A local Minnesota Arby’s Fast Food restaurant caught the ire of many parents online when a photo of a sign posted on its door stating only well-behaved children are allowed went viral.
Mom of three Christine Hemsworth took her kids to her local Arby’s for dinner at the Elk River, Minnesota location and noticed a sign which said children who remained seated and kept food on their trays would be welcome.
“Only well behaved Children who can keep their food on their trays and their bottoms on their seats are welcome. If you can’t do this you will be asked to leave,” the sign read.
Hemsworth posted a photo of the sign on her personal Facebook page which quickly amassed 330 shares by the next day, TODAY reported, and not all of them were supportive of Hemsworth, with quite a few agreeing with the sentiments of the sign.
She removed the post then shred it with her local station, KARE 11, which reposted the image and generated fresh debate and got the attention of the national chain.
Story from the weekend still has some buzz: Do you think Arby's store managers should have been disciplined after…
Posted by KARE 11 on Monday, November 11, 2019
It too got several comments defending the restaurant.
“No I think this should be the norm, people have expectations and one of them is to eat in a non chaotic environment,” one person wrote on the post shared by KARE 11. “I love children but am not too crazy about parents that don’t educate their concerning proper behavior.”
Another commented: “I wish parents would parent their children and teach them how to act in public places. I also wish other public places did this. The people who are there trying to enjoy their meals are disrupted by these kids running all over the place and being disrespectful and disruptive.”
While others took a jab at a fast food joint demanding decorum.
“Yep. When I want to have a pleasant and quiet sit down meal with my family, I immediately consider Arby’s,” one person wrote.
In response, Arby issued a statement to TODAY: “We recognize the language on this sign was insensitive. We removed it quickly, and have disciplined the manager and team working at the restaurant. It does not reflect our company values and the family-friendly environment we aim to provide in all of our restaurants.”
We agree with Hemsworth who noted in response to the naysayers:
“During that time when they’re, ya’ know, 1 to 3, they’re training — learning, exploring and sometimes they might dump some fries out to see what happens,” Hemsworth told TODAY. All these people saying, ‘Control your kids!’ It’s not a matter of controlling, it’s a matter of redirecting and telling them it’s wrong.”
h/t and Graphic compliments TODAY