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She Picked Her Baby’s Sex in IVF then Felt Punished When Born with A Birth Defect

I love the Real Housewives series on Bravo TV though I am not always up to speed on the seasons and the newer members. I was catching up with the latest season of the Beverly Hills housewives series of the franchise when I got introduced to Teddi Jo Mellencamp Arroyave. (Yes, her dad is John Cougar Mellencamp. *swoon*)

The gorgeous blonde seems down-to-earth and has a 5-year olf daughter, Slate and 3-year old son,  Cruz, and a hunky security company owner husband Edwin Arroyave. During a couple dinner date hosted by Dorit Kemsley and her husband Paul “P.K.: Kemsley  in an early episode, Teddi and Edwin share about the guilt they endured over their son’s health following their decision to select his gender.

After getting pregnant easily the first time, they struggled the second time and turned to IVF for help. During the process, they had 12 embryos fertilized and all but one was female. Edwin wanted a boy, perhaps given they already had a daughter at the time, so they rejected the overwhelming majority of available fertilized embryos to implant the only male egg.

Their son was born with two healthy instead of three aortic chambers and as a result, may have lifelong challenges though he is quite healthy now and the prognosis seems good that he will live a good life. It started out pretty horrific.

“We had a really scary delivery with Cruz,” Teddi relayed during  the episode, explaining that Cruz wasn’t breathing when he was born. “They put him on me and one of the nurses was like, ‘He’s not okay, Code Blue.’ And I was just sitting there, and he wasn’t breathing.”

As docs rushed in to attend to their baby, Edwin immediately connected the trauma to his decision to pick the baby’s sex.

“I just remember my sisters were in the room and they’re crying. [Teddi’s] crying. I was like, ‘Holy crap,’ ” he said. “I was just praying like, ‘Lord, give me one more chance. I’ll never do this again.’ ”

He was referring to the selecting of the baby’s sex during in vitro fertilization.

“I made sure it was a boy,” he told the Kemsleys. “I kept saying, ‘I want the boy, I want the boy.’ ”

The couple sincerely expressed regret and felt they were being punished for picking their child’s gender (or sex) when they could have just been grateful for whatever God gave them. I am presuming this. Not putting words in their mouth.

“I’m his mother. My job is to protect him, and that little bit of me who felt like I was selecting something — I choose for him to be a boy, God didn’t choose for me — it’ll always make me feel a little guilty,” Teddi said.

“IVF is one of the hardest things you can go through as a woman,” she added. “One of your biggest jobs is to make babies and when you can’t, you feel sad cause you’re not able to make your baby. And you also feel sad cause you feel like you’re failing.”

You guys know I have an institutional memory and so the disclosure and exchange reminded me a bit of Toni Braxton who revealed in her book that she felt that God punished her for a previous abortion she decided to have in the middle of her then-sizzling hot career. Her son Diezel has Autism. She since went on to explain that her un-evolved notions at the time have changed, after a lot of backlash.

It is not uncommon as I, personally, know women who had fertility struggles and said they felt they too were being punished for an abortion they elected to have when younger. It is a touchy subject.

The ethics of selecting a child’s gender came into play publicly among another celebrity lately. Chrissy Teigen revealed that she felt her first child should be a girl because she wanted her husband, John Legend, to have a daughter. She also got blasted for expressing her decision.

In any event, I have no opinion on the matter other than I am happy that people are being open about these very sensitive issues beause someone out there can relate and perhaps can benefit from hearing and seeing these topics actively and candidly being aired.

Bravo! (Pun intended)

Photo: Jorge Bautista

MLK Day: 6 Last-Minute Way Your Child Can Honor by Serving

If you didn’t enroll you or your children to participate in one of the  many service activities organized around the nation, there is still time for you and the children to do something kind on their own for their neighbors or fellow man.

Here are a 6 other  suggestions besides watching a speech and reflecting on its meaning:

  1. Take garbage bags down to the town creek or some other littered area near your home and clean it up.
  2. Make sandwiches and pack fruit and a snack into about a few dozen brown bags and pass them to homeless people in the closest town or city to you.
  3. Gather old toys and bag them up to donate to Goodwill or a local family shelter.
  4. Call a local home for the elderly and ask if you can come by and play cards and/or board games with the residents.
  5. Make Homemade colorful Get Well Greetings cards to send to a local children’s hospital/
  6. Make Festive Thank You Cards to send to the local USO to ship off to military serving abroad.

Good luck and Happy MLK Day of Service!

7 Things To Do Before Returning to School After Having a Baby


You don’t have to let the fact that you had a baby before or in the middle of college deter you from returning or starting. Despite all the obstacles and challenges associated with returning to school after a baby, if you put in a plan, you certainly can do it and findAnanny.com wants you to use these beneficial suggestions to get it done.

1. Build a Support System – The most important thing for a student mom to have in place is a strong and reliable support system. Not only will you need help with childcare and managing the needs of your new baby while keeping up with your studies, you’ll also need a shoulder or two you can cry on when things get difficult. Finishing school as a parent will be a challenge, and having a few people in your corner can make all the difference.

2. Create a Routine That Works For Your Family – There is no hard-and-fast rule about how you have to structure your household routine, especially when your little one is still an infant. Find a schedule that works for you and build around it. If online classes are more conducive to learning and completing assignments than a traditional classroom setting, that’s the best solution for you. On the other hand, getting out of the house and interacting with your classmates may help you manage the demands of parenthood more easily. Whatever works for you is the best solution, regardless of how well it would work for someone else

3. Set Realistic Goals -You may have planned to take on a full course load before your pregnancy, but that may not be realistic after the birth of a child. Rather than setting goals that aren’t feasible and being disappointed when they prove to be a bit more than you’re ready to handle, take your time and make a plan that you can actually adhere to. Celebrate each milestone along the way and stay focused on each smaller goal as they approach

4. Work Out a Reasonable Timeline- Finishing school on the standard time table may be out of the cards for you as a new mom, and that’s okay. The goal is to finish, so take the time to figure out when you can realistically complete your studies. You may have to shoulder a lighter burden in terms of classes and finish later than some of your peers, but you’ll still leave with a diploma, which is better than trying to take on too much only to end up burned out and frustrated enough to quit school altogether. You may also have ideas of returning to school days after the birth of your child, however, that may not be possible. Finding the right time to return to school after you recover from delivery and have bonded with your new baby may be a bit more complicated than simply returning as soon as you’re discharged from the hospital.

5. Find a Caregiver You Trust – Your child will have to be cared for while you’re at school since you won’t be able to take her to class with you. To make the transition into school after becoming a new parent, you’ll need to make sure that you’ve found a childcare provider you absolutely trust and have no qualms about leaving her with. If you’re distracted and worried about your child’s safety while you’re in class, your academic performance probably won’t reflect your actual abilities.

6. Prepare for a Bit of Separation Anxiety -Regardless of how excited you are to get back into school after your maternity leave ends, you will feel at least a little bit of separation anxiety until you adjust to the idea of no longer spending the entirety of each day with the fascinating little person you’ve created. If you’re prepared for the stress of leaving your child in someone else’s care and understand that it’s just temporary, it can lessen the sting and help to make that pain a bit more manageable.

7. Don’t Be Scared to Adjust Your Schedule – As a new mom and a student, your schedule may have to be adjusted a few times until you find the one that works for you. Making adjustments is not the same as admitting defeat, so don’t be afraid to finagle things until you find the methods that work best for you and your new family.

My Recommendations For At Home Spa Treatments for Cold Weather Self-Care

If you live in the East Coast, then you are aware that the weather temps are pure disrespectful! It’s a great time to stay indoors and keep warm. Whether you’re recovering from the bomb cyclone or stuck indoors because you’re on bed rest, one sure fire way to soothe your body and get some self care is to pamper yourself.

Personally, I am a BIG fan of pamper products, facials, manicures, body scrubs, pedicures, peels, you name it. All of it is not just great for helping you relax, but spa treatments can also help you expel toxins from your body. The top of the year is a great time to get a head start.

Pregnancy generates all sorts of hormones in your body that you can’t control. You may find yourself having a difficult time dealing with stress, and may be short tempered, moody and otherwise just irritable and miserable. A good facial, massage or body scrub can do wonders to ease some of that tension.

Start with some home brewed herbal tea. Chamomile, Peppermint, English Breakfast will work too. Sip slowly throughout your day to calm your spirit.

You don’t even have to leave the home to get a good facial or body scrub Hubpages has some great low cost recipes that you (or your spouse or partner, if you are on bedrest) can whip up using items already in your fridge and kitchen cabinet! Fab!

Facial Mask Recipes

Recipes for my favorite at-home face masks. Each provides unique benefits, but all are quick and easy to blend up at home, with ingredients you use every day.

Body Scrub and Salt Glow Recipes

Use these easy at-home body scrub recipes to bring life back into tired skin and give you the youthful glow of nourished, healthy skin all year round! Coffee Body Scrub Coffee tightens and rejuvenates skin.

Facial Cleanser and Scrub Recipes

Try some of these easy-to-follow recipes for homemade cleansers and scrubs that provide amazing benefits, for a fraction of the cost of those expensive brand-name formulas at the drug store.

If your budget can afford it, I recommend investing in a parafin foot tub. Add the wax blocks they come with that are infused with lavender and peppermint, then plug in and let the wax melt, dip in  your feet, elbows, knees, hands or whatever body part needs smoothing and watch it work wonders. I have a tub under my desk as I type.

The South Korean face sheets were big and trending last year and the obsession with them has spilled into this year as well.  Per InStyle mag,  Chrissy Teigen and Karolina Kurkova to Lena Dunham and Lady Gaga hailing them for their skin-plumping, mind-stilling abilities.

Purchase them in your local drug or department store or order online and use them at the end of a stressful day or for no reason at all. There is no need to have an excuse to treat your body right. They start as low as $1.50 online.

Aromatherapy is excellent for the mood as well. Invest in a diffuser and some essential oils and have rosemary, lavender, sage waffling through the air as you work, do some housecleaning, listen to your fave podcast, or read a good book.

Essential oils can get costly so your best bet is to get a kit. My fave is ArtNaturals Aromatherapy Essential Oil and Diffuser set which comes with a vial of Peppermint, Tee Tree Oil, Rosemary, Orange, Lemongrass, Lavender, Eucalyptus and Frankincense.

I love that it glows in 7 colors and for safety it shuts off automatically. At $43 this is a steal because if you were to purchase each vial separately in a lot of places, you’re looking at spending $80 for the oils alone!  

All of these recommendations will surely help you re-center yourself and your sensibilities and be able to tackle all that life throws at you…at least for the next few days, then repeat the process and get carried away all over again!

How to Prepare Your Pet for Baby On the Way

by Tracy Vicory-Rosenquest, Rover.com community member.  Rover is the nation’s largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers.

With a baby on the way, there’s a lot to prepare including how to get your pup ready for a new family member.  It’s easy to be distracted, and your fur baby may feel displaced.  Rover.com has a few suggestions for how to include your dog during this exciting time with your family.

Snuggle time.  Your pup will know something is happening with the changes in your body, behavior, and mood.  You may find him becoming more protective or more cuddly.  This is an important time to snuggle in close and enjoy a quiet morning with your pup in bed or take the time to relax on the couch together.  

Long walks.  Taking a walk during your pregnancy is not only good for your body, it’s the perfect time to enjoy the company of your dog.  As you get closer to your due date, walking is an important part of preparing your body, and now your dog has a vital role in helping you get ready.  After the baby has arrived and you’ve recovered, get out the stroller for a walk with the baby and take the dog along too!  

Dog Sitter.  As you make plans for the first 6-8 weeks with your newborn, include who will help take care of the dog.  If you have a dog sitter already, this is the time to discuss how often you’ll utilize them.  Plan for regular support feeding and walking the dog.  If you don’t have a dog sitter, now is the time to find one who will support the family as you adjust to your new schedule.

Early labor.  If you’re staying home in the early stages of labor or if you’re having a homebirth, your pets may want to be involved in soothing you before and after contractions.  As you’re writing out your birth plan, determine if you’ll want your pets involved in any part of the labor or if you’ll want someone to care for your pup during this time.  

Introductions.  Before you bring the baby home, plan out the first encounter with your fur family members.  First, have someone bring home the baby’s first blanket or hat so the dog can smell the baby’s scent.  The day you bring the baby home, have someone take the dog for a long walk or playtime at the park.  If you have an energetic dog, make sure she’s tired before she comes home to meet the baby.  When your dog enters the house, hold the baby up high and begin training your dog with the commands you’ll use around the baby.  Slowly bring the dog closer and allow him to smell the baby from a distance.  

Be sure to organize regular time to spend with your pup without the baby so your dog doesn’t feel disconnected from you.  Your pup may be excited or worried about the new addition.  You don’t want an unhappy dog during this big transition, so take the time learn what he needs to be included.  

Take this $25 to  Use toward your  First Booking with Rover! Use our Affiliate link HERE! 


Do These 5 Things to Keep Your Kid From Catching a Cold This Winter

It’s inevitable that from time to time you and your child will be exposed to people who have a cold or who are spreading airborne germs.  While the odds are that your child will catch the occasional cold, there are certainly a few ways to reduce the number of colds that she gets.

  1. Try to keep ahead of the germs.  Disinfecting wipes or a water and bleach solution can be used for this task.  Make sure that you are regularly cleaning door knobs, handles, cabinets, toys, and anything else that little hands might come into contact with.  For every gallon of water, 1 ½ teaspoons of bleach should be added to create a solution to disinfect surfaces and toys. For diapering and toileting areas, 1 tablespoon of bleach can be added to 1 gallon of water. Let the bleach solution sit for 2 minutes before wiping it down.  If you are worried about your child coming into contact with chemicals, look for all-natural sanitizing solutions.  You’ll also want to make sure that everyone in the house frequently washes their hands with warm water and soap.
  2. Change toothbrushes often.  Toothbrushes can harbor germs and re-infect your child if the germs are not killed.  Dentists recommend that toothbrushes be replaced every 3 months if you are healthy, more often if you are not.  Toothbrushes should also be replaced after an illness. To kill germs soak the toothbrush in antiseptic mouthwash for 5 minutes or run your toothbrush through the dishwasher.  Warning: Boiling your toothbrush or running it through the dishwasher will wear out the bristles faster.
  3. Feed your child a healthy diet.  If your child eats a proper diet it will strengthen his immune system and he will be better able to fight off cold-causing germs.  Make sure he eats plenty of fruits and vegetables, as these contain the proper vitamins and minerals needed to build up his body’s natural defenses.  Eating foods high in vitamins is better for absorption of those vitamins than taking vitamin tablets.
  4. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water.  Water not only keeps your body hydrated during the very dry winter season, but it helps your body flush out unwanted toxins.  Water also helps your lymph system run better, which is part of your body’s immune system, and it fights off illness.
  5. Make sure your child gets enough sleep.  Sleeping is extremely important, and most people don’t get enough of it.  Doctors recommend that children sleep 10-11 hours per night.  A lack of sleep can affect how well your child grows because the body produces a growth hormone during sleep.  Digestion also takes place during sleep.  Bodies need this down time to recover and rebuild after a busy day of being a kid.  By getting enough sleep the body is better prepared to fight off germs.

NEW: Jay Z Drops Visually-Stimulating Celeb-Studded Futuristic Video for ‘Family Feud’ (PHOTOS and VIDEO)

If you follow this blog, you know I am a die-hard Beyonce, also a Jay and Bey fan and a fangirl of sci-fi and action movies so, I was quite geeked to immediately open up and peep the brand new video for Jay Z‘s song “Family Feud” off of his 444 album which melds all of my faves into one fantastical, visually-stimulating treat.

And I must say, the cinematography is on point….

All the Yeses to the Ava DuVernay-directed futuristic video which gives me “Black Panther” vibes, because it is set the year 2444 in a universe where Power‘s Omari Hardwick is the co-President of the Free World and is the direct descendant of the matriarch of a fantastical diverse group of women, dubbed the Fore-mothers, who re-configured the US Constitution in the year 2050 along with a pact called the “Confessional Papers”, per the prose in the video.

ETA: the director explained the video:

Westworld’s Irene Bedard plays a co-President

A Native American woman is the co-President played by Westworld’s Irene Bedard.

Yes to This is Us star Susan Kelechi Watson playing an adult Blue Ivy Carter who quotes her dad during that meeting saying “ Nobody wins when the family feuds,” a line from the song.

The Mindy Project’s Mindy Kaling heads the meeting

Yes to the union of leaders led by a character played  by a then-pregnant Mindy Kaling and featuring council members portrayed by ….

Claws‘ Neicy Nash, Angie Tribeca and Parks & Recreation‘s Rashida Jones, Room‘s Brie Larson, Marvel’s Luke Cage and The Defenders‘ star Rosario Dawson, trans advocate, journalist and and social commentator  Janet Mock, who are among the women who are tasked to lead the effort to set the world straight — as it should be because you know, given this “Me Too” era in the nation (and world), it really will take a small army of Women to do the job.

Fresh Off the Boat‘s Constance Wu

The Office’s Rashida Jones and Rosario Dawson, who stars in Marvel’s The Defenders, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage

Yes to the fictional president’s feuding for power family played by a Thandie Newton outfitted in a LeeLo from The Fifth Element-like bandage onesie  who fights with her brother played by Creed and Black Panther’s Michael B. Jordan .

Creed and Black Panther star Michael B. Jordan

Thandie Newton wearing the heck out of a bandage outfit reminiscent of LeeLo from ‘The Fifth Element’

Jessica Chastain cameos

David Oyelowo

Yes to the president’s ancestors saving the world from a time when “Make Us Great” meant make us fear one another!

America Ferrera is a warrior

Yes to Beyonce sitting on her throne on the other side of a Catholic confessional, metaphorically and literally, waiting to assign penance to Jay for reportedly cheating on her, as is referenced in the song.

Beyonce sits inside a Catholic confessional

Oh and yes to Blue making a cameo too!

Watch it today FREE using the FREE Tidal Holiday 12-day streaming special here: https://listen.tidal.com/



From People:

All the celebrities who made cameos shared behind-the-scenes photos from filming once the video was released exclusively on Tidal.

This is far from JAY-Z’s first video featuring some Hollywood heavyweights.

He previously dropped the Friends-inspired clip for “Moonlight” with Tessa Thompson, Tiffany Haddish, Jerrod Carmichael and Issa Rae as well as the Lupita Nyong’o-starring “MaNyfaCedGod” and “Adnis” starring Mahershala Ali.

JAY-Z’s 18th studio album, 4:44, recently received eight Grammy nominations, including Album of the Year and Best Rap Album.



Yes to these other screen grabs of the close to 8 minute music video:

Year in Review: The Atlantic’s Pick of the Most ‘2017’ Photos (Our Faves)

The Atlantic released its epic list of the Most “2017” photos, those that captured all of the most influential, controversial or talked-about moments this year. Below is a listing of our fave, many of which are centered around families, children or family affairs:

US President Donald Trump (C), first lady Melania Trump, and their son Barron Trump, using a fidget spinner, walk off Air Force One after arriving at Andrews Airforce base, Maryland on June 11 2017.

Trump is returning to Washington, DC after spending the weekend at this Bedminster, New Jersey golf club. / AFP PHOTO / MANDEL NGAN (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

Children perform tricks using fidget spinners during a contest held in Ashdod, Israel May 11, 2017. REUTERS/Amir Cohen

A parking sign for people visiting for the Solar Eclipse is shown in Depoe Bay, Oregon, U.S. August 9, 2017. Picture taken August 9, 2017. REUTERS/Jane Ross

Guests watch the final moments before the total eclipse at the football stadium at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois, U.S., August 21, 2017. Location coordinates for this image are 37°42’25” N 89°13’10” W. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

A young girl dances with an American flag in baggage claim while women pray behind her during a protest against the travel ban imposed by executive order, at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in Dallas, Texas, on January 29, 2017. (Laura Buckman / Reuters)

Robert Kelly, left, a political science professor at Pusan National University, holds a press conference with his wife Jung-a Kim, right, and children James and Marion at the university in Busan, South Korea, on March 15, 2017. As Kelly spoke from his home office via Skype with BBC about the just-ousted South Korean President Park Geun-hye, his eyes darted left as he watched on his computer screen, his young daughter parading into the room behind him. Her jaunty entrance resembled the exuberant march of the Munchkins celebrating the Wicked Witch’s death in the The Wizard of Oz.

British Prime Minister Theresa May, center, stands next to candidate “Lord Buckethead,” as they wait for election results for the general election in Maidenhead, England, on June 9, 2017. Lord Buckethead won 249 votes in the election. Also visible, at left (red, fuzzy), is the Give Me Back Elmo Party candidate

A woman who told police that she and her family were from Sudan is taken into custody by Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers after arriving by taxi and walking across the U.S.-Canada border into Hemmingford, Quebec, Canada February 12, 2017. Picture taken February 12, 2017. REUTERS/Christinne Muschi

This picture taken on November 14, 2017 shows a general view of the Tianjin Binhai Library.

A futuristic Chinese library has wowed book lovers around the world with its white, undulating shelves rising from floor to ceiling, but if you read between the lines you’ll spot one problem. Those rows upon rows of book spines are mostly images printed on the aluminium plates that make up the backs of shelves. / AFP PHOTO / FRED DUFOUR /

A woman who told police that she and her family were from Sudan is taken into custody by Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers after arriving by taxi and walking across the U.S.-Canada border into Hemmingford, Quebec, Canada February 12, 2017. Picture taken February 12, 2017. REUTERS/Christinne Muschi

50+ Classic American And Multicultural World Christmas Books

Christmas is a magical time of year for both kids and adults alike.  The kids are out of school, the holiday cheer keeps everyone in high spirits, and spending time together as a family is at the top of everyone’s priority list.  One hallmark of the Christmas season is the wide variety of Christmas stories, both new and old, that you can tell your child. One way to really get into the Christmas spirit is to curl up by the fire with your kids, hot cocoa in hand, and read them one of these 10 popular Christmas stories:
  1. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – This story is actually a poem that was written in 1823 by Clement Clarke Moore.  The poem was the first of its kind to describe Santa and his sleigh, and contributed largely to how people picture Santa today.  Moore wrote this poem for his children, but it was later published in the newspaper and was so popular that it was reprinted year after year.
  2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! – Dr. Seuss is at it again, this time with a rather surly furry green character who hates Christmas.  The Grinch is sick of everyone being so cheerful at Christmastime that he decides he’s going to steal Christmas.  However, the kindness shown to him by one little girl melts his heart, and he ends up giving everything back while learning the true meaning of Christmas.
  3. A Christmas Carol – A classic story written by Charles Dickens, this Christmas tale talks about a crabby old man named Scrooge who is a penny-pinching, miserable man.  He is estranged from his own family and treats his workers terribly.  Scrooge is visited by three ghosts one night who show him what Christmas really means.  The story ends when he wakes up on Christmas morning, just in time to make amends.
  4. The Polar ExpressChris Van Allsburg writes a story about a boy who isn’t quite sure if Santa is real or not.  He boards a train that appears in his backyard one night and is swept away on the adventure of a lifetime to the North Pole.  While there, he meets elves and ghosts who convince him that Santa really does exist, and when ends up back at home it’s with a firm belief in Santa again.
  5. Christmas in the Big Woods – One of many Laura Ingalls Wilder books, this one tells the story of Laura’s life during Christmas in their home in the big woods of Wisconsin.  This book is an excellent choice for very young children.
  6. The Gift of the Magi – This story is about a couple who has very little money, but still want to give each other a Christmas gift.  The woman has long beautiful hair, and it’s the thing she is most proud of.  Her husband has a pocket watch that belonged to his grandfather, and he loves this family heirloom.  The wife decides to sell her hair to buy her husband a chain for his pocket watch and the husband sells his pocket watch to buy combs for his wife’s beautiful hair.  The story is compared to the magi that brought gifts to the newborn king.
  7. Christmas in Camelot A Magic Tree House book by Mary Pope Osborne.  Jack and Annie travel to Camelot in the magic tree house to find a cup, a key and a compass in order to save Camelot from the evil wizard Mordred.  The kids prove to the king that kids can be useful.
  8. Meet Santa Bear – As in most books by Stan and Jan Berenstain, there is a lesson to be learned in this book.  Although, in this book, the lesson is really more about getting answers to difficult questions, like “how does Santa get down a skinny chimney?” or “how does the sleigh land without snow on the ground?”  These questions, and others, are answered in this Berenstain Bear book.
  9. The Year Without a Santa Claus – The author, Phyllis McGinley, pens this story about the year Santa decides to take the year off because he doesn’t think anyone believes in him anymore.  He leaves two elves in charge and they make a mess of things.  Heat Miser and Cold Miser make their debut in this book and subsequent cartoon.  Santa comes to the rescue and realizes that there are some believers left and changes his mind.
  10. The Christmas SweaterGlenn Beck writes this story, which contains some autobiographical elements.  The main character is young Eddie, who wants a new bike for Christmas with all of his heart.  He knows his mom can’t afford it, but he wants it anyway.  Christmas day comes and he gets a sweater that his mom made herself and he is so bitter and disappointed that he throws the sweater in the corner and leaves it.  He goes through a rough patch and finally gets some mentoring from a neighbor named Russell who helps him understand what a great gift the sweater really is.

For some diversity:

Christmas Books for Kids All Around the World

Books About Christmas in Mexico

20 Multicultural Christmas Books for Children


Swedish Christmas Books

Inside Lady Antebellum Singer Hillary Scott’s Baby Shower

Lady Antebellum‘s Hillary Scott celebrated the impending arrival of her twins recently at an intimate shower with friends the Husk restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Today was the most precious and perfect celebration for our little girls,” the country singer captioned a photo slideshow of the festivities. “One of my favorite parts about today was that a table full of amazing women(a few not pictured ?, and a few unable to attend who we missed tremendously!!) had great fellowship, laughs, and lifted each other up…all while celebrating these two babies who I pray grow up to first be who God has created them to be, but also a melting pot of all of the hearts in this room who love them so much already. My heart is overflowing with gratitude to the hostesses @darlintennessee @jocd_like_ocd @goinbackto & @lindsay.doyle ??? Love y’all so much and thanks to @husknashville for making our bellies REALLY happy!! ❤️”

Love the family style table and rustic table settings in this photo above. It looks like it was a fabulous time. She also shared the most adorable pic babies bump progression pic recently. Love that glow! Gorgeous!

This is Scott and husband Chris Tyrrell’s third and fourth children after suffering a devastating miscarriage earlier which inspired a hit song, “Thy Will” about the ordeal.

The couple announced the news this August in a tender video with their daughter, who they say had been hoping and praying along with mom and dad for another baby.

“You know how you’ve been praying a lot about having a baby and about God giving our family another baby?” Tyrrell says to Eisele  in the video. “Well … God has answered that prayer, and Mommy is pregnant with a baby in her belly”.

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