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7 Tips for New Moms Returning to School After Baby

graduate baby2

You don’t have to let the fact that you had a baby before or in the middle of college deter you from returning or starting. Despite all the obstacles and challenges associated with returning to school after a baby, if you put in a plan, you certainly can do it and findAnanny.com wants you to use these beneficial suggestions to get it done.

1. Build a Support System – The most important thing for a student mom to have in place is a strong and reliable support system. Not only will you need help with childcare and managing the needs of your new baby while keeping up with your studies, you’ll also need a shoulder or two you can cry on when things get difficult. Finishing school as a parent will be a challenge, and having a few people in your corner can make all the difference.

2. Create a Routine That Works For Your Family – There is no hard-and-fast rule about how you have to structure your household routine, especially when your little one is still an infant. Find a schedule that works for you and build around it. If online classes are more conducive to learning and completing assignments than a traditional classroom setting, that’s the best solution for you. On the other hand, getting out of the house and interacting with your classmates may help you manage the demands of parenthood more easily. Whatever works for you is the best solution, regardless of how well it would work for someone else

3. Set Realistic Goals -You may have planned to take on a full course load before your pregnancy, but that may not be realistic after the birth of a child. Rather than setting goals that aren’t feasible and being disappointed when they prove to be a bit more than you’re ready to handle, take your time and make a plan that you can actually adhere to. Celebrate each milestone along the way and stay focused on each smaller goal as they approach

4. Work Out a Reasonable Timeline- Finishing school on the standard time table may be out of the cards for you as a new mom, and that’s okay. The goal is to finish, so take the time to figure out when you can realistically complete your studies. You may have to shoulder a lighter burden in terms of classes and finish later than some of your peers, but you’ll still leave with a diploma, which is better than trying to take on too much only to end up burned out and frustrated enough to quit school altogether. You may also have ideas of returning to school days after the birth of your child, however, that may not be possible. Finding the right time to return to school after you recover from delivery and have bonded with your new baby may be a bit more complicated than simply returning as soon as you’re discharged from the hospital.


5. Find a Caregiver You Trust – Your child will have to be cared for while you’re at school since you won’t be able to take her to class with you. To make the transition into school after becoming a new parent, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve found a childcare provider you absolutely trust and have no qualms about leaving her with. If you’re distracted and worried about your child’s safety while you’re in class, your academic performance probably won’t reflect your actual abilities.

6. Prepare for a Bit of Separation Anxiety -Regardless of how excited you are to get back into school after your maternity leave ends, you will feel at least a little bit of separation anxiety until you adjust to the idea of no longer spending the entirety of each day with the fascinating little person you’ve created. If you’re prepared for the stress of leaving your child in someone else’s care and understand that it’s just temporary, it can lessen the sting and help to make that pain a bit more manageable.

7. Don’t Be Scared to Adjust Your Schedule – As a new mom and a student, your schedule may have to be adjusted a few times until you find the one that works for you. Making adjustments is not the same as admitting defeat, so don’t be afraid to finagle things until you find the methods that work best for you and your new family.

The Things You Have to Consider When Picking a Child Safety Seat



A baby is on the way! Paramount on the list of concerns for a new parent is safety, and safety concerns will start sooner than you might initially think: on the car ride home from the hospital as your new baby takes his/her first ride in a car seat.

Choosing a car seat can be a daunting task; have you seen the size of the car seat section at your local baby supply store? It is huge, with multitudes of seats to choose from, ranging anywhere from $40 to several hundred.

So how do you choose the right one?

Budget: Because car seats can range from well under a hundred dollars to several hundred, many people automatically assume more expensive must mean a better seat. But this is not actually true. One seat that is frequently recommended by Child Passenger Safety Technicians as easy to use and install runs right around $40.

All seats must pass the same basic set of testing standards and ultimately the best seat is the one that is installed and used properly, so take an honest look at your budget and then find a seat within that budget that fits your child’s needs (see below) and your vehicle well, have a CPST teach you how to install it and always use it properly. Visit www.car-seat.org to find a CPST near you.

Age/Size of Child: Even the best car seat is useless if it is the wrong seat for the age and size of your child. Many seats are labeled in ways that are misleading to parents. For example, many booster seats say on the package 30lbs-100lbs. We all have seen one year olds who are pushing 30 lbs. That does not in any way mean that a one year old is ready for a booster seat—many children are not ready for boosters until age seven or eight because size alone is not the determining factor. So do some research and figure out what seat (infant, convertible, forward facing, harnessed booster or unharnessed booster) is best for your child based on both their age AND their size.

As of 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children under age two stay in a weight appropriate rear-facing car seat or to the maximum weight and height limitations for their car seat for maximum safety and head/neck protection.

For some children, this may mean rear-facing until age three or four. A good place to start is the NHTSA website. In addition, since many harnessed car seats (often called a harnessed booster) now offer weight limits up to 80-85 lbs, it is wise to consider extended harnessing for your child for ultimate protection. There is a reason that even race car drivers use this kind of harness—it helps keep the passenger in the safest position and protects them better.

Don’t be in a rush to move “up” to the next style of seat. Each step “up” is actually a step “down” for safety.

5 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health After Baby Comes Home


Today is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day, a day established to raise awareness of the existent or mental health challenges among children and  we moms.

When an individual becomes a parent or caregiver, their occupations drastically change and it can be overwhelming,” says Theresa Carroll, OTD, OTR/L, Clinical Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy at the University of Illinois in Chicago and also a volunteer Babywearing Educator with Babywearing International. “Many find themselves having to sacrifice self-care, leisure activities, work, and even education to prioritize the new occupations involved in caring for a newborn.”

Occupational therapy practitioners are experts in activity (occupations) participation such as self-care, work, and play, and can help new parents and caregivers compensate and find balance by promoting healthy routines to preserve mental wellness.

In honor of today, the American  Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) offers evidence-based tips for new caregivers to promote mental and physical health and well-being:

1. Increase skin-to-skin contact. Physical contact between caregiver and child promotes physical and mental development for baby, and elicits good feelings for the caregiver.

2. Wear baby when safe. Wearing a baby in a carrier or wrap promotes physical development including head control and understanding of the world around them. It also gives caregivers the opportunity to participate in occupations such as household chores, tending to older children, and leisure such as walks.

3. Connect with others. Join a parent group, playgroup, moms’ club, dads’ club, parenting support group, stroller exercise group, etc. for support. Many local libraries hold free weekly events for young children, which offer structured play for both parent and child, and informal networking for caregivers.

4. Set realistic expectations. Caregiving is not all giggles, hugs, and “I Love Yous” all the time. Some days, the dog is barking, the baby is crying, the toddler is having a meltdown, the sink is full of dishes, and the laundry seems never-ending. Sometimes, juggling work demands or little sleep and continuing to breastfeed can seem impossible.

5. Understanding that most parents feel this way and are going through these changes can help.

Accept help. Understand that accepting help with daily activities is not admitting defeat. Assistance from others can offer time to participate in self-care and health-promoting leisure routines. “Taking care of yourself as a caregiver translates to the mental wellness of the child,” says Carroll. “Allowing others to care for your child so you can take a shower, go for a run, or read a book can be beneficial to both caregiver and child.”

“Occupational therapists understand the benefits of engaging in meaningful occupations for mental health,” says Carroll. “Helping caregivers establish routines that facilitate the balance of caregiving, self-care, and leisure can promote mental wellness for both the caregiver and the child.”

AOTA is a supporter of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day on May 4.

According to SAMHSA, more than 1,100 community-based mental health services and supports providers, community programs, schools, and collaborating organization affiliates from across the country are estimated to be celebrating this annual observance.

How to Thrift and Upcycle like a BOSS! (GUIDE)

Bellyitch Rewind

thrifting and upcyling

Saving money is trendy, believe it or not and so is Thrifting! When thrifting for larger items that you may fix up, polish, reupholster and DIY (Do-It-Yourself) into a new masterpiece, it’s called Upcycling!

Rare finds like vintage armoires and antique dressers are among the best pieces of furniture to repurpose, collect, or display in your home. But even ordinary used furniture and housewares can be transformed into unique and functional pieces! Collecting and repurposing furniture and household items is all the rage right now. Images of refurbished and made-over salvaged pieces can be seen splattered all over Pinterest and Facebook.

Since part of an upcycler’s job is turning trash into treasure, it’s important to learn the ins and outs of thrift shopping. If you are new to this, knowing where to begin can be tough. This guide helps you learn what to look for while thrift shopping, where to go, thrift shopping etiquette, and money-saving tips for garage sales and estate sale shopping. It also includes suggestions on what types of housewares are easiest to upcycle, and types of furniture that are best for beginners to refurbish or make over.

Do Your Research

Start by conducting some online research. A great source for finding estate sales in your area is Estatesales.net. This site offers photos, maps, and directions, and you can search by city or county. Other sources are your local PennySaver magazine and Craigslist. Craigslist has a section for local garage sales, and under “for sale” there is a section called “free.” You can find real-time curb alerts in your area. You can also download a Craigslist app to your phone to make treasure hunting easier.

To find the best places to go, ask your friends and join social media groups. Goodwill, for example, has a vast selection of housewares available most of the time.

What to Bring

Preparation is key when thrift shopping. Keep a small bag in your car for planned and unplanned shopping trips. Here are a few things you should keep inside this thrift shopping emergency kit.

A Thrifter's Emergency Kit

Source: Fix.com

Tote Bags: Many estate sales and garage sales do not provide bags. Keep a few neatly folded in your emergency shopping kit.

Newspaper: Newspaper or scrap packing paper comes in handy for delicate items.

Measuring Tape: Keep a small tape measure to ensure accuracy when shopping for large items.

Screwdriver: For large items that may need to be disassembled to fit in your car.

Cash: You shouldn’t necessarily keep a wad of hundreds in your emergency kit, but keep in mind that most estate, garage, and yard sales will be cash-only.

Wish Lists: It’s important to remember your needs versus your wants. It’s never a good idea to shop frivolously. Even if you are getting a good deal, it’s good to know when to say no. Keep two lists – what you need and what you want – to prevent overspending.

List of Measurements:This is handy if you are furniture shopping. If you are looking for the perfect chair for your living room, for example, make sure you know the dimensions you need. This way, you’ll be certain your new piece will fit perfectly.

Before heading out to find the perfect coffee table to paint or armchair to reupholster, be sure to measure your room. Measure its length and width, as well as any relevant wall space. Consider doors, windows, fireplaces, and existing furniture. It helps to make a rough sketch of your room and placement of your furniture. Don’t worry – it doesn’t have to be to exact scale, but this way you’ll have a better idea of what fits before making an ill-fitting purchase you may regret.

Standard Measurements for Living Room Furniture

Source: Fix.com

Thrift Shopping Etiquette

Now that you are armed and dangerous, thrift shopping etiquette should not be overlooked. Here are a few helpful hints to keep in mind. Estate sale shopping is a little different than thrift store shopping. There are two schools of thought when it comes to upcycling at estate sales. You can get there early and be the first person there, or wait and go at the very end. Getting there early is good because you will have the most selection. However, if you wait until the end you have the most negotiating power. If you are just browsing, you may benefit from waiting until the end and finding an awesome deal, but if you have a specific item in mind, your best bet is to get there first.

Next, be sure to shop with heightened sensitivity. Estate sales are often conducted by someone who has lost someone that they love; the items on sale have meaning to the seller. Finally, have fun and be patient. It may take a few estate sales to get used to the process.

Money-Saving Tips

Just because you are “thrift” shopping, doesn’t mean you are always getting the best deal. Use your smartphone to compare prices to equivalent and newer items that are similar. Second, be aware of sales. You can call ahead to your local thrift or donation stores to find out about upcoming sales. For example, Goodwill stores have a special “colored tag of the day.” Look for the colored tag and get 50 percent off. Third, if you see a chip or other blemish you can easily repair, don’t be afraid to respectfully ask a thrift store clerk for a discount. Nine out of ten times they will give it to you! Finally, be nice. Try not to play too much hardball when negotiating at yard sales and garage sales, especially if it’s early in the day. It won’t be well received. Simply ask, “Can you tell me your best price for this?”

What to Look For

Estate sales, garage sales, and thrift stores are great places to get inspiration and find your next DIY project. With a little preparation, knowledge, and fortitude, you can find hidden gems and turn someone else’s trash into treasure. But for beginner upcyclers, perusing cluttered shelves and tables can be overwhelming.

Sturdy glass vases, containers, baskets, and wooden bowls can be easily painted, frosted, wrapped, decoupaged, or embellished. They can be used not only for flowers or fruit, but for storage, organization, and gift wrapping as well. Mirrors and frames can easily be transformed and repurposed as well.

Upcycled Creations Before and After

Source: Fix.com
Small furniture pieces like chairs, side tables, accent tables, stools, and ottomans are great pieces for newbies to make over. Examine the piece before you buy it. Make sure it can be easily taken apart and put back together. If it looks too difficult, pass on it until you are more experienced. For upholstered pieces, if it smells bad, just say no and move on. Some smells are impossible to get rid of. Also, do not pay attention to the color or fabric. It can always be changed. Rather, look for the shape, lines, and curves that interest you. Small scratches and blemishes can be easily repaired as well.

Your trash to treasure adventure can now officially begin. You know where to look, what to bring, how to act, and what to look for. Ready, set, thrift!

Which Athletic Brand Are You (TAKE THIS QUIZ!)


I’m a fan of the Converse brand and have blogged about it a lot in the past.

I love that it the All American brand and that the company is branching off into other styles and offerings. What you wear reflects your personality, so it’s a great idea to know what that says about you and what athletic brand you can relate to best.

Take this quick Personality Quiz to find out which Athletic Brand you are:

How to Transition Your Kid to a Toddler Bed


Co-sleeping was a lifesaver when your child was a baby, but now that he’s an energetic toddler, taking up half of the bed and thrashing around all night, the time has come for him to move into his own room. To make this transition as smooth as possible for your family, here are a few upgrades you should make to his room before his first night sleeping solo.

Install a Security Camera

When your little one moves into their own room, it’s only natural to worry about how they are getting on by themselves in there all alone. By installing a security camera, you can get a real-time view of what’s going on in there whenever you want. If you hear a noise in the middle of the night, you can easily peer in your child’s room through the security camera’s companion smartphone app, instead of having to get up out of bed and chance waking up your little one.

While some rely on a baby monitor for the same purpose, a security camera is a more effective long-term solution as your toddler moves into his or her own room. Lorex security cameras are designed to have a longer lifespan than baby monitors and they use state-of-the-art technology, which allows them to provide a clearer picture, even in low-light situations.

Add Blackout Shades

Anyone who has ever tried to put a toddler to bed during the summer, when it’s still broad daylight at bedtime, knows that the darker you can make the room at bedtime, the better. This is especially important as you transition your child into his or her own room, as most toddlers will use any excuse (“but it’s still sunny outside”) to fight sleep and avoid bedtime.

For a high-tech solution, try Serena remote controlled shades. They can tie into the rest of your connected smart home gadgets, so you can activate them with the touch of a button from your smartphone or tablet.

Put the Lights on a Dimmer Switch

Help ease your child’s energy level down at bedtime as your create a new nighttime routine in their own room by gently dimming the lights in the hour leading up to lights out. Exposure to bright lights before bed can deceive your little one’s internal clock, making it tough for him or her to fall asleep.

Add a dimmer switch for the overhead lighting in your child’s room, easing the lights down further as bedtime approaches, switching to a small reading light as you read the final bedtime story together. Using a reading light is ideal, as it offers minimal light and can be easily switched off without getting out of bed as you snuggle your toddler to sleep.

Match White Noise

Consider any white noise that you child may be used to hearing while sleeping and mimic that in his new room. For instance, if you sleep with a ceiling fan on or a sound machine, do what you can to recreate the white noise in your child’s room. Whether that means installing a ceiling fan, adding a small fan on a nightstand or getting a sound machine, these relatively quick fixes can make a huge difference in easing your toddler’s transition.

Let This Subscription Box Help You Get your Unhealthy Snacking Under Control


It is an undisputed fact that snacking on high calorie, high fat, sugar and salt snacks does our diets in every time. The average American gets about 23 percent of daily calories from snacks. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), for a man that amounts to 634 calories each day from snacking and 438 for women.

However, it is possible to snack smartly by incorporating a handful of nuts, greek yogurt, berries, raw veggies and humus to help stave off hunger so we aren’t ravenous come lunch or dinner time. But that’s not easy either. In today’s high paced times, people don’t make time to pack healthy snacks and the good stuff isn’t always the most tasty, hence why we go for the junk food!

Fortunately, there is a whole cottage industry of snack subscription boxes available to take the guess work out of finding tasty, healthy and nutritious options for snacking.

We want to introduce you to one such box, which is also one of our newest partners: Urthbox!

Urthbox specializes in sending healthy, delicious and tasty new snacks from local stores and vendors.  Delivered each month, the curated collection is designed to serve as an alternative to unhealthy snacking in the face of stress, busy schedules, and other life struggles and to complement a healthy, fit lifestyle.


Each month, Urthbox’s team of expert buyers carefully select new products to go into each box, considering the ingredients, source, calorie, nutrition and manufacturing process of each item.  Getting that box each month in the mail is a treat. Customers pick a box from their Classic, Gluten-Free, Vegan dietary options and Urthbox does the rest!


It’s a known fact that the primary driver of our good or bad health is what we consume. Both childhood obesity and adult obesity largely have to do with the types of foods we consume, especially while snacking. And, with our busier and busier daily lives of career, fitness and family who has the time to make sure the very crucial thing that drives our health is attended to?


UrthBox is a convenient and subtle way to make sure you have access to healthy snacks for your home, the office or on-the-go.


You can get a mini box of a little over 6 snacks for the casual snacker. That will cost $12.99 per month. If you fancy yourself (or the person you plan to gift) a “part-time snacker” then a small box of about 12 snacks will cost $19 monthly, which is a 10% savings.

A Happy Snacker gets a 20% savings and over 18 snacks for $29 per month while a professional snacker can count on over 25 snacks in his or her box for $39 per month.

I also dig the Office Box. You can get a generous box for the entire office, serving 5-10 employees each. For the $199 cost, your team can enjoy over 100 full size products.

And for all the boxes over $25, shipping is absolutely free! If you order from us, Get $10 Off an Awesome Vegan Snack Box From UrthBox!

The classic box is all-encompassing in its culinary scope, while the gluten-free box and vegan box embrace dietary restrictions. The diet box is stocked with products good for those who are counting calories or watching their carb and fat intake.

photos: courtesy Urthbox.com

15 Ways You Can Build a Calming Nursery for Your Baby

When you learn of a brand new bundle of joy’s impending arrival, one of your first thoughts may be of the nursery you’d like to create for him. After you’ve adjusted to the idea of bringing a new life into the family, you’ll be faced with a staggering array of decisions that make life in the months before your baby’s arrival quite hectic. Creating a calm, soothing oasis from the frenetic pace of the world can help you and your baby find some serenity. These tips can help you create the peaceful space you’ve envisioned and to perfect it before your baby arrives.

1. Color is Everything – The color of the walls and accents in any room set the mood. If you’re shooting for a more tranquil, serene space, it’s best to choose colors that promote those feelings. Bold and energetic colors like bright orange or red may not be conducive to rest, while pale blues and greens can have the desired calming effect.

2. Skip the Frilly Bedding – A crib that looks like a magazine layout may create a sense of pride for you, but it can be dangerous for your baby. Making sure that he gets a good night’s sleep without increasing SIDS risks is a parent’s job, so make sure your nursery planning takes American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines into consideration.

3. Don’t Forget the Window TreatmentsBlackout shades can help you keep the sun out of Baby’s eyes while he naps during the day, creating a soothing space. You will want to make sure that you choose window treatments that don’t pose a strangulation risk, as babies can become entangled with cords that are within their reach.

4. Include a Comfy, Adult-Sized Chair – The nursery may be your baby’s room, but you’ll be spending many sleepless nights there as well. A comfortable chair that accommodates a sleepy adult will be a blessing for you, boosting the overall feeling of calm in the room.

5. Make the Most of Nursery Closet Space – Clutter doesn’t promote calmness, so devote some energy to effective closet use. Babies may be tiny people, but their stuff can take up an astounding amount of space!

6. Keep Storage Solutions Simple – The cute tub you’ve found for storing diaper wipes may be a thematic match with the room, but you won’t be soothed for long when you realize it’s too complex to open while holding down a dirty, squirming baby.

7. Choose Functional, Multi-Purpose Furniture – Rather than buying a changing table that serves no other purpose, consider a nice dresser with a safety rail installed and a soft changing mat placed over the top. When your child is out of diapers, it’ll still be a functional piece of furniture.

8. Be Budget-Conscious – The most beautiful, perfectly designed nursery will create nothing but stress if you dramatically exceed your budget in terms of planning. To make sure that Baby’s space isn’t a source of grief for you, keep an eye on your spending.

9. Look Up! – A newborn may not notice, but an older baby spends a significant amount of time on his back, looking at the ceiling. When you paint and decorate the nursery, keep in mind that a stained ceiling in need of painting can cheapen the rest of the room.

10. Choose Safe Paints – Finding the perfect shade of paint is a key aspect of creating a soothing and tranquil nursery, but it’s important to make sure that your wall colors are of the low-VOC variety. Volatile organic compounds can cause respiratory irritation and other health problems, which isn’t an environment you’ll want to bring a baby into.

11. Incorporate Heirloom Pieces – The crib you used as a baby, a rocking chair that came from your partner’s nursery or other heirloom pieces can be perfect ways of adding personal, comforting touches to a nursery. Just be sure that they meet current safety guidelines.

12. Think Outside the Big Box Retailer – There’s nothing wrong with opting for mass-produced accessories, but artsy parents may find that they’re more satisfied with the efforts of independent artists and creators.

13. Look for Pieces That Grow With Your Child – Having a few pieces of furniture that your child can use as he ages will create a sense of routine and comfort for your child, along with a feeling of consistency.

14. Consider Tradition Over Trends – What’s trendy today may be old news tomorrow. Furthermore, fad decorating is known more for being cutting-edge than aesthetically pleasing. A traditional, comforting nursery may be more soothing than a haute baby space.

15. Integrate a White Noise Device – Infants fall into a deep sleep when they hear the sound of the washing machine or the gentle lull of the road beneath the tires for a reason. Replicating these sounds with a white noise device can help your child feel more comfortable and calm in his nursery.

Want to Know What Color Your Future Baby’s Eyes Will Be? Answer Isn’t Simple

Expecting moms (and dads) often wonder what color eyes their baby will have when it is born.

While designer babies genetic manipulation is on the horizon, it isn’t here yet so a lot of folks just have to wait it out.

The color of a person’s eyes depends on the amount of pigment called melanin present in the eye iris (melanin is also responsible for skin color).

People with blue eyes have little melanin while people with brown eyes have lots more melanin. Those with another eye color fall usually somewhere in between these 2 ends of the spectrum.

Newborns inherit genes from both mom and dad. The combination of genes from these two  will predict what color the baby’s eyes will be.

All babies, with a few exceptions, are born with blue, gray or brown, or black eyes.

Generally speaking, newborns with fairer skin have less melanin and thus are more likely to have blue eyes, while newborns with darker skin have more melanin and will be probably be born with brown  or black eyes.

However, it would be a mistake to think that only brown-eyed babies can come out of brown-eyed parents because while the likelihood is high, you never know how genes will manifest themselves in offsprings.

Also, don’t forget, many babies eye colors change as they age.

This usually happens with babies with lighter eyes as they gain more melanin as they get older

Parents with Different Eye Color

A baby may not inherit the same eye color as either of his parents.

The reason is that because carry 2 children for each gene, one from the mother and one from my father. These 2 versions of each gene are called “alleles” and in some cases some are more dominant than others. In eyeglass control eyelashes, brown is dominant in blue, but a baby can inherit the recessive gene from one or both parents.

To better understand the above, assign the letter ‘B’ to brown eyes and the letter ‘b’ to blue eyes (each person has a combination of 2 eye color genes, one inherited from each parent). Because we know that the brown eye gene (B) is dominant to the blue eye gene (b), then a brown-haired baby may have either the ‘BB’ or ‘Bb’ combination, while a blue-eyed baby can only be ‘bb’. Got it?

So, if we say the mother has blue eyes and the father’s eyes are brown, then a blue-eyed baby will be born like this:

  • The father has brown eyes, so he has one of the 2 possible combinations, either ‘Bb’ or ‘BB’. The dominance is brown (B) to blue, so blue is called the recessive gene.
  • Mom has blue eyes, so the only possibility she can have is ‘bb’.
  • Thus, for the baby to have blue eyes, the father must have a pair of ‘Bb’ genes and transmit the recessive gene ‘b’ to the baby. The mother will only be able to convey to the baby a ‘b’ gene. The resulting combination for the baby is in this case ‘bb’, so the baby will have blue eyes.
  • If the father had the ‘BB’ combination, it would not have been possible for the baby to have blue eyes.

If both parents have brown eyes, but the baby has blue eyes, it means that each parent has a combination of ‘Bb’ genes and both have passed the recessive gene ‘b’ to the baby. If at least one of the parents had transmitted the dominant B-gene to the baby, then the result would have been a baby with brown eyes.

Again, it’s all genetics and they’re quite unpredictable and thus why even scientists and geneticists have a difficult time telling parents for sure what to expect.

The Life Lessons Reasons Father-Son Fishing is Essential


The iconic image of a father and son fishing trip is one that’s ingrained into the collective cultural consciousness. Even the classic sitcom images of Andy and Opie sharing a heart-to-heart over a fishing creel cements the American idea of fishing as a male-bonding activity. As a father, spending time with your son is an important part of his emotional development, as well as a contributing factor to your filial bond. Here are ten of the reasons why you should take your son fishing, and understand that you’re actually doing something far more important.

The Opportunity for Quality Father-Son Time – In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s not easy to set aside a significant amount of time to spend one-on-one with your son. Taking a fishing trip, whether it’s an extensive one that will require an overnight stay or just an afternoon affair, allows you to focus all of your energy and attention on your son.

Fostering Conversations You Wouldn’t Have at Home – The quiet stillness of a lake and the relaxing nature of waiting for fish to bite fosters plenty of conversation, some of which would be awkward to broach over the dinner table. The natural evolution of your talks can lead to more than one subject you probably wouldn’t discuss under other circumstances.

Passing Along a New Skill Set – In a world where youngsters teach their parents the intricacies of new technology, it can feel like there isn’t much left in terms of skills that fathers pass on to their sons. The age-old art of baiting a hook to catch fish is a real skill, and it’s one that your child can’t fully learn from a YouTube video.

Making Memories You’ll Cherish Forever – As your son gets older and becomes less inclined to spend time with his parents, you’ll have the memories of your shared fishing trips. When he becomes an adult himself, those memories will become fodder for pleasant reminiscence.

Encouraging Independence Under a Watchful Eye – You can encourage your son to bait his own hook and cast his own line while you’re there to watch, allowing him to explore some independence as you look on to ensure his safety.


Instilling a Love of Outdoor Activity – For outdoorsy fathers, the opportunity to share a love of nature with a son is a valuable one. Instilling a love of the outdoors and an appreciation for fresh air, sunshine and screen-free entertainment is a great way to combat the effects of technologically-advanced, indoor-based living.

Temporarily Cutting the Electronic Cord – There are no video games, televisions or computers on the lake, which means that for at least one afternoon your son will be enjoying a completely low-tech good time. What better way to limit your son’s screen time than to take him somewhere that screens aren’t welcome, but fun is still on the menu?

Investing in Your Collective Emotional Future – In order to have a strong father-son relationship, you have to forge a strong emotional bond with your son while he’s still young. Fishing together allows the two of you to get to know one another as individuals, to talk openly and enjoy one another’s company.

Teaching Environmental Stewardship – When you’re on the lake enjoying an outdoor activity, you’re perfectly positioned to pass along the basic tenets of environmental stewardship without seeming like you’re lecturing or preaching. In fact, you can guide your son in the right direction simply by modeling earth-friendly habits.

Establishing a Shared Hobby – A shared hobby allows you and your son a bit of common ground, something that will become even more important as he gets older and looks for ways to assert his independence. The love of fishing that the two of you share during his formative years may be one of the few ways you’re able to effectively communicate during the turbulent times of adolescence.

No matter how many lessons and exciting experiences you share with your son on a fishing trip, it’s important to remember that young children have a finite supply of patience with any activity that requires them to be relatively still. You might be thrilled to stay on the lake from dawn till dusk, but your little man will probably only be able to handle one or two hour sessions scattered throughout the day. Remember to take plenty of breaks, and to be patient when your own fishing time is interrupted by an active little boy’s need to explore.

Kennedy Myers is an expert in the Child and Senior Care industries with an emphasis on online safety. Reposted with permission from BackupCare.org

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