US Olympic Gymnast Shawn Johnson took up her husband Andrew East‘s dare to try on her competition leotard from her 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China when she won 4 medals…but while currently 40 weeks pregnant.
“… fits a little different these days ? @andrewdeast dared me too hahah 40 weeks preggers,” she captioned the photo of herself in the royal blue long sleeve leotard. “But no joke… this babes is already more rewarding than any medal was,” she added. “BABY! GET HERE ALREADY!”
This was the latest in a very open and transparent pregnancy which started with the pregnancy announcement that also revealed they had suffered miscarriage and loss.
“Two years ago we got pregnant for the first time and ended up losing that pregnancy. Exactly two years later we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our rainbow baby and we couldn’t be more excited,” she captioned her post featuring the video.
They also have shared that the baby was due on October 23rd! Any day now! Safe labor and delivery vibes to the family!