more fun!After you sign up at BrightBod.com, select “My Avatar” (on the left-side navigation) and then, just select “Pregnancy” as your medical condition. When you click on the “Pregnancy” symbol on your Avatar, you can connect with everyone else, who also designated “Pregnancy” for their medical condition.

Connect with others who have SAME medical condition

When I clicked on the “Pregnancy” symbol and was presented with everyone else on BrightBod.com who was also Pregnant, I selected Lucy P. I chose her because she was young and looked approachable. I sent her a video request and she was very, very helpful. By the way, this was free, as is 99% of BrightBod.com.

Evidently, Lucy explained the blood test that I was so concerned about is done primarily to check for STD’s and to rule out genetic disorders. I also found out from Lucy in a video chat on BrightBod.com that a urine test will be necessary to make sure I don’t have any infections. She also said a pap smear will be done to test for Cervical Cancer and a vaginal infection. Of course, they will check my blood pressure, weight and a number of other metrics. Basically, they want to establish a baseline, so they can measure various concerns throughout my pregnancy, should they arise.

Video Conference Support Groups Pregnancy

The Pregnancy Support Group on BrightBod.com will be a weekly event for me. For a half hour each week, sometimes, up to 20 of us will talk in a video conference (like Skype, but for 10 to 20 people at the same time, in the same video conference). I really like that because it’s so helpful to hear from a group of women, as opposed to just 1 other pregnant woman. Sometimes one-on-one is best, but other times, listening to different responses to the same question is immensely helpful.

Sometimes, you have to trust and go with the wisdom of the group!Of course, in the past, I referred to WebMD, but it is completely ridiculous for me to try and self-diagnose. I, for one, can’t ascertain any of the emotional content from reading a random anonymous person’s opinion. Further, I’m not a doctor; I don’t understand a lot of what I have read there. In my opinion, there is no longer any reason to refer to any other site because BrightBod.com is free and makes life so much easier and better.

I really dig the fact that BrightBod is working to position itself as America’s FREE Alternative Healthcare for women who cannot afford the real cost of Healthcare — Deductibles, Premiums, co-pays, and the like! Very cool!

I’m going to have to check them out myself. Consider signing up too! Do it Here!

Potty Train Your Toddler FAST These 30 Blogs

potty train

 Potty is a major milestone for your toddler, one that almost always requires a significant amount of patience and a bit of guidance for the parents and caregivers that are coaching them. Thanks to the Internet and the virtual village of experienced parents, childcare providers and childhood experts that maintain blogs, there’s a wealth of easily obtained information to be found. From preparation to bed-wetting help, here are thirty of the blogs that will help you turn your little one into a potty training success story.

Potty training is a major milestone for your toddler, one that almost always requires a significant amount of patience and a bit of guidance for the parents and caregivers that are coaching them. Thanks to the Internet and the virtual village of experienced parents, childcare providers and childhood experts that maintain blogs, there’s a wealth of easily obtained information to be found. From preparation to bed-wetting help, here are thirty of the blogs that will help you turn your little one into a potty training success story.

Potty Training Preparation

As with so many things in life, the level of success that you and your child will experience is largely contingent upon your level of preparation. Getting your little one ready to transition out of diapers requires some advance planning, as these bloggers can attest.

Potty Training For Boys

Potty training a little boy presents a unique set of challenges for moms and female childcare providers, which might be why old wives’ tales assert that potty training a boy is more difficult than it is with little girls. These five blog posts tackle the issue of potty training from the little boy perspective, helping parents and caregivers get their little guy out of diapers.
Potty Training For Girls
Every little girl is different, and will have her own unique experience with potty training. However, dads and male caregivers may find it daunting to assume the task of helping her break free of the diapers. These five blogs focus on potty training methods specific to little girls, rather than general, gender-neutral insights.
Elimination Communication
Popularized by celebrities like Mayim Bialik, the elimination communication method of potty training begins during early infancy and relies upon a parent or caregivers ability to properly time diaper actions and to take cues from a baby’s behavior regarding the matter. Elimination communication is also referred to as “infant potty training.”


Blog Brag: We’re #1 on ‘Alltop Pregnancy’ Again


I just realized this weekend that the blog has returned to the Alltop.com category for Pregnancy. Alltop.com is one of the first websites that was focused on curating the top news and information from all the top sites around the web. Nowadays, content curation is big and everyone is doing it, but Alltop, founded by former Apple evangelist and New York Times  and Wall Street Journal best seller Guy Kawasaki did it first.

The blog was on it for several years in the pregnancy category. The top 6 most popular stories of all the stories in each category get to be featured a Bellyitch post often was number one, each day.

At some point, we dropped to the number 2  spot and then eventually fell off the list altogether. I’m not sure if was during a time when the blog got hacked and was offline for a while or when it moved from one blog platform to another, but it was sudden and inexplainable.

It was devastating for me because being on Alltop gave the blog some added credibility (and traffic). I proudly posted the button on the blog. I  re-submitted it for consideration and never hear back and just gave up.

I’m not sure how it landed on that site in the first place. Did someone submit my blog? Did the founders and folks who run the site discover it on their own. Who knows.

Alltop   Top Pregnancy News

So it was quite a delight to accidentally stumble upon it once again to see Bellyitch occupying the featured blog post area again. I’m putting my button back too!

alltop logo button - Copy

Happy happy ! Joy Joy!

Ok….back to the regularly scheduled blog posts we go.

Oh I also got honored as one of the Top 30 Mom Bloggers of 2016 by Maternity Glow! Woot!

Yay us! Thanks for the support and being loyal readers and followers!

Inside Nicky Hilton’s Bel Air Baby Shower (PHOTOS)

nicky james

Nicky Hilton and her husband British banker James Rothschild celebrated the impending arrival of their first child, a baby girl, at a baby shower this weekend at the Hotel Bel Air in Los Angeles, California on Friday, May 13.

The lavish event was attended by celeb friends including her aunt Kyle Richards of the Bravo TV‘s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and her daughters, La Toya Jackson, Christina Hinds and her famous sis, Paris Hilton.

Guests ate decadent desserts and played baby shower games including the guest the mom-to-be’s girth game, and drink juice through a baby bottle race game and other fun games. As a favor, guests went home with a dessert packed in a baby food mason jar with a photo of the couple as children glued on the face of the jars, insiders shared.  Very sweet.

This is the first child for the couple which married last year, July 2015 at Kensington Palace in London, England.

Her guests and vendors shared photos of the blessed event on social media. Here are the best photos:


Baby shower ????

A photo posted by Nicky Rothschild (@nickyhilton) on


#NickyHilton ??? A photo posted by Paris Hilton Fans (@hiltonworld) on


  A photo posted by Nicky Hilton Blog (@thenhblog) on




Baby shower crew???????

A photo posted by Nicky Rothschild (@nickyhilton) on


#NickyHilton ????

A photo posted by Paris Hilton Fans (@hiltonworld) on


Is ‘Pregnancy Brain’ a Myth? Depends on Who You Ask

Is “pregnancy brain” a myth?

It’s a running joke among many pregnant women, their partners and friends that you get “mommy brain” while pregnant and shortly after, becoming absent-minded and a little bit of a duIt’s a running joke among many pregnant women, their partners and friends that you get “mommy brain” while pregnant and shortly after, becoming absent-minded and a little bit of a dunce during pregnancy.  Certainly, there are probably hundreds if not thousands of women out there who can attest to this suggestion as FACT.

The answer depends on who you ask. In 2014, a New York Magazine‘s “Science of Us” stated it was a myth that was being debunked.

“[T]he idea that it’s a purely negative effect is a myth that’s in the process of being debunked,” the NYMag authors noted. “Any pregnancy-related impairments are likely a side effect of what ultimatelys is a maternal neuro-upgrade that boosts women’s ability to care for their vulnerable offspring.”

The news was welcome because it meant the demise of the baby-brain, considered a “simplistic, one-sided concept that almost certainly encourages prejudice against women.”

Not so fast.

But a 2011 study said something different.

Researchers Jessica Henry and BarbaraSherwin publishedban article in Behavioral Neuroscience which reports that women in late pregnancy and soon after birth had significantly LOWER scores than a control group on a variety of tasks. The science says our stupidness may have to do with changes in cortisol and estradiol levels.

As you probably know by now, studies are frequent and differ so take all info you get with a grain of salt. 

Personally, we think it is a myth.

Holly Madison’s 6 Tips to Conquer ‘Pregnancy Brain’ Forgetfulness

holly madison

Holly Madison is expecting her second child. The former reality TV star, author and TV personality has launched a Blog on E!Online. For her second post, she talks about that forgotten symptom of pregnancy: forgetfulness or “mommy braind” as it is sometimes called.

In her insightful post, the former The Girls Next Door, star offers moms-to-be some some sage advice and 6 tips for fighting temporary memory loss caused by being knocked up. (smile):

1. Become a List Junkie: Make notes on your phone, keep a traditional day planner or journal, leave Post-Its everywhere. Keep a special place near your door to set your diaper bag every day and post a check list somewhere nearby of all the things you can’t leave the house without.

2. Exercise Every Day: I know what you are thinking: when? But even if it’s just sprinting around the block a few times or pulling up a short Youtube yoga video when you have a few free minutes can get the blood pumping to the brain enough to make a difference.

3. Stop Worrying!: Cortisol, one of the hormones that possibly triggers the forgetfulness in the first place, spikes when you stress. Remind yourself that you are strong and capable and only so much of life is within your control, anyway. Worrying is a waste of time.

4. Upload a New Game on Your Phone: One way you can make your brain work in ways it’s not used to is by downloading a new game, preferably one that requires hand eye coordination and one dissimilar to games you already play. This is a quick and easy way to switch gears mentally when you find a spare moment.

5. Learn a Second Language With Your Baby: Why not pick up some dual language story books or sign language flashcards to share with your baby? The interaction promotes bonding, can be soothing, and if the language is a new one for you, it’s an easy way to stretch your brain while on mom duty.

6. Fish Oil: One of the health care professionals I visit recommended “copious amounts of fish oil” to help combat my brain fatigue. I took fermented cod liver oil capsules (sounds lovely, doesn’t it?) several times a day, and I feel it helped me get back to normal. If you are a vegetarian, try algea supplements, flax or chia seeds.

You can read the entire post HERE!

Madison and her husband event producer and carnival owner Pasquale Rotella recently celebrated the 3rd birthday of their daughter Rainbow! The couple married in 2013.

Happy birthday to my little baby! #3years #lovemyfamily #celebrate #rainbowaurora #timeflies #anotherontheway

A video posted by Holly Madison (@hollymadison) on

Jessica Biel had Anxiety about Taking her Baby to A Restaurant so she Opened a Kid-Friendly One

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photo of Au Fudge – compliments Jessica Biel/Au Fudge

Though she’s built up almost a year of mommy experience, Jessica Biel says going out to eat with a baby is still an anxiety-ridden experience.

The 33-year-old actress, who gave birth to her first child Silas with husband Justin Timberlake in April 2015, dished to E! News about the inspiration behind her new restaurant, Au Fudge.

“Since he’s so little still and I’m still kind of learning how I do it in a very smooth and like elegant way, it’s terrifying,” she told E! News’ Catt Sadler of her trips for food with her young tot. “You get to a place, you want to make sure the diners around you are not being bothered, you’re full of anxiety, you’re trying to go as fast as you can—you don’t enjoy it at all.”

au fudge1

However, she’s quick to note that these are the same anxieties she wishes to quell for new parents at her brand new kid-friendly eatery.

“That is exactly what we want to erase from the feeling of a mom, a dad, a family, a nanny, grandparents bringing their grandkids here. It doesn’t matter. We just want you to feel stress free about it and know that they’re playing with things that are safe, that we don’t use chemicals here, that there’s not just a bunch of plastic everywhere and we’ve really tried to think very thoughtfully about your family because it’s our family, too.”

Biel elaborated on the project to E! News back in September, adding that having her first baby certainly changed her perspective on how a restaurant should be.

“When we started talking about this, I didn’t have kids and so when [my friends] would say to me, ‘We need a place where we can go and have great food and feel confident where that food is coming from and a place where my kids have fun. This is missing.’ And I’m thinking, ‘Sure I guess, I’ll come hang out,'” she explained.”I didn’t have any real understanding of how important it would be to find a place and create a space where a family can come and your kid can be happy doing something and you can be really happy doing something else or you can be experiencing it together.”


With her baby boy turning one in just a month, will Au Fudge be the spot of a big birthday bash?

“Honestly we’ve been so busy here—I literally have no idea what we’re doing,” she admitted. “He hasn’t had any sort of sugar like that, so I don’t know. I think I probably gotta start thinking about that…I don’t even know if I have the brain power at the moment to do anything other than just get this thing off the ground.”

Au Fudge officially opens to the public on March 4.

See more photos at Eater.com

There were tons of Celeb Baby Bumps at BET’s ‘About the Business’ Premiere

about the business

Last week, the Black Entertainment Television (BET) network launched a new reality TV (docuseries) about a tight-knit group of women in the elite world of urban Hollywood at a party in tinsel town.  The show is called About the Business and it stars a Bellyitch alum Eva Marcille and current mom-to-be Crystal Renay (real name Crystal Williams), who recently tied the knot with her R&B beau Ne-Yo (real name: Shaffer Chimere Smith)

The show features the women getting on their daily grind by day and by night balancing career family and their African American celebrity circles, a release from the network states.  Two other reality TV moms-to-be attended: Draya Michele of VH1‘s  Love and Basketball and  Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood castmember Masika Kalysha

It looked like it was a bump-filled event!  Nick Cannon and Ne-Yo will cameo on the show.



Eco Friday: Made From Earth Skin Line is All Natural Goodness (REVIEW)

JJ Ghatt   jjghatt  • Instagram photos and videos

With the winter months come dry, cracked skin, and added need for a moisturizer.

If you are interested in maintaining balance in your face, hands, lips and neck these colder days, while still keeping it all natural, a good bet is the products sold by Made from Earth. Back in the fall, the makers were generous enough to send me some of their wonderful products. They’ve been a God send and I’ve incorporated them all into my daily and weekly cleansing, toning and moisturizing ritual.

At least twice a week, I cleanse my skin with the grapefruit glycolic wash ($29.99) to keep the break outs away.  It’s been working because before, during the warmer months, I was getting pimples regularly.

Also, daily, I moisturize my face and neck with the vitamin c moisturizer. ($36.00)  The organic ingredients and vitamin c are defenses against the sun as well. To keep to my skin tight, I’ve been having success with the vitamin enhanced face firming serum (44.99) . It goes on non-greasy and dries quickly.  On some days, I’ve gone with the vitamin enhanced moisturizer  ($74.55) which has anti-aging properties that I can appreciate given I’m like most women out here fighting the effects of getting older.

Because I am always reading or working on a computer for long periods of time, my eyes get tired often. For five days at a time stretches, I’ve dabbed on some of the chamomile eye therapy cream ($22.95) around my eyes each morning after washing my face. The 5-day regimen does a great job to pick me up and I think it has collagen in it to firm up that area! Good for combating crow’s feet!


I also dig the Cucumber Cooling Gel ($13.49) and wear it regularly because it leaves my face refreshed. It’s also cool that it too has a toning property, and fights against sun damage and bags under the eyes. Good stuff.

Before applying make up, I spray on the skin correcting toner ($17.00). It is tingly and leaves my face feeling refreshed. I love the apricot scent it has too.

Finally, I keep the blueberry lip balm ($4.99) in my purse to moisturizer my lips and keep them from getting chapped. Sometimes I use the beeswax butter balm ($18.99) as a back up but it’s a bit greasy for the lips. Not my fave.

All of the ingredients, according to the makers, are organic, paraben free, eco-friendly and environmentally-conscious in ingredients, testing and manufacture!

Nice! If you’re looking for earth-friendly beauty products check out Made From Earth on its website!

JJ- approved

JJ- approved

The Lessons from Tisha Campbell-Martin Reveal on How A Sexual Abuse Past Disrupts Breastfeeding Plans

tisha martin campbell

There are many women who have psychological impediments to breastfeeding due to anxiety from past sexual abuse or rape. Dr. Ken‘s  Tisha Campell- Martin is among that group.

The comedic actress, best known for her role on the television shows Martin and My Wife and Kidsopened up for the first time in 2014 on the talk show The Daily Helpline that she was raped at the age of 3.

“It would affect me with breastfeeding my children.” the Househusbands of LA star recently shared with Madame Noir.  She continued:

I didn’t want to with the first one because I felt like I was going to hurt him. You know, that kind of thing. It’s surprising how things kind of pop up out of nowhere. I didn’t know why I felt uncomfortable doing that. I didn’t want to do it, and I felt like it was a lot of pressure for me to do it. Finally, the pediatrician was like, “Can you just stop trying? Because the baby can see your angst.” So I took the pressure off of myself, and it was easier to do it with my second child because I knew what it was then.

There is discomfort to having exposed the breast, stomach and other sensitive areas of the body that was once unwillingly exploited by an abuser. More women, their partners and spouses, doctors and health professionals are becoming aware of this additional impediment to breastfeeding.

It is well known that black women breastfeed their babies at a lower rate than White and Hispanic women, with much of the reasoning pointed to lack of family and hospital support, insufficient education and challenging work situations.

Past sexual abuse is another overlooked reason.

Blogger Leila at My Baby and Blog pointed out an article a little while ago published in Babble which noted that abuse could also impact co-sleeping, as well as breastfeeding. In the piece, Tonia, a mom of two small children, had expressed that she had a tough time breastfeeding because she was abused by an older relative as a teen.

“I breastfed my daughter, but the sensation of nursing and having to give my body over so completely and constantly was extremely unpleasant for me,” she said adding how an attempt to breastfeed her second child led to a breakdown. “Just the thought of doing it all over again, and this time with a 19-month-old [to take care of as well], made me so anxious that I broke down crying one night and decided I would be going straight to formula.”

Not all past abuse victims have breastfeeding challenges, but it is important to not judge women who choose to not breastfeed given the wide variety of reasons out there including the effect of past abuse.

So in the Mommy wars, lay off on those who chose to bottle feed. You never know…

h/t Kim D. Lett  My Baby and Blog

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