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Memorial Day: How to Be A Grillmaster in 15 Steps

photo by Sitraka Rakotoarivelo

If you are grilling for Memorial Day next week and need some grilling tips, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are 10 of our fave tips we spotted from various sources and around the web and assembled into top 15 tips:

1. Gas vs. Charcoal? – The age-old debate over which grilling method is “better” involves multiple variables, from flavor to cost to convenience. While no studies prove that either is healthier, gas does burn cleaner. Charcoal grills emit more carbon monoxide, particulate matter and soot into the atmosphere, contributing to increased pollution and higher concentrations of ground-level ozone. From a taste perspective, on the other hand, many people prefer the smokier, richer taste of food cooked on a charcoal grill.

2. Get It Hot!– Preheat your grill 15 to 25 minutes before you start cooking to make sure it reaches the right temperature (and to kill any bacteria). Your grill should be 400-450°F for high, 350-400°F for medium-high, 300-350°F for medium and 250-300°F for low heat. A properly heated grill sears foods on contact, keeps the insides moist and helps prevent sticking. While searing doesn’t “seal in” the juices (contrary to popular belief ), it does create improved flavors through caramelization.

3. Brush It Off – It’s easier to remove debris when the grill is hot, so after preheating, use a long-handled wire grill brush on your grill rack to clean off charred debris from prior meals. Scrape again immediately after use.

4. Oil It Up– Even on a clean grill, lean foods may stick when placed directly on the rack. Reduce sticking by oiling your hot grill rack with a vegetable oil-soaked paper towel: hold it with tongs and rub it over the rack. (Do not use cooking spray on a hot grill.)

5. Marinate Your Meat -Marinating does more than infuse food with flavor; it also inhibits the formation of potentially carcinogenic HCAs (heterocyclic amines), which form when grilling “muscle meats” like poultry, red meat and fish. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), marinating can reduce HCA formation by as much as 92 to 99 percent.

6. Is It Done?The best way to know if protein is fully cooked is to check its internal temperature with an instant-read thermometer.

7. The Hand Test- To gauge the temperature of a grill without a thermometer, place your open palm about 5 inches above the grill rack; the fire is high if you have to move your hand in 2 seconds, medium if you have to move your hand in 5 seconds and low if you have to move your hand in 10 seconds.

8. Tame The Flames- Flare-ups happen when fat drips onto the heat source and catches fire. This causes carcinogenic PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) to form and accumulate on your food. Meat licked by flames also tastes “off” and flames may char the outside of food before the inside has thoroughly cooked. To reduce flare-ups, select lean cuts of meat, trim excess fat and remove poultry skin. And, keep a squirt bottle of water near the grill to quickly douse any unexpected flare-ups.

9. Give It A Rest – Let finished meats rest on a clean platter, tented with foil, for about 10 minutes before carving so juices can redistribute evenly.

10. Veggies Lift –  Keep the lid up for Veggies so they don’t become too limp and are crisp not soggy

11. Fishy Fish – For fish, slice lemon and make a bed of them and lay the fish on top to grill.

12. Ribs Boil – Boil ribs for 10 to 15 minutes before grilling to make sure you kill all bacteria from them. 

13. Get Saucy – Add the sauce during the last 15 minutes of grilling. 

14. Keep it Juicy – Don’t flatten your burgers and cause all the succulent juice to run out. Instead poke them with a fork. 

15. Portion control – To avoid overcooking or undercooking, grill smaller pieces of meat at a time. 


Duchess Meghan Markle Delivered Her Son at Home, It Appears

UPDATE: ET source confirms the baby was born at home.

Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle and Prince Harry on the birth of their first child, a baby boy.

Kensington Palace announced the news via Twitter today.

“Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex was safely delivered of a son at 0526hrs,” the Palace tweeted. “The baby weighs 7lbs 3oz and The Duke of Sussex was present for the birth.”


The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Lady Jane Fellowes, Lady Sarah McCorquodale and Earl Spencer have been informed and are delighted with the news.

The Duchess’s mother, Doria Ragland, who is overjoyed by the arrival of her first grandchild, is with Their Royal Highnesses at Frogmore Cottage

Her Royal Highness and the baby are both doing well.”

As suspected, it appears like she had a home birth. The timing of the delivery with news that Markle’s mom is with her and the baby makes me think she indeed had a homebirth.

The Daily Mail  had previously reported that Meghan’s current top choice is a home birth led by a midwife.

Sources stressed that Harry and Meghan, who are expecting their first child within weeks, have not ruled out a hospital delivery because a woman having a baby over the age of 35 is at an increased risk of premature birth or the need for an epidural or caesarean.

But a friend in America said the duchess – who still practices yoga daily and has ‘sailed’ through her pregnancy – is in extremely good health and sees no reason why she could not enjoy a safe delivery in the privacy of the cottage.

‘It is her favoured choice,’ the source said, ‘but it obviously depends on how things are nearer the time.’

Congrats! We have a Baby Duke!

Harry announced the news to the public:

“It’s been the most amazing experience I can ever have possibly imagined. How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension,” he said. “But, we’re both absolutely thrilled. And so grateful to all the love and support from everybody out there. It’s been amazing. So we just wanted to share this with everybody.”

“The baby’s a little bit overdue so we’ve had a little bit of time to think about it. That’s the next bit,” he said of choosing a name. “For us, I think we’ll be seeing you guys in probably two days time as planned, as a family. To be able to share it with you guys and so everyone can see the baby.”

Harry ended his sweet remarks by once again praising Meghan and saying their baby boy is “to die for.”

“I haven’t been in many births. This is definitely my first birth,” he quipped. “But it was amazing. Absolutely incredible. And, as I said, I’m so incredibly proud of my wife. And, as every father and parent would ever say, your baby’s absolutely amazing, but this little thing is absolutely to die for. So I’m just over the moon.”

Photo: Getty

Shahs of Sunset’ MJ Javid Almost Died Giving Birth, Husband Said

Bravo TV reality TV star of Shahs of Sunset Mercedes “MJ” Javid had the most difficult road to baby and recently revealed to her Instagram followers that she misses pregnancy!


On April 17, the real estate mogul welcomed her son, Shams Francis Feight, who she named after her late father who she recently lost, as documented on the show.

But it was a nightmarish road to pregnancy and delivery which started with several surgeries to remove uterine polyps in preparation for an embryo transfer before eventually successfully conceiving her first child through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Her new husband Tommy Feight shared the news of the very scary birthing experience and about how he felt he almost lost his wife after she gave birth.

“The night my son was born was the worst night of my life,” he revealed on an Instagram story, E! reports. “My wife had a ton of complications. She was in surgery for like five hours — they didn’t tell me nothing. But they are amazing at Cedars. They saved her life.”

A source to E! said: “Tommy had a very emotional night. The delivery was extremely difficult and [Tommy] was very worried as he couldn’t hear from doctors for nearly 4 hours.”

Javid had to remain in the ICU and couldn’t even see her son for hours after giving birth, Feight revealed.

“Coming home from the hospital with a healthy baby boy is a dream come true. We are enjoying every single moment together,” Javid told E! News exclusively. “Being a mom is an incredible experience so far, and Baby Shams is so precious.”

She continued, “I’m on the mend and ready to embark on this new chapter in life. We look forward to taking our first stroller outing and Tommy and I are in awe of what we have created together. A little spa & massage would be great, although for now, I cannot stand being away from baby for a second.”

Even with the drama of having a complication mid pregnancy which required her to be on bed rest for weeks until delivery, she managed to get permission to do a maternity shoot and even went tanning before giving birth.

Feight spilled that drip of tea.

“She looks like the Aztec sun from ankles up,” he said. “Ankles down she looks like she jogged back here from the jungle.”

True MJ style! Cannot hate.

The couple have been completing transparent throughout their road to parenthood even sharing videos on Instagram and fighting back trolls who accused her of faking the pregnancy and really having a surrogate.

“I knew this was going to happen, so many emotions going through me these days,” she confided to her followers in a behind-the-scenes video of her maternity shoot. “I miss being pregnant!”

Cannot still believe she said she missed being pregnant after such a journey but God Bless her for savoring and being humble and grateful for the opportunity and moment to experience something a lot of women want but cannot, especially at an advanced maternal age of 46.


8 Stresses About Raising Children Solo

Raising a kid is never easy; coping as a single mom is even harder. Looking after a kid alone without support can be emotionally exhausting, and single mothers are often overwhelmed by daily stressors, some to the extent of resenting their child. Parenting for single moms comes with a set of emotional challenges that can take a toll on their mental wellbeing. If left unattended, these issues could drive someone to depression, PTSD or anxiety disorders. Here are eight challenges single moms face and how to handle them.

Inadequate Self Care

When a father is not involved in bringing up a child, the mother is compelled to be a superwoman. After a long day at work, she is confronted by a pile of mommy duties at home, leaving little to no time for self-care. This implies that a spa day in a month is a pipe dream and fixing exercise time in her schedule is nearly impossible. In such circumstances, it would help to fix some me-time in the busy schedule forcefully; an hour a week is sufficient. During this time, a mom could write a journal or take a walk in a bid to reconnect with whom they were before they became parents.

Conflict with Baby Daddy

Dealing with separation or divorce is stressful enough without having to handle constant conflicts with the child’s father. Constant confrontations with an ex-lover are extremely unhealthy, and it could ultimately erode a mother’s mental health. Such conflicts are brought about by sensitive matters like finances and parenting methods. It’s not unusual to find a single mom facing constant manipulation and bullying from her ex, not to mention a violation of the divorce agreement. This includes withholding child support. Such challenges can be overcome through positive thinking. For instance, the mother can choose to view the father’s input in the child’s upbringing as useful ideas rather than fight triggers.

Financial Insecurity

Economic hardships and poverty can easily trigger stress and anxiety. As a consequence of loss of a partner or divorce, single moms often find themselves economically vulnerable. Even when working full time, minimum wages and multiple bills leave them below poverty levels. The ultimate solution to this challenge is living within one’s means. A mom should constantly remind herself that her priority is purchasing necessities like food. She ought to create a budget for the entire month, which will allow her to keep track of her income and spending. Also, exercising regularly will go a long way in making her feel less stressed.

Sleep Deprivation

A single mom is often plagued with multiple responsibilities, including housekeeping, laundry, studying and night shifts, which undermine her chances to get sufficient sleep. Despite their responsibilities in providing the necessities for their children, sleep time should never be compromised. Lack of enough sleep has seen many people dozing off at work, not to mention poor job presentation, lowered quality life, and emotional distress. Stress is a major cause of sleeplessness at night, which is where essential oils come in handy. Moms can use a device to disperse essences like lavender in the bedroom, which boasts fundamental relaxing effects for both the body and mind.

An Abusive Past

In modern society, the rate of domestic abuse and violence has reached insufferable levels.  A big number of moms are forced to leave their abusive marriage, and while this gives them peace, psychological trauma remains. The worst part is that most victims have no one to turn to; some have no idea where to start when looking for help. Without resources and support, a big number of single moms end up carrying a heavy emotional burden, which ultimately causes depression and post-traumatic stress disorder among other mental health challenges. It, therefore, helps to consult with a psychiatrist or join a support group after a breakup, which is especially true if the reasons for separation or divorce were violence related.

Stigma and Judgment

Poor judgments towards a single mother is not a strange phenomenon. This often emanates from fellow parents in a stable relationship, coworkers or even the child’s teacher. The daily assault in the form of negative comments and assumptions regarding their moral character and parenting skills is unfair and demoralizing. For those facing this challenge, they should connect with other single moms on social platforms in addition to practicing self-care.


This often occurs when the kids are away with the other parent. Getting used to the idea of being without the kids for a day or two is often a daunting task. Most single moms have experienced extreme emptiness like the air has been sucked out of the home when the children go visiting their dad for an entire weekend. The best solution for this situation is planning out the free time; a mom shouldn’t give herself a chance to get bored. She could, for instance, schedule night outs with friends singing karaoke or even go to dinner with a boyfriend.

Lack of Emotional Support

When a woman converts to single motherhood whether by choice or due to other compelling circumstances, her close friends and family might drift away. Her friends may find it hard adjusting to the reality of her new status, feel awkward and terminate the friendship. Others might choose the ex-husband’s side, which could serve a blow to her self-esteem.

Once a single mom is excluded from the community in which she previously thrived so well, she may end up feeling hopeless and alienated. The best thing to do when the old friends leave is to reach out for new ones. This includes joining book clubs, single mom support groups and church fellowships among other activities.


Single motherhood will often trigger a set of challenges that detrimentally affect one’s mental health. For a single mom, each day comes with multiple responsibilities and stressors, and finding consistent emotional support is not always easy. Even those whose family members are willing to offer a helping hand will often find such assistance inadequate. From dealing with baby daddy drama to handling financial insecurities, single moms don’t seem to catch a break.

Every single mom should be comforted by the fact that countless other mothers are grappling with the same issues. Thus they should not shy from seeking professional help. It’s also imperative to surround oneself with compassionate friends, family members and support groups in a bid to get creative solutions to everyday challenges. From the overwhelming responsibilities coupled with the stressors these mothers face on a daily basis, it’s evident that single moms are the modern day superheroes.

How to Pick the Right Pregnancy Footwear

When you’re pregnant, you’re not only growing a tiny human – your body will also undergo a range of amazing (and not-so-amazing) changes, as well. One common change experienced by expectant moms is weight gain, which tends to make your feet swell and ache. If you’re pregnant with sore feet, then you’ll know exactly how uncomfortable this can be. So, the best thing that you can do for yourself during pregnancy is to invest in some comfortable, supportive shoes. 

Why is the Right Footwear Important During Pregnancy?

Even if you haven’t gained much weight as a result of being pregnant, the additional weight from your growing baby bump can make your feet swell up. As your body grows and changes shape, your center of gravity will also change, which affects the way that you walk and impacts your back, ankles, and feet. The right footwear is crucial for getting the best support and avoiding symptoms such as feet and leg swelling, varicose veins, heel pain, ligament trauma and sprains, and back pain. 

What to Look For:

When your feet are comfortable and supported during pregnancy, you’ll also feel happier. So, take the time to choose the right pair of shoes for your needs. When shopping, it’s worth buying footwear that is a size or at least half a size bigger than the one that you would normally go for. This is because if your feet do swell up during pregnancy, your normal size may become uncomfortable or even painful for you, so give your feet some extra room. And, it’s a wise idea to opt for shoes that offer a good arch and ankle support. They will provide comfort along with helping to reduce joint pain and aches that you may experience during pregnancy. 

Wearing Heels During Pregnancy:

You’ve probably seen glamorous photographs of celebrities wearing heels whilst heavily pregnant, but bear in mind that wearing heels for too long or too often during pregnancy isn’t always a good idea. This is because the changing center of gravity of your body will mean that you walk less steadily when pregnant. In addition, loosened ligaments can make you more susceptible to muscle and joint instability. As a result, most pregnant women are at a higher risk of suffering a fall from wearing heels when pregnant. If you need to wear heels for an event, it’s a wise idea to opt for a more supportive style, such as block or wedge heels. 

Top Tips for Selecting the Right Shoes:

When shopping for shoes to wear during pregnancy, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice, so keep these top tips in mind:

• It’s best to opt for flat shoes, but if you need to wear heels, wide and low ones are the best option.

• Avoid footwear with stiletto heels or more than two inches of heel.

• If you are unable to find footwear with the right kind of arch support, consider wearing additional insoles to offer extra support and comfort to your feet.

• Opt for footwear that allows your feet to breathe and does not make them sweat. Mesh and canvas are great options.

• Opt for footwear that has a wider toe area, rather than narrow or cinched.

• Loafers are usually a safe option; they are both smart and trendy along with being extremely. comfortable.

• For the summer, flat sandals are a great footwear choice.

Opt for High Quality:

You will be pregnant for nine months and if you expect to be on your feet a lot, you will want to get footwear that’s going to last you for the entire duration of your pregnancy and beyond. If you are in the early stages of pregnancy, choose shoes that you know are able to continue offering the support and comfort that you will need as your bump grows. High-end sneakers are a great choice as many designs can be paired with both smart and casual outfits, whilst offering superb comfort and support thanks to the quality of materials and craftsmanship used. Gucci sneakers are a popular choice; they are stylish, whilst very comfortable to wear.  You can look for sneakers on the SSENSE website; there’s a large range of sporty and trendy styles to choose from on this designer footwear site

Choosing Shoes for Work:

If you are working throughout most of your pregnancy, it’s a wise idea to avoid wearing heels for work. Unless your place of employment has a relaxed dress code, wearing comfortable sneakers may no longer be an option. In this case, you may want to consider supportive flat ankle boots, dolly shoes or smart loafers instead. 

It’s important to choose the right footwear to support you through your pregnancy and lessen the impact your growing bump will have on your feet. Do you have any shoe recommendations for expecting moms? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

How to Tell If You’re Having a Boy Or Girl {Infographic}

boy or girl photo

Here is another Flashback Friday gem of a post from the past including a PregnancyZone inforgraphic about how to tell if you’re having a boy or girl that I’m resharing while the kids have me busy during Spring break:

Some old wife beliefs to know if it’s a girl or a boy are given in the following part of the article. If you are having a boy then some of the indications include having a heart beat of more than 140 per minute, an out front bulge, basketball looking belly, large and dark nipples, bright yellow color of the urine and having amazing looks.

Some of the signs indicating a baby girl includes heart rate of less than 140 per minute, bulges in the back and the hips, watermelon looking belly, dull yellow urine color, breasts that are blossom and appearance less than normal.

If your wedding ring movement on belly is in circular motion then it is considered to be a boy whereas the sideways movement indicates baby girl. Craving for salty and sour foods are known to be there in case of baby boy whereas sweets and orange juice cravings indicate baby girl.

Another way to find out is by adding your current age to the month of perception and if the number comes in even then it is a boy and if it comes an odd number then it is considered to be a girl.

If you wish to conceive a baby girl then prescribed diet includes food items like corn, eggs, yogurt, coffee, beans, plums, fish, meat and liver. The restricted food items should be oranges, watermelon, alkaline foods and potatoes.

If you wish to conceive a boy then you should include lentils, pine nuts, sprouts, almonds, avocado and royal jelly in your diet.

Dairy products and foods having calcium and magnesium should be avoided.

Good News: Today is the 1st Day of Spring {ICYMI}

Last week, Facebook and Instagram were down last week for an entire day…then when it came back, the College Admissions cheating scandal took over our news feeds and…

Isn’t it great that today is the first day of Spring?!?

You deserve some good news, and some more good news in the form of past posts you might have missed:

  • First, excellent news for future expecting moms! Researchers are developing a test to help moms-to-be test at home if they have preeclampsia!
  • Also, last week, we heard bout the demise of yet another mall staple retail clothing store, H&M, which is closing up dozens of store nationwide. Gasp! Here is why I’ll miss it.
  • Coming to the end of Tex Season and if you’ve vowing to reign in your spending and save for a home, vacay, or biz or “just because”, I’ve got 21 apps to share that can help you get your financial house in Order for the New Year this tax season and beyond.
  • And for those of you keeping up with expecting celebrities, check out this post about who is delivering a baby this year.
  • Looking for your next stroller? Want a fancy one?! I’ve got your number! LOOK!
  • Prepping the nursery? Here are tips on how to create a calming nursery.
  • For my fashionistas, check out what all the stylish expecting Instagrammers are rocking and how to get away with the Neon trend sensibly this season. You can do it! It’s easy!
  • And just for fun, the names of the naughtiest boys and girls names are out. See if your name or a name you planned to give your future child is on it!
  • Robo calls and nonstop annoying unsolicited marketing calls are a pain in the butt! I’ve been able to get rid of Robo callsusing this app that has been a lifesaver! Learn how it worked for me!
  • If you’ve Marie Kondo your life recently, consider selling some of that stuff you’ve just decluttered at DeCluttr.
  • Use Billshark to negotiate lower prices on your monthly bills to save you time, money and hassle. The company claims an 85% success rate negotiating bills for Cable TV, Wireless Phone, Satellite TV, Internet Access, Satellite Radio, and Home Security. The larger and older the bill, the more money they can save you, especially on your cable and tv bills!

Celeb Moms Busted In Major College Admissions Entrance Conspiracy

I was just in the middle of assembling a mega post and feature for the blogon the “college entrance game” from pre school and beyond, when news breaks about a FBI and IRS bust of 33 people involved in a cheating conspiracy involving a Bellyitch frequent red carpet fave actress Felicity Huffman and Full House alum Lori Loughlin who is married to fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli.

All of them were among a list of 13 people arrested by the FBI for their alleged involvement in “Operation Varsity Blues,” according to FBI spokesperson Laura Eimiller.

The alleged college admissions cheating scam involved payments of up $1M to a facilitator, who created a bogus charity to funnel the bribe payments through and who garnered select athletic admission slots for children who didn’t even play the sport and committed other acts to guarantee admissions for the children of wealthy parents to get into elite colleges and universities including Yale, Georgetown, the University of Southern California and Stanford.

“Dozens of individuals involved in a nationwide conspiracy that facilitated cheating on college entrance exams and the admission of students to elite universities as purported athletic recruits were arrested by federal agents in multiple states and charged in documents unsealed on March 12, 2019, in federal court in Boston,” the FBi stated in a release says.

Athletic coaches from Yale, Stanford, USC, Wake Forest and Georgetown, among others, are implicated, as well as parents and exam administrators, the release says.

The schools involved are extremely competitive: or first-time, full-time undergraduates, only 5 percent of applicants get into Stanford, 17 percent get into Georgetown, and 18 percent get into the University of Southern California, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

A Stanford sailing coach was arrested. Federal authorities intercepted telephone calls to confirm the conspiracy .

Huffman and Giannulli were arrested at their homes. The FBI served a warrant for actress Lori Loughlin but she was not home at the time.

All 13 defendants will appear in federal court in downtown Los Angeles after 5 p.m. ET today, CNN reports. 

Beyonce Honors Meghan Markle; Sends Pregnancy Congrats

Beyonce has been more like us on social media these days.

She promotes brand partnership like other influencers, compares photos of herself as a child to those of her daughter Blue Ivy at the same age like other moms do and pays homage to her faves , idols and good friends on their birthday like we all do.

Just like us!!

Last night, she and her husband Shawn “Jay Z” Carter accepted a 2019 Brit Award for Best International Group via Instagram and while doing so gave a salute to first-time mom-to-be Meghan Markle.

“Thank you to the Brits for the award for Best International Group,” Queen Bey captioned her photo of her and Jay standing in front of a portrait depiction of Markle dressed as a queen. “I won this award back in 2002 with my besties, Kelly and Michelle [of Destiny’s Child}. How lucky am I to have been in a group with my other best friend, the GOAT Hova. ?? In honor of Black History Month, we bow down to one of our Melanated Monas.

“Congrats on your pregnancy! We wish you so much joy.”

Bey was referring to the Duchess of Sussex who was treated to a baby shower hosted by one of her besties Serena Williams yesterday.

It is an ode to the couple’s signature photo in front of the Mona Lisa they took back in October 2014 during a family visit to the famous and popular museum.

We saw them return to it when they filmed the video for their song off the “Everything Is Love” album, Apesh*t, last year.

Make Your Newborn’s Crib Safe With These 4 Tips

The better your baby sleeps, the better your chances are to take care of yourself, including getting the rest you need. The right sleep environment can make all the difference between a good night’s sleep and tearful hours for the whole family.

Take extra care and diligence when selecting the part of the crib that’s always in constant contact with your baby: the mattress.

Why a Crib Mattress Is Important

As much as you might love to watch over your newborn every second, it’s simply not possible. Everyone needs to sleep! Set up a secure sleeping environment so you and your new baby can rest easy. A safe crib mattress is:

  • Firm: It may feel strange to put your baby on a hard, empty bed instead of somewhere soft and snuggly, but AAP guidelinesrecommend a firm mattress for safer sleep. Avoiding crib bumpers, blankets, and toys reduces the risk of suffocation.
  • Breathable: When your baby is able to roll back and forth from tummy to back, you don’t need to creep in and move them if they roll in their sleep. While it’s recommended for babies to sleep on their backs, rollovers will inevitably occur. Instead of worrying about if and when this happens, having a fully breathable crib mattress allows you to rest assured since air flows freely for optimal breathability, no matter what sleeping position your baby prefers. Additionally, greater breathability helps little ones avoid overheating.
  • Healthy: Researchers from the National Science Foundation found that some foam-based mattresses may release chemical off-gassing while your baby sleeps. Play it safe and protect your baby from potentially harmful chemicals by shopping for a mattress certified for the lowest level of VOCs and other chemical emissions. Look for the Greenguard Gold seal for products that emit the lowest possible VOCs and help to improve your indoor air quality.
  • Clean: Accidents happen, and every parent eventually has to deal with a diaper blowout in the crib. Ideally, you should be able to wash mattress covers and the mattress itself to eliminate messes. A fully breathable, fully washable mattress makes it easier to get rid of any smelly traces of a blowout.

A newborn baby can sleep as much as 17 hours a day, and even toddlers need 12-14 hours of sleep. Thus, a crib mattress is an especially important investment by virtue of the sheer amount of time your little one will spend there.

Show Now Crib Mattress 200x200

Factors That Affect Babies’ Sleep

“When will my baby sleep through the night?” is one of the most pressing questions for new parents. Newborn sleep can seem enigmatic, but there are various elements you can control to promote good sleeping habits early on, such as:

  • Routine
  • Temperature
  • Where the baby sleeps: The AAP recommends that you share a room with your baby, but always put babies to bed on a safe sleep surface (i.e. a bassinet or crib with a firm mattress and tight-fitting sheet).

The crib and mattress may affect more than you think. It’s never too early to start practicing a sleep routine so you and your partner develop the habit, although your baby won’t be ready for actual sleep training until around four months of age. A dependable, feed-rock-sing-crib routine may help your baby grow to associate the look and feel of the crib with sleep time.

Depending on the mattress makeup, it can also play a role in promoting comfortable temperature. If you notice your baby has a sweaty back after lying in the crib, that’s a sign of overheating, which can be dangerous. A breathable mattress allows better air flow through the mattress, reducing the risk of your baby overheating while she sleeps. A bassinnett or some of the best rated mini cribs may be an option as well.

Still struggling to get through the night? If you’ve set up a safe, cozy sleep environment and checked any medical concerns with your pediatrician, a baby sleep expert can help you develop a personalized plan to improve sleep.

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