Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash
A lot of women want to know what sex their baby will be before they give birth. There are tons of old wives tales that offer clues and these non-scientific predictors, although not proven for sure, are sometimes accurate.
If you are having a boy, it’s been said the fetal heartbeat on the doppler fetal monitor will be over 14o beats per minute. Others have said if you are having a boy, you will carry the baby out front like a basketball, develop large and dark nipples or bright yellow color of the urine are all signs too.
Some of the signs indicating a baby girl, according to the Old wives, include a heart rate of less than 140 per minute, bulges in the back and the hips, watermelon looking belly, dull yellow urine color, breasts that are blossom and appearance less than normal.
Then there are the fun voo doo tricks.
Tie your wedding ring to a string and watch it sway over your bell. If it sways in a circular motion, then it is thought to be a boy whereas the sideways movement indicates baby girl. Craving for salty and sour foods are known to be there in case of baby boy whereas sweets and orange juice cravings indicate baby girl.
Another way to find out is by adding your current age to the month of perception and if the number comes in even then it is a boy and if it comes an odd number then it is considered to be a girl.
There are even thing they say you can do to make yourself more likley to conceive one gender or another.
If you wish to conceive a baby girl then prescribed diet includes food items like corn, eggs, yogurt, coffee, beans, plums, fish, meat and liver. The restricted food items should be oranges, watermelon, alkaline foods and potatoes.
If you wish to conceive a boy then you should include lentils, pine nuts, sprouts, almonds, avocado and royal jelly in your diet.
Dairy products and foods having calcium and magnesium should be avoided. Here is an old wives tale infographic shared before for you to Pin.