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Social Media Helps Celebs Keep It Real About Pregnancy and Early Motherhood

The Independent explores the shift in celebrity pregnancy coverage being more authentic and real about the trials of pregnancy, labor, delivery and early motherhood and credits social media for it


Years ago, a pregnant starlet might drop out of the spotlight for a while – only to reemerge in a magazine looking well-rested and snuggling with an angelic infant.

See various People magazine covers: Jennifer Lopez in 2008, resplendent in a floor-length gown with an infant nestled in each arm, above the headline “TWIN BLISS!”; Angelina Jolie in 2006, gazing adoringly at Brad Pitt, as baby Shiloh snoozes away; Julia Roberts, looking dewy and fresh-faced in 2005 as she cradles her twins.

Now fans are starting to see a different side of postpartum celebrities: Model Chrissy Teigen shares an Instagram story that features her stretch marks and confesses that she’s “super insecure” about her body; actress Olivia Wilde posts an Instagram photo of her messy bun with the caption, “I call this hairstyle, ‘keep the kid alive’ “; tennis legend Serena Williams tweets about balancing work and her daughter: “She took her first steps . . . I was training and missed it. I cried.”

The common denominator in all those examples, naturally, is social media. The advent of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat made stars realize that they could connect with the public on a deeper level about personal subjects – and that fans appreciated honesty about the less-than-glamorous aspects of their #blessed lives.

“Social media has been such a game changer. . . . Celebrities are speaking directly to the fan base. Once they started doing that, things just got a lot more real,” said Kate Coyne, executive editor of People magazine. “One evolution of that concept has been celebrities sharing the realities of pregnancy, infertility, child-rearing, infancy, toddlerhood. It goes hand in hand with what social media is all about.”

Lately, celebrities have also been spilling details about serious medical issues surrounding childbirth. In January, Williams told Vogue that she had a potentially fatal complication during labor, including blood clots in her lungs.

Read the entire piece The Independent:


DEBUNKED: No, Khloe Kardashian Didn’t Go Low Carb To Have a Tiny Baby

I saw an article by the UK Sun suggesting that Khloe Kardashian cut her carbs to have a small baby. It then talked to an expert who expressed concern that restricting your diet over fears of a big baby could have a negative impact on a pregnancy.

The Sun quoted Lorna Marsh, Associate Editor at BabyCentre, who told Fabulous Online: “It’s sad to hear of an influential celebrity endorsing any dieting in pregnancy, especially as it’s unlikely to affect a baby’s size, which depends on so many factors.”

When I looked into the context of the suggestion, I figured out that Khloe was actually watching her diet reasonably over concern about having to get a C-section which is common with babies that are too large to fit in the birth canal. Khloe said on an episode of her hit E! show Keeping Up with the Kardashians that she wanted to have a vaginal birth like her sisters.

“If I want a donut or cookies I’ll eat them, I’m not depriving myself,” she told her mom, Kris Jenner, who said she wanted to see Khloe eat more.  “Everything I’m doing is instructed by my doctor,” adding, “I would love to avoid a C-section if possible, but if my baby turns out to be really big, I’m gonna have to get a C-section.”

As a woman who suffered from gestational diabetes with her first child, I am going to jump on Khloe’s side on this one. It is a FACT that excessive eating, especially of carbohydrates and sweets can in fact cause your baby to be too big, but more importantly, it can cause the mom to develop GD, the temporary condition where mom and baby have diabetes during the pregnancy.

It goes away once mom gives birth. The body senses the baby as a foreign invader and stops making insulin as it should and that’s why it is not a permanent conditition, though after a woman gets it, her and her child are more prone to develop Type 2 Diabetes later in life or some other autoimmune condition. It’s serious stuff!

I’ve blogged this before, but I used to drink 7-11 Slurpees daily because I discovered they helped me stave off the 5 months of morning sickness I experienced all day while pregnant. All of that sugar not only caused me to get too big too soon (and the baby too), but it also contributed to my positive gestational diabetes diagnosis later on in my pregnancy.

I had to measure my blood sugar daily with a stick test and see a dietitian who instructed me to reduce my carbohydrate intake in order to keep myself healthy and to stop the baby from going too much larger.

As a preventative measure, for my following two pregnancies, I stuck to a diet that limited carbs because I did not want to get GD again! It was not fun poking my fingers all the time and also, it is a health risk to the baby.

The doctors and experts who criticize celebs without actually being their physician or caregiver are overstepping their bounds and in this case, giving out potentially bad advice.

So Khloe is right on this one, but I guess spinning it like she was going out of her way to have a tiny baby is better for selling papers! ha!



Beyonce Vogue Cover Takeover: Talks Twins’ Labor, Delivery, Motherhood (PHOTOS)

In an unprecedented move, Vogue permitted Beyoncé to have editorial control over its popular September issue and not only did Queen Bey make history by hiring the magazine’s first Black photographer, Travis Wright, in its 126 history to shoot a cover, but she also gave us unprecedented insight into her pregnancy, labor, delivery and her perspective motherhood in her own in-person first person narrative!

It is a glorious issue! On Newsstands now. Here are some of the nuggets she shared with us all:

About the evolution of the magazine and fashion industry towards black people and people of color:

“When I first started, 21 years ago, I was told that it was hard for me to get onto covers of magazines because black people did not sell,” Beyonce told the magazine. “Clearly that has been proven a myth. Not only is an African-American on the cover of the most important month for Vogue, this is the first-ever Vogue cover shot by an African-American photographer.”

About the delivery of her twins who were born via C-section due to Preeclampsia:

“I was 218 pounds the day I gave birth to Rumi and Sir,” she wrote. “I was swollen from toxemia and had been on bed rest for over a month. My health and my babies’ health were in danger, so I had an emergency C-section. We spent many weeks in the NICU.”

It was a shocking experience that she credits her husband, Jay Z for helping her deal with:

“My husband was a soldier and such a strong support system for me,” she continues. “I was in survival mode and did not grasp it all until months later.”

About realizing that C-Section recovery takes a lot longer and is harder than vaginal birth recovery:

“After the C-section, my core felt different,” she stated. “It had been major surgery. Some of your organs are shifted temporarily, and in rare cases, removed temporarily during delivery. I am not sure everyone understands that. I needed time to heal, to recover.”

About embracing her new extra set of curves that have come compliments of being a mom to three:

After giving birth, “my core felt different,” she shared, and  added that he “embraced being curvier” and as she was preparing for her Coachella headlining shows.  And thought she went vegan temporarily, gave up coffee, alcohol and fruit drinks while getting in shame for that performance, she is cool with her different, more full and rounder body.

“To this day my arms, shoulders, breasts, and thighs are fuller,” she wrote. “I have a little mommy pouch, and I’m in no rush to get rid of it. I think it’s real. Whenever I’m ready to get a six-pack, I will go into beast zone and work my (butt) off until I have it. But right now, my (bigger bikini area) and I feel like we are meant to be.”

About lessons from succumbing to societal pressures for celeb women to peel off baby weight shortly after giving birth:

“I believed in the things society said about how my body should look,” she wrote. “I put pressure on myself to lose all the baby weight in three months, and scheduled a small tour to assure I would do it. Looking back, that was crazy.”

About the different way she is approaching recovering from twin delivery:

“During my recovery, I gave myself self-love and self-care, and I embraced being curvier,” the “Apesh*it” singer pens.  “I accepted what my body wanted to be… was patient with myself and enjoyed my fuller curves.”

Going back to Natural for the Vogue shoot

She purposefully went with the bare stripped away, back to nature, theme and for the Vogue shoot avoided “the wigs and hair extensions” and wore scant makeup in an attempt to inspire other women to embrace their natural bodies.

On growth from her 20s to today:

“I look at the woman I was in my 20s and I see a young lady growing into confidence but intent on pleasing everyone around her,” the multi-platinum global artist revealed. “I now feel so much more beautiful, so much sexier, so much more interesting. And so much more powerful.”

About connection to her slave and African ancestry:

“I researched my ancestry recently and learned that I come from a slave owner who fell in love with and married a slave,” she shared. “I questioned what it meant and tried to put it into perspective. I now believe it’s why God blessed me with my twins. Male and female energy was able to coexist and grow in my blood for the first time,” adding,  “I pray that I am able to break the generational curses in my family and that my children will have less complicated lives.”

On exposing her heritage and roots and culture to larger audience during Coachella:

“I had a clear vision for Coachella. I was so specific because I’d seen it, I’d heard it, and it was already written inside of me,” she writes about singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” known as the black national anthem, during her performance and quoting Malcolm X in between songs.

“I know that most of the young people on the stage and in the audience did not know the history of the black national anthem before Coachella. But they understood the feeling it gave them,” she explained. “It was a celebration of all the people who sacrificed more than we could ever imagine, who moved the world forward so that it could welcome a woman of color to headline such a festival.”

About what she wishes for her daughters and son:

As the mother of two girls, Beyonce says she wants her daughters to know that they can be anything, “CEOs, as bosses, and that they know they can write the script for their own lives.”

“They don’t have to be a certain type or fit into a specific category. They don’t have to be politically correct, as long as they’re authentic, respectful, compassionate, and empathetic,” she writes. “I want the same things for my son. I want him to know that he can be strong and brave but that he can also be sensitive and kind. I want my son to have a high emotional IQ where he is free to be caring, truthful, and honest. It’s everything a woman wants in a man, and yet we don’t teach it to our boys.”

Beyonce is currently embarking on the On The Run II tour with Jay-Z, which concludes on Oct. 4 in Seattle.


Best Tips for Caring for Your Child’s Hair

Kids aren’t exactly known for their wellness routines. Most children would rather spend more time playing than styling their own hair, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take matters into your own hands. Teaching proper self-care is a vital step towards preparing kids to be and look their best.

You probably already know you can do a lot with your kid’s hair. You can brush it, let it grow, straighten it, or spike it with gel. Yet, it’s up to your kids whether or not they actually let you do these things. Nobody wants their kids walking around with perpetual bedhead, so let’s talk about the best ways to care for your child’s hair.

Start with Healthy Habits

Like teaching your kids to eat their veggies, you can lead by example by showing kids the best ways to keep their hair clean and healthy. Depending on the nature of your child’s hair, they might not need to wash it every day. Dry hair can get away with not being cleaned with shampoo every day while oily hair or dirty hair might require a rough scrub.

Teach your child the best way to wash his or her hair safely. Simple things like using your fingertips instead of nails to scrub the scalp might not be evident to kids without instruction. Show them how to keep shampoo or conditioner from their eyes by leaning the head back and rinsing away from the face.

After the shower or bath, help your child detangle their hair. Show them that untangling their hair is essential to keep their hair looking its best. Use a children’s detangler to make untangling their hair easy and pain-free. Get into a routine with your child to run through the hair care basics every day.

Learn About Your Kid’s Hair

Your children might have a different hair type than you, and it’s essential to learn the unique ways to care for this new kind locks. Curly, natural hair, for example, requires a lot of different care than naturally straight hair. Don’t buy into hair myths that might leave you doing the wrong things with your kid’s hair.

It’s okay to experiment with different products with your kid’s hair. They’ll look to you for guidance to find the best styling tools as they get older, so learning early on can be a good first step. Most kids aren’t interested in trying hot tools or heat styling, so look for easy products they can incorporate into their existing hair routine.

Empower Your Kids

Kids want to feel like they’re in control. They likely have a lot of opinions on how their hair should look. While you don’t have to listen when your kid wants to cut off all her hair or dye it magenta, you should empower them to take part in their own haircare.

Letting children make small decisions about their own hairstyles is a great way to involve them in their own development. They want to feel heard and in charge of their own bodies, so give them the ability to control their own hair length or how they’ll wear their hair to school in the mornings.

Be a Strong Example

The most important thing you can do when it comes to your child and his or her hair is to be a good example. Kids feed their emotions and opinions off of the adults around them. If your child looks up to you, then you don’t want him or her to catch you being negative about your own hair.

Keep the negativity to a minimum not only when talking about handling your own children’s hair, but also your own hairstyle. Kids will quickly pick up on your feelings, and they might even start repeating these things themselves. While it can be frustrating to manage new hair, stay calm and understanding. If your kids see as a positive hair influence, they will carry that into their own lives.

Kids don’t care very much about their hair, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to. Proper hair care starts at home, and the sooner you teach children to value their own self-care, the better. Be a positive example for your kids by showing them how to not only take care of themselves but how to be confident with their own hair.

Study: Few Older Women Who Freeze Eggs Actually Use Them Later

Fewer than 10 percent of older women who freeze some of their eggs as insurance against age-related declines in fertility eventually use them to try to get pregnant, new research shows.

The study included 563 women who had eggs frozen between 2009 and 2017 at a large European fertility center. On average, the women were 36 years old.

Only 7.6 percent of those women have returned to thaw their eggs and try to get pregnant, according to the study. Of those, only one-third have succeeded.

The study was presented Tuesday at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), in Barcelona, Spain.

Most of the women who did not return to thaw their eggs had found a partner with whom to pursue motherhood, according to study author Michel De Vos, of the Brussels Center for Reproductive Medicine in Belgium.

He said that a growing number of older women in the United States and Europe are having their eggs frozen, but those over age 35 need to have realistic expectations.

“Egg quality declines markedly with age, and success rates will be lower than 33 percent in women freezing their eggs beyond this age,” he said in an ESHRE news release.

continue reading

Ayesha and Steph Curry Welcome Son, Canon Jack

Congrats to Ayesha Curry and husband NBA MVP Steph Curry on the birth of their son Canon W. Jack

The cookbook and cooking show host announced the news on her Instagram page.

“Our beautiful baby boy Canon W.Jack Curry 7/2/2018,” she captioned a photo of her daughters Riley and Ryan cradling their baby brother. “He joined us earlier than we thought and we couldn’t be more excited and grateful. Family of 5!”

The Golden State Warriors champ also announced the news on his Instagram.

“On this journey, on this quest … protect me …I’m bless!” he captioned the snapshot before revealing his baby boy’s name.

The couple are also parents to two daughters: 3-year old Ryan Carson  and 5-year old Riley, who turns 6 on July 19.


If HS Grad Rates Influence Where You’ll Raise Your Family, Read THIS!

In a world that is increasingly global, mobile and social, people have more flexibility where they work.  Therefore, they have more choices when it comes to choosing were to plant their flag and raise a family.

Among the many factors they look at, high school graduation rates is at the top of the list.  It signifies that their children will be well-schooled which gives them a head start for college and ultimately their careers later in life.

The team at HomeArea.com created the High School Graduation Rates by State (GRAPHIC), which ranks all 51 states from highest to lowest.

Some of the results were surprising, for example, did you know that Wyoming has the highest high

Here are some of topline facts:

  • Wyoming rose from #6 to #1
  • Alaska rose from #4 to #2
  • New Hampshire fell from #2 to #4
  • Montana fell from #1 to #5
  • North Dakota fell from #5 to #6.
  • Hawaii saw the biggest percentage increase in percent with a high school diploma at 1.2%,
  • Montana saw the largest percentage decrease at -0.8%.

 To view the graphic in its entirety, click onthe High School Graduation Rates by State (GRAPHIC)

States with the Highest Graduation Rates by HomeArea.com

BET Awards 2018 Recap and Blonde Ambition Red Carpet

It was blonde ambition at the 2018 BET Awards at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, California as we spied many of our Bellyitch “Bumpwatch”  alums and past featured moms rocked platinum to strawberry blonde hair on the red carpet.

Amber Rose ditched her signature buzz cut for a wavy extensions. Her BFF Blac Chyna showed up and out in blonde finger waves.

And recent mom to a baby she adopted Tyra Banks wore a blonde blunt cut bob.

(To round up the collage, added Empire starnams singer Serayah McNeill)

Cardi B would have joined in the red carpet  trend we’re sure if she wasn’t taking it easy while waiting to give birth to her first child with beau Offset of the rap group Migos.

She did walk away with two awards: besting rap rivals Nicki Minaj and Remy Ma to win Best Female Hip Hop Artist; and nabbing the Viewer’s Choice Award.

Beyonce, new  mom to infant twins, won Best Female R&B / Pop Artist Award.

Serena Williams was awarded the Sportswoman of the year.

congrats to all the winners, the nominated and performers!

The night featured spectacular stage performances by Miguel,  Nicki Minaj, Yolanda Adama, Janelle Monae and others.

Peep a few at BET here.

7 Quirky Last Minute Amazon Father’s Day Gifts Under $20

Father’s Day is tomorrow and if you haven’t purchased a gift for dad, you’re in trouble!

No fret! There is still time to jot out and pick up something. I think the usual tie, socks, coffee mug and golf balls are played out and it’s time to start thinking outside of the box. Unique and personalized gifts stand out, like a personalized photo collage, a subscription box to Dollar Shave Club or something like that. A custom shirt is memorable.

We curated a list of fun novelty gifts that dad may enjoy that you can get from Amazon and maybe have delivered today or tomorrow!

1.For dad who is a dog lover, we really like these Fred Winer Dogs Dachshund Dog Drink Markers. They are great for breaking out when entertaining. To ease confusion over whose class is whose, these puppies (pun intended) hug each guests glass stem. They sell for only $16 for a set of 6.

2.For the dad who is more into moonshine or tequila shots, there’s these super cute mini shot glasses that resemble small mason jars! Hayley Cherie makes the glasses which come with their own tiny little lids and are great for crafts or party favors even. They are $11.99 for a set of 6 as well!

  1. If you insist on going the stereotypical route with the mug and golf clubs, why not combine them and get a mug that comes with its own tiny club and golf club.  Brink’s ceramic mug comes with its own stir stick to mix your coffee with, and it comes in the perfect shape to shoot a tiny hole in one. The set is $19.99


4. Desktop Cornhold Bean Bag Game looks like a fun distraction from the daily grind at work. Any dad would enjoy getting this as a gift and being able to pause during the day to toss the bean bag. The game is also under $20 at $13.98.

  1. Got an artsy dad who loves to doodle or has some artistic skills? If he also has a smartphone and wouldn’t mind showing off his talents, you can can get dad a phone case he paints. Kikkerland sells a silicon case for iPhones that comes with non-toxic colors and a paint brush. It sells for a mere $10.00 It also makes a version for Samsung Galaxy 6 owners.
  2. Like everyone, dad has a story in him too. If he is a writer or fancies himself a budding author, consider gifting dad this awesome book “642 Things to Write About“. The journal-like soft-cover book by The San Francisco Writers’ Grotto includes several prompts. The purpose is to get one comfortable with daily writing and to practice expressing oneself in prose. We love this $11.92 book that is also under $20!
  3. If dad is the type of dad who gets motivated by inspirational words, another book to consider is “Whatever You Are, Be a Good One.” The book features quotes from the minds of the likes of  Lewis Carroll, Marie Curie, Abraham Lincoln, Jane Austen to Beatrix Potter and great creative thinkers from every walk of life offering words of wisdom, heartfelt compassion and stirring calls to action. You can get a hardcover for just $8.99

Happy Shopping!

Celebrity Dads Celebrating Father’s Day For First Time

It’s Father’s Day weekend and a few celebrity dads who became fathers for the first time will be enjoying their first celebratory holiday Morrow. This list includes:

John Stamos waited until his 50s to become a dad. The Full House star and wife Caitlin McHugh welcomed son Billy in April

Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian welcomed daughter Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr. with his wife Serena Williams this year.

Also, rock star Enrique Iglesias and his wife Anna Kournikova quietly welcomed twins, his first children, after keeping the entire pregnancy secret.

Rapper Travis Scott and his girlfriend also kept their pregnancy under wraps until the end when he and Kylie Jenner become parents to daughter Stormi this February.

Reality TV star, game show host and recording artist Ray J and his wife Princess Love welcomed their first child, daughter Melody Love, together.


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