I did not watch the SuperBowl last night so I missed all of the commercials. Congrats to our Bellyitch Bumpwatch alum Giselle Bundchen whose husband Tom Brady clinched his 6th historic NFL championship while playing for the New England Patriots.

In case you are like me, here are all the best ones:
One of the fave is our alum Serena Williams‘ commercial for Bumble.
And the other “mom” one featuring another one of our bumpwatch alums Christina Applegate.
Cardi B did one with Steve Carrell for Pepsi
And other really creative spots
See the other commercials apart of Verizon’s series here.
My fave because I like the Story telling aspect of it!
I also like Toni Harrison’s Toyota ad.
Our girl “Carrie Bradshaw” is into beer now?