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7 cool ways to commemorate Earth Day with kids in 2021

Every day should be Earth Day, but there’s one special day a year — April 22 — that we call out as an annual reminder to take better care of our planet. It’s the only home we have.

It took a heavily polluted river catching on fire in 1969 to galvanize the American public into action. Nearly 20 million people — 10 percent of the country’s population — took part in the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970.

Earth Day has grown into the world’s biggest civic event, celebrated by a billion people in more than 190 countries, according to Earth Day Network. What are some activities for Earth Day? Here are free Earth Day activities you can do with your family or your pod to encourage everyone to protect the Earth.

Virtual Earth Day 2021 activities

The theme of this year’s Earth Day is “Restore our Earth,” and it’s all about reducing our environmental footprint and fixing the damage we’ve already done. Earth Day Network is organizing a three-day event (April 20-22) with virtual workshops, panel discussions and special performances.

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Under-the-Radar Ways to Lessen the Chance of Kids Getting Sick – Adults too!

Under the Radar Ways to Supercharge a Kid’s Immune System

Trumbull, Connecticut.  March 16, 2020 – With schools closing “indefinitely” and grocery shelves becoming bare, we all are anxious to see how this plays out and when it will be over. As parents we have a responsibility to keep our kids calm about the situation, keep their immune systems strong, and use preventative ways to kill viruses that our kids come in contact with. Karen Barski, 25 year RN; Reiki Master IIII; Wellness Coach; and Holistic Mom, offers 10 under-the-radar ways to supercharge your kid’s immune system. Best part, adults can use these tips too!

“I’m a mother of five and have kept my kids off antibiotics for 8 years using the below immune-boosting practices that quite frankly are still under the radar and not mainstream – but should be. I even shrunk my own adrenal tumor by half using holistic remedies leaving my doctors in awe. We are true believers and practitioners that the best pharmacy is our very own kitchen…and garden,” says Karen Barski, Founder of Zenergy Center and the Woombie Baby Swaddle.

For Kids (preschool kids and older)

A smoothie a day keeps the doctor away

Move over apples, smoothies are taking your place. “All kids should have a smoothie right when they wake up – this superfood immunity boost goes right into your cells since your stomach is empty. The body has been sleeping all night and is not digesting any food which means it has more time to do what it should – keep your organs clean, healthy, and functioning at its highest level to prevent sickness and disease,” says Barski.

Here’s a go-to recipe your kids will love (enough for 2-3 people):

1 Cup Organic Frozen Mixed Berries

1 Banana for natural sweetness

2-3 Scoops of Vanilla Protein Powder (we choose dairy free, plant-based)

2-3 Tablespoons Chia Seeds or Chia/Flax Blend

2-3 big handfuls of greens like kale or spinach (or we like to use Earthbound Organics “Power Greens” from Costco which has a mix of baby spinach, baby kale, and baby swiss chard – 1.5 lbs for under $7!)

1.5 Cups of Water or Almond/Soy/Nut Milk (avoid dairy)

Here’s another “green” smoothie but looks purple so kids love it (2 serving sizes):

1 Whole Lemon peeled (seeds and all!)

1 Tsp of fresh ginger (1/3 size of your thumb)

1 Cup leafy greens (kale or spinach)

1 Cup Coconut Water

¼ Apple

½ Cucumber

1 Small Celery Stalk

½ Cup Frozen Berries

½ Banana (can be frozen too)

Essential Oils

Used for 6000 years, essential oils are a form of alternative medicine using plant extracts to promote health and well being. They can be applied to the skin or used through aromatherapy. Here are some best essential oil tips for kids:

  • Essential oils should be used on kids 3 years and older topically (in a carrier oil like jojoba). Essential oils can even be diffused in infant nursery from birth and beyond but put it on the other side of the room and dilute it a bit more. 


#3 Prevent Spreading Germs

Talk to your kids about sneezing / coughing etiquette such as coughing into your elbow/arm and never your hands and throwing away used tissues then immediately washing your hands or using sanitizer (hand washing is best).

When your child comes home from school, a playdate, or anywhere public where they touched things (sat in a seat, shopping cart, etc.) do this routine:

  • Shoes off at the door.
  • Clothes off at the door.
  • Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds – sing the ABCs.
  • Avoid sugar and junk for all snacks – soda is liquid poison. Fresh fruit, veggies, and healthy snacks like chickpea puffs, granola, and trailmix.
  • For adults – take off shoes, wash hands, and wipe down your cell phone as well as your car steering wheel next time you drive. 


Antioxidant-rich Elderberry is a shiny purple berry from the European Elderberry tree and has been used for generations to treat a wide variety of ailments. It’s best known here in the States to help strengthen kids’ immune systems and help fight the flu (studies have proven that it shortens the duration of sick time by 2-3 days).

You can give kids a small daily dose of Elderberry during flu season to boost your child’s immune system as a preventative measure or can be given when your child gets sick.

“There are many ways to take Elderberry, but the easiest for littler kids is to get the concentrated dropper and add to water. I add to my kid’s school water bottle and he drinks it during the day without tasting anything but water; however, it does have a good taste since it’s a berry,” adds Barski.

Always ask your doctor before taking Elderberry since kids with autoimmune disorders should not take it.

“Vitamins and probiotics are important to keep your kiddos strong and healthy. We use the Olly + Probiotic Gummy Vitamins. One a day up to age 4 and then it’s two a day.

“We also give our kids extra Vitamin D – the Vitamin D gummies are great and they also have drops which can be added to water without making it taste different.

“Vitamin C is very important – we like the Vitamin C powder packs. At the first sign of getting sick, mix with water and enjoy. They have Vitamin C chewables too. Our bodies can absorb up to 1000 mg of Vitamin C a day so start in small doses multiple times a day – 250 mg doses for kids,” adds Barski

Eat Clean

“We cannot expect our bodies to stay healthy and fight off germs if we are not fueling it properly. It’s like putting diesel gas in a regular car,” adds Barski.

Foods to Build up a Great Immune System:

  • Kiwis are a magical fruit! The golden kiwis have double the vitamin C compared to a green kiwi and are delicious and sweet. One kiwi has almost double the vitamin C as an orange. Eat three golden kiwis and that’s nearly 300 mg of Vitamin C.

  • “Garlic is a superfood! We feed our horses some garlic with their feed and not one bug or fly gets on them. It’s incredible. Garlic contains compounds that help the immune system fight germs. Studies have shown that garlic reduces the risk of becoming sick in the first place if eaten often or daily, as well as how long you stay sick. It can also reduce the severity of symptoms,” adds Barski.

    Make sure to talk to your Vet before giving animals garlic.

  • Sauerkraut and non-dairy Kefir  – “While some families prefer Greek yogurt, to get probiotics we eat sauerkraut and non-dairy kefir (since we are dairy-free). These foods help create a healthy gut. When your gut is healthy, your immune system is stronger,” adds Barski.

  • Spinach – This leafy green is packed with numerous antioxidants and beta carotene, which may increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune systems. It’s the healthiest when cooked as little as possible to retain its nutrients. “Add fresh to salads, healthy superfood bowls, a sandwich or wrap, and add it to pasta dishes and soups at the last moment for a minute so it wilts then serve,” adds Barski.

Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt draws out toxins from the body. “Depending on your needs there are several that are recommended including Eucalyptus if you have respiratory cold, but I prefer the original Dr. Teals which is the cheapest at Walmart or Amazon.com. 20 minutes max and drink plenty of water afterwards – this is very important,” says Barski.

You can add essential oils like Lavender or tea bags of Chamomile, Valerian, or Lavender tea to help boost the immune system.

Get Movin’

Every day you should get out and walk and/or run around and play with you kids. A Harvard study showed that walking boosts immune function and helps protect you during cold and flu season. Those who walk have 43% fewer sick days compared to those who exercised once a week or less.  

“Skip the busy gym to practice social distancing and choose the open air instead. Luckily the weather is becoming warmer so families can enjoy the outdoors. Look up local hiking trails. It’s super fun to explore new trails and be with nature. Pack water and for longer hikes bring some healthy snacks. A picnic is also fun to do,” adds Barski.

For Adults

Follow the same tips as above plus add in:

1. Intermittent Fasting

The last time you eat should be 7PM at night and then the next morning when you wake have two glasses of water (16 ounces to jump start your body – just think, you just went 8 hours with not one sip of water!) and you can have a cup of coffee (almond milk but no sugar), then an hour later have your Super Greens Protein Smoothie just like the kids have. No solid food until noon time so that means you just fasted from solid food for 17 hours giving your body a chance to clean those organs, detox, and get your body working at its optimal state.

10 Tips to Reduce Stress

If you’re a parent and are feeling more stressed than usual, you are certainly not alone. With many kids sitting at home for the summer with not much to do, no place to visit and many parents still working from home, stress is at an all-time high. So, how can mom and dad keep their sanity in these crazy times and reduce all that stress?

Dr. Alok Trivedi is a health and human behavior expert, author of the book ‘Chasing Success’ and founder of the Aligned Performance Institute.

His 10 tips to reduce stress right now:

–        Make time for yourself: Being a parent isn’t easy and is filled with stressful moments. No matter how busy you are between work and family, always make time for yourself. Even just 15 to 20 minutes a day to get quiet and relax can do wonders for your stress level, mental and physical health. Not only will you feel better, you’ll also be better at the things you take on and more aligned in your relationships.

–        Focus on overall wellness: The importance of exercise, eating right and taking care of yourself can’t be said enough, especially for parents who lead busy lives. All of these things have a direct impact on your stress. If you eat right, get plenty of physical activity and just take better care of yourself, your mind and body will thank you. Best of all, you can instill these important values in your kids as they grow up.

–        Don’t let things fester: When problems arise, and they will, take them on quickly and effectively. The problem when we procrastinate and put things off is small issues turn into big issues and this drives our stress levels off the charts. Even if you don’t feel like dealing with something, it’s always better to face it and get it over with rather than keep putting it off and allowing it to bother you and raise your stress. For parents, that might mean planning out specific tasks that have to get done each day. Monday might be laundry day. Tuesday could be food prep day. Wednesday cleaning day. And so on.

–        Focus on proper breathing: The problem with incorrect breathing is it can make you feel even more stressed and worried than you already are. Improper breathing raises CO2 in the body while reducing oxygen consumption which makes us tired, dizzy and anxious. The correct way to breathe is slowly in through the stomach area, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale through the lips. It might take some practice to get used to, but this is definitely something that will significantly reduce your stress.

–        Get out of the house: Right now, many parents are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed during the COVID pandemic because they can’t leave the house. It’s still important to get out each and every day. You can go for a walk, drive around with no destination in mind while you crank up the tunes, visit a friend or family member while practicing social distancing. A change of environment is important to reduce stress.

–        Get the kids involved: Many parents are stressed out right now with kids home for summer with nothing to do. Keep your kids busy with educational activities like reading, give them an allowance for taking on chores around the house, and make sure they have enough time play time each day outdoors. Happy and healthy kids will make your life much easier and reduce your levels of stress.

–        Have something to look forward to: Having something in the future to move toward and look forward to is important to all of us, especially parents who find themselves stressed. Maybe it’s a vacation or road trip six months from now. You can even have something small to look forward to each day like a television show or family dinner. This puts us in a better frame of mind, reduces stress and keeps the “feel-good” chemicals pumping in the brain.

–        Get involved in activities that are inspiring to you. It doesn’t matter what it is, just get involved in any activity that inspires you. When you are feeling inspired and into what you are doing, it’s hard to feel stress. Not only that, but when you are doing something you truly enjoy, your mind is occupied and won’t have time to entertain worry, anxiety and stress.

–        Focus on the outcomes, not the struggles. In almost everything we setout to accomplish, there is stress along the way. This is true even of positive forces in our lives. Instead of becoming stressed by the struggles, stay focused on the outcome. For instance, it’s easy to get flustered when trying to explain a math assignment to your kids. But remember how great it feels when it finally clicks for them and the sense of achievement it gives both you and them.

–        Recognize when you need help: Every parent deals with a certain amount of stress and that is perfectly normal. But sometimes our stress becomes something bigger indicative of an anxiety disorder or something else. When you’ve tried to face things on your own and you aren’t feeling better, it’s time to get professional help. Parents with an insurmountable of stress are doing themselves and their families a favor by getting help.

Would you be interested in speaking to Dr. Trivedi? If so, I’m happy to set it up. Or, feel free to use any of his advice above with attribution.

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Here Are the Best Books to Read in 2021 (So Far)

Many of us are spending more time indoors than ever before, and that means more time to dive into our reading lists. Whether you’ve promised yourself you’ll read more in the new year or you simply need an escape from the world right now, our list of the best books of 2021 has you covered.

So what should you read next

Here are our faves!

The Push: A Novel

Fans of psychological thrillers, crack open this one about the relationship between mothers and daughters. Before Blythe’s daughter is born, she wants to create the deep bond she never had with her own mom. But when Violet arrives, she’s convinced something’s wrong with her little girl. The tragic events that follow will make you question her sanity, and the story she’s telling us.  

A Crooked Tree: A Novel

One fateful night, 15-year-old Libby’s harried single mom orders her sister Ellen, 12, to get out and walk home after their bickering gets to be too much. What follows not only shatters the girls’ innocence, but sets off a chain of events that reveals the darkness in their sleepy town. This novel drives home how one moment can change everything. 

Let Me Tell You What I Mean

Joan Didion needs no introduction, and neither does this incisive collection of works, mostly drawn from early in her career. Topics include Martha Stewart, a Gamblers Anonymous meeting, writing itself and her own doubts about it all. Didion fans shouldn’t sleep this one, and neither should anyone else. 

How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her House: A Novel

This transporting novel set in Barbados reveals the way even the most disparate lives are interconnected. It delves into wealth and class, love and crime — and the emotional turmoil that roils in a rapidly gentrifying area and the people who live there.  

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Spring Activities for Family Fun

Put some spring in your step this season with a spring activities jar. It’s an easy way to collect a bunch of ideas for family fun. Pull them out any time you’re ready for some active play! Kids usually enjoy helping you brainstorm the ideas, but it’s also fun to include some options they don’t know about. Nothing beats the element of surprise. See below for lots of categories to get you started. Then supplement with your favorite hobbies, games, and local hangouts.

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15 Pregnancy Outfits That Are Cute and (Most Importantly) Comfortable

Whether you’re in your 1st trimester or 3rd, it can be a challenge find clothing that makes you feel good when you’re pregnant. That’s why we’ve gathered some cute pregnancy outfit ideas to get you through all nine months. These maternity clothes range from blouses you can wear to work to cute midi dresses you can wear on the weekend. The most important thing about all of these pieces is that they will not only having you looking great, but you’ll also be totally comfortable.

Here are our faves!

Maternity Shorts

Don’t be afraid to try one of summer’s biggest trends: the Bermuda short. When paired with a classic t-shirt, you’ll be stylish, but more importantly, super comfortable. 

Red Midi Wrap Maternity Dress

You can adjust this floral wrap dress as your bump grows. We love that it’s perfect for any occasion, all you have to do is dress up or dress down your accessories. 

Maternity Full Panel Khaki Straight

Trying to find something cute and casual while in your 3rd trimester? This pair of khakis is the answer. 

Peplum Button Down Shirt

Roll the sleeves on this peplum button down, add a loafer, and you’ll have a polished outfit without too much effort. 

EveryWear Ribbed Tank Maternity Dress

This simple tank dress will carry you through your pregnancy.  If you need to dress it up, add a stacked heel and statement earring, if you’re running errands, wear a comfy sandal and a crossbody bag. 

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All of the Best Ways to Make the Most of a Small Garden

Crafting a small outdoor space is never easy, but it’s not impossible. Even if you’re not lucky enough to call Versailles home, you can still make your tiny patch of green look stunning. With a dose of creativity and a few smart furniture choices, your humble garden can be picture-perfect in no time, thanks to these brilliant space-saving outdoor ideas design ideas.

Here are our faves!


Play up your garden’s cozy factor with a stylish hammock, designed for an afternoon nap or getting lost in a good book.

Globe String Lights

Any outdoor gathering would be so much more fun if classic string lights are in the mix, whether you choose to hang them on a fence or under a pergola.

Floral Still Life Sling Chair

When it comes to an impromptu yard game, consider folding furniture, like this floral style, to easily free up space in an instant.

Ecopots Hanging Pot

Ditch those unsightly plastic hanging pots for a sleek bowl like this waterproof design that’s available in four colors: charcoal, stone, clay and slate. 

Hawkeye Gold Candle Stainless Steel Lantern

Add a little mood lighting to a deck or outdoor space with flickering candles set in gilded glass. 

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Spring Showers: What to Wear on a Warm Rainy Day

Dressing for a warm rainy day isn’t quite as simple as bundling up during chilly rainstorms — so I thought it definitely warranted its own article. (See our guide to what to wear on cold rainy days for tips for those chillier storms!)

After all, when it’s hot and sticky out, the last thing you want to wear is a pair of heavy winter rain boots. I’ve learned this the hard way.

Here are our faves!

The Modern Trench Coat

It doesn’t have to be waterproof, but it should be made from a fabric that dries relatively quickly. 

Cotton and synthetics, like rayon and polyester, all fit the bill. (Just make sure to avoid wool, as it gets heavy when wet and takes forever to dry!)

Print Folding Umbrella

If the forecast is predicting heavy rain and winds, a compact umbrella is a sensible option.


These nude sandals are patent leather so they should hold up well in a downpour.


Short rain boots are a cinch to style – just wear them the way you would wear normal ankle boots!

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10 Healthy Herbs and How to Use Them

Using a variety of herbs in your diet will not only please your taste buds, it will do wonders for your health and well-being.

Fresh herbs not only add flavor without calories, they may also serve up health benefits as healing foods. “Herbal medicine has been used as kitchen medicine for thousands of years, and while our body’s response to these natural treatments has not changed, we now have more global choices than ever,” says Steven Chasens, an herbalist and acupuncture physician at Coral Gables Acupuncture in Florida. 

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