Grey’s Anatomy alum Katherine Heigl is a veteran adopted new mom to a first born 7-month old and now she is blogging and sharing her journey to shed the 50 pounds she gained while pregnant.
“My best weight loss advice is to start every morning by saying out loud a positive mantra of your choice about your body. Mine is ‘I am easily, with good health, inspiration, grace and gratitude losing weight faster than I can even imagine with harm to none,’ ” the Doubt star said in her PEOPLE magazine blog.
“Then I say my gratefuls. Thanking my body for it’s perfect health, strength, limberness, vibrancy, youthfulness and beauty. Whether I always believe these things about myself and my body or not, I say them. By saying them out loud with love and gratitude I have found that I not only start to believe them, but my body exhibits what I say and believe.”
Beside her new baby Joshua Bishop with hubby Josh Kelly, the Knocked Up star has two daughters through adoption, but giving birth to son ntroduced her to the world of pregnancy — and its crazy changes to her body.
Heigl admitted that the 50-lb. weight gain left her with “moments of sheer panic.”
The baby weight dropped after delivery helped but not that much
“I had hoped to only gain 25-30 pounds like my mother during her pregnancies but found that just wasn’t possible for me,” she wrote. “Despite starting my gestation out on a pregnancy friendly meal plan and hiking my butt off 5 days a week my weight kept creeping up.”
Heigl continued, “At a certain point, probably around 4 months I gave up the struggle and tried instead to respect my body’s needs and trust my instincts.”
She said she is learning to love her body as is.
And she won’t let it discourage her from growing her family through adoption or trying to get pregnant.