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Jeneba Jalloh Ghatt

Vanderpump Rules’ Scheana Needs Her Own Show on her Egg Freezing Journey

I was catching up on one of my guilty pleasure reality TV show series, Vanderpump Rules, and I heard cast member Scheana Marie Shay explain her actions to new castmember  Dayna Kathan and blamed it on the hormones from egg freezing.

Of course, having a pregnancy blog, my ears perked up and I ran to my phone to do quick research and discovered that she was indeed on her second round of egg freezing at the time of the taping of this past season’s show.

She explained what happened with the first round of egg freezing and why she was doing it a second time in an interview with Too Fab this past Summer.

The first time she froze her eggs in January 2019, Shay explained, “we only got nine. We got 12 but only 9 were mature and down the road, I  don’t even know if I want and as of right now, I have no desire to be a single mom so unless the right guy comes along and wants to step up and be the dad and play with the kids, I am very good just traveling the world and stuff.”

She added, sharing the reason for the second round, “If I do have a kid, I want two and the 1 in 9 or 2 in 9 chances are just not good enough for me.” and even if the eggs are fertilized and genetically tested and cleared to be fine, “I felt 9 was a very low number, it was good amount to get but because it was an easy process for me, I was like ‘you can do this again.”

It’s another reason to be healthy, Shay added, sharing that for 50 days before the process, she cut out carbs, alcohol and weed, “all the fun stuff.”

And its true what she said about the odds of success because egg freezing alone does not guarantee a baby and the success rate for egg retrieval is very variable from person to person.

Therefore, it was a good thing for her to stack her eggs and as her doctor told her, “eggs are like money: you can never have too much or too many.”

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight last January,  Shay said she contemplated the procedure for a few years while she was in a relationship but never had the time.

After her divorce, and a couple other relationships, she decided to go through with freezing her eggs.

“I did all these amazing things, I was like, Okay, you know what? Now’s the time, I’m doing it now. If I don’t do it now, I’m never gonna do it. I’m gonna keep talking about it,” she told Entertainment Tonight. “So, I just woke up one day, stopped birth control and decided I’m doing this now.”

In an Instagram post following the first procedure, Shay captioned a photo of herself in bed:

“I have learned so much about fertility and everything that goes into freezing eggs and IVF. @scrcivfand @drshahinghadir have been so amazing throughout this entire journey! Thank you to all of my super supportive followers who have been thru this and given me advice. If you are in your late twenties/early 30s and able to afford it, I highly recommend this! I’m already planning a second round this summer bc the more the merrier! Thank you all for following me on this journey…”

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Today’s the day! Bye bye eggs! For me personally, this has been a very easy, painless and awesome experience. Everyone is different I’m sure. I am single and no where near trying to have a baby. So for me- yes, this was an easy process and when i say painless, I’m referring to the needles which i have no problem with. My AMH levels were only at .28 and for my age that’s insanely low. That’s disappointing to find out. It was an awesome experience to see everything that goes into freezing eggs. My doctor highly recommended for me to do this to have a better chance at a healthy baby down the road. I have learned so much about fertility and everything that goes into freezing eggs and IVF. You never know what will happen in life. @scrcivf and @drshahinghadir have been so amazing throughout this entire journey! Thank you to all of my super supportive followers who have been thru this and given me advice. If you are in your late twenties/early 30s and able to afford it, I highly recommend this! We retrieved 12 eggs and only got 9 mature of those, so I am already planning a second round this summer bc the more the merrier and better chance of being viable once fertilized down the road! In no way am I trying to minimize those struggling with infertility by saying this is “easy”. I’m not trying to have a baby right now, so this was an easy decision for me to make and thankfully I’m fortunate enough to be able to afford it. My heart goes out to all of the women struggling with infertility. I could likely be in that boat one day which is why I’m being proactive now with such low AMH levels. I’ve also had numerous women reach out thanking me for sharing this bc if they knew sooner that this was an option, maybe they wouldn’t be struggling with infertility issues. This is MY post about MY journey. Thank you all for following me thru this experience … ♥️? and to all of the negative and uneducated comments on this post, check out the next episode of @scheananigans where my DOCTOR answers all of the questions men and women need to know.

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Shay, who is 33-years-old, said she recommends it to anyone under 35 who can afford it.

“I can still have a biological child if I choose to, and if I don’t find the right guy and that doesn’t work out, then you know what? I get to travel the world and have them on ice,” she told Entertainment Tonight.

The “afford it” part. That part! It’s not really affordable for a lot of women.

A typical egg-freezing process can cost about $16,000 (plus more for storage), so it might be financially out of the question for many people and certainly even more difficult to get a second round.

Good for her though and I would love it if Bravo had put more of Shay’s egg freezing in its season, perhaps even given her a Spin Off special on it.

It’s so instructive and great for that network’s young audience of Millennials and GenZers, many of whom are in their prime child bearing years and waiting until much later to start a family. #TeamScheanna

She’s so misunderstood!



How to Pick or Predict Your Baby’s Gender, According to Old Wives Tales

Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

A lot of women want to know what sex their baby will be before they give birth. There are tons of old wives tales that offer clues and these non-scientific predictors, although not proven for sure, are sometimes accurate.

If you are having a boy, it’s been said the fetal heartbeat on the doppler fetal monitor will be over 14o beats per minute. Others have said if you are having a boy, you will carry the baby out front like a basketball, develop large and dark nipples or bright yellow color of the urine are all signs too.

Some of the signs indicating a baby girl, according to the Old wives, include a heart rate of less than 140 per minute, bulges in the back and the hips, watermelon looking belly, dull yellow urine color, breasts that are blossom and appearance less than normal.

Then there are the fun voo doo tricks.

Tie your wedding ring to a string and watch it sway over your bell. If it sways in a circular motion, then it is thought to be a boy whereas the sideways movement indicates baby girl. Craving for salty and sour foods are known to be there in case of baby boy whereas sweets and orange juice cravings indicate baby girl.

Another way to find out is by adding your current age to the month of perception and if the number comes in even then it is a boy and if it comes an odd number then it is considered to be a girl. 

There are even thing they say you can do to make yourself more likley to conceive one gender or another. 

If you wish to conceive a baby girl then prescribed diet includes food items like corn, eggs, yogurt, coffee, beans, plums, fish, meat and liver. The restricted food items should be oranges, watermelon, alkaline foods and potatoes.

If you wish to conceive a boy then you should include lentils, pine nuts, sprouts, almonds, avocado and royal jelly in your diet.

Dairy products and foods having calcium and magnesium should be avoided.  Here is an old wives tale infographic shared before for you to Pin.

Inside Maren Morris’ Elegant Baby Shower

Maren Morris baby shower

Maren Morris/Twitter

Country singer Maren Morris and her husband Ryan Hurd celebrated the impending birth of her first child at a baby shower earlier in the month.

The Middle“ singer posted a few photos from the event on her Twitter page.

“‘We gave you a golden shower, Phyllis. Well, where’s MY golden shower?’” the “My Church” singer, 29, tweeted on Monday, February 3, quoting Steve Carell‘s character from The Office, Michael Scott.

Maren Morris baby shower

When fans started clutching their pearls at the reference, she added,  “You guys don’t appreciate The Office and it shows.”

Guests included her mom Kellie who helped organize the event, her sisters, his family and fellow country singers country singers  Cassadee Pope, Lindsay Ell and RaeLynn.

They were treated to a nice bagel station and cupcake treats.

We love the simple neutral tones in the decorations and the exposed brick of the venue.

The mom-to-be wore a flowy  periwinkle blue, empire waist dress with bell sleeves and her hair in loose cascading ringlets.

She later changed into adorable overalls.

Guests went home with personalized mini bottles of champagne as favors with a tag that read, “Pop it when she pops!”.


Mom, guests and vendors posted pics from the event in social media!

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Loved celebrating this lil momma to be today! ?

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Theory: Twins Of Two Different Races Often Have Jamaican Heritage

half black and half white twins

Bellyitch Rewind


Over the years, there have been viral articles floating around about fraternal twins born with different races from the same parents and I think I might have cracked a code of a common denominator on this phenomenon.

These types of twins are dizygotic, which is just the scientific term for fraternal twins.

Each twin starts out as a separate fertilized egg (monozygotic, or identical twins, start off from the same egg and then divide). Each twin inherits different sets of genes from their mother and from their father.

The super rare event of having a twin with two different races happens often when the black parent is of Jamaican heritage, I believe.

For example, Lucy and Maria Aylmer (above), two twins from Gloucester, U.K are very different. Lucy has fair skin and straight red hair while her sister has dark, curly hair and darker skin. 

Their dad Vince is Caucasian and their mom Donna is half-Jamaican.

Here is a photo of the girls when they were younger (above) and with entire family back then (below, then and now)

Another example:

In 2011, The Guardian newspaper did a feature on a set of then,teen fraternal twin boys, James and Daniel Kelly of south east London. James, on the left, is black, gay, gregarious and studious, the news site wrote, while Daniel, on the right, is straight, white and doesn’t like school and didn’t advance past high school.

The boys were born on March 27, 1993, the sons of Alyson and Errol Kelly, a Jamaican Brit. Do you see a pattern?

In 2018, the National Geographic cover photo of its Race Issue featured a pair of black and white fraternal twin sisters from the United Kingdom, Marcia and Millie Biggs as a catalyst for readers to rethink what they know about race.

The girls dad Michael Biggs is of Jamaican descent while mom Amanda is Caucasian.

The family is from Birmingham, England.

Now, one could conclude the fact that a lot of people of Caribbean heritage live in the UK so it may not be that far of a stretch but still…

And…. while these incidents are quite rare, they are not unique to the Brit-Jamaican combinations of parentage.

In 2015, Dean Durrant and Alison Spooner of Michigan welcomed their second set of twins, Leah and Miya. Like these girls, their older sisters Hayleigh and Layren, born in 2001, also had two different looks.

One had dark skin and dark eyes and the other light skin and eyes.

Talk about odds of this happening twice!?!

About a year later, also in America, on April 23, 2016, Quincy, Illinois native Whitney Meyer and her boyfriend Tomas Dean welcomed twins Kalani and Jarani to the world who took the Internet by storm because the babies appeared to have two different races.

The author of a Guardian piece about James and Dean Kelly spoke to a geneticist who did a great job explaining the phenomenon and that’s where I picked the Jamaican-heritage common denominator among the British twins.

According to Dr Jim Wilson, population geneticist at Edinburgh University:

“It wouldn’t really be possible for a black African father and a white mother to have a white child, because the African would carry only black skin gene variants in his DNA, so wouldn’t have any European DNA, with white skin variants, to pass on,” he explains.

“But most Caribbean people, though black-skinned, have European DNA because in the days of slavery, many plantation owners raped female slaves, and so introduced European DNA into the black gene pool.

“The thing about skin colour is that even a bit of African DNA tends to make a person’s skin colour black – so to be white, the child must have inherited more of the father’s European DNA with its white skin variants. Added to the mother’s European DNA, this led to a child with white skin – while his brother, who is black-skinned, inherited more of his father’s African DNA.

“The Caribbean father will have less European DNA than African DNA, so it’s more likely he’ll pass on African DNA – but rarely, and I’ve worked it out to be around one in 500 sets of twins where there’s a couple of this genetic mix, the father will pass on a lot of European DNA to one child and mostly African DNA to the other. The result will be one white child and one black.”

There you have it! Explains a lot!


Celeb Fitness Pro Schools Fans on First versus Second Pregnancy Belly Pop

fitness model

fitness model

We can always count on an Australian fitness Instagram celebrity to school the masses on diversity in pregnancy experiences and this time, fitness pro Emily Skye shared two side by side shots to show how earlier a baby belly “pops” after a second pregnancy compared to the first.

“Last pregnancy vs this pregnancy – both at 19 weeks along!” she captioned the photo of herself at 19 weeks pregnant for baby #1 and the same gestation for baby #2 with a much larger bump. “EVERY PREGNANCY IS DIFFERENT!!”

Indeed at South Florida Morsani College OB-GYN maternal-fetal medicine specialist Dr. Stephanie Ros told Insider, it’s “totally normal” because the stomach muscles and tissues around them get stretched out during the first pregnancies.

“In future pregnancies, it doesn’t take much pressure to get those tissues to allow the growing uterus to push forward,” Ros said, adding that women may also find their baby bump sinks lower after the first pregnancy since the pelvic muscles are looser too.

Midwife Clare Herbert wrote in The BabyCentre., a second pregnancy (or any pregnancy after the first) may also look bigger sooner because the future child actually is bigger, which is common for second children.

It’s also possible for women to look bigger because they’re actually further along than they think they are, Herbert added, especially if they were still breastfeeding when they became pregnant. That’s because breastfeeding can interrupt the menstrual cycle, making tracking when the pregnancy occurred more prone to error.

The more you know….

Shed Your Mommy Pooch With These At-Home Exercises

New moms know that getting to the gym could be super tough especially those weeks after giving birth when you can barely muster enough energy to put on their tennis shoes.

Even if you last gave birth 10 years ago or longer, you also know it is really hard to sneak some time away to get a good work out in.

Also, a gym membership may not even be in the cards for various reasons.

In times like these, having a home gym or a space in your home to get tiny workouts in is ideal.

The next step is finding workouts or routines  to do and mixing up the work out so you maximize your tone and/or weight loss goals.

You really don’t have to go farther than your home to get fit.

There are a lot of moves that you can do without any equipment.

We curated a list of workouts posters we nabbed from our Pinterest board.

Most can be done without weights even!


Have fun!

Pregnant Jenna Dewan is Engaged; Will She Marry Before Baby Too?

Getting married before a baby arrives is traditional  but not that common among Hollywood celebrity couples who often times raise families and skip the formalities of nuptials altogether.

A few like  Ne-Yo and his wife Crystal Smith, Cassie, Cardi B, Tatyana Ali and Offset and Teresa Palmer and her husband, opted to have “shotgun weddings” – an old euphemism for wedding while the bride is pregnant to guarantee the baby will be born within wedlock.

Now that news is out that dancer, TV host and actress Jenna Dewan just got engaged to her boyfriend and father of her unborn second child, Steve Kazee, we wonder if they will do the same, or buck the old fashioned formalities!

“A lifetime to love and grow with you…you have my heart

️” Dewan captioned a photo of herself and Kazee after the engagement.

Kazee shared the news with the same photo accompanied by song lyrics:

“When you wake in the morning I will kiss your face with a smile no one has ever seen,” he wrote,channeling the words of Water Liars’ song  “Let It Breathe”. “When you wake in the morning I will kiss your eyes and say it’s you I have loved all these years.”

Soooo sweet!!!

This news comes five months after the pair announced that they were expecting their first child together.

Don’t Cancel Your Spring Break Travel Trip Over Fear of Viruses; Do These Instead



We are deep into Cold and Flu season, and if you are planning a family vacation for this upcoming Spring Break, you may be hesitant about staying clear from dangerous viruses like the coronavirus outbreak.

However, you do not have to worry if you take precautions. Alejandra Tejada, mom and founder of Totts, a company that sends customized packages of baby travel essentials to your destination, shares her tips for how to keep your family from getting sick while on vacation.

Before You Travel

Limit activities in centers or play spaces where exposure to viruses could be greater. Although it’s not a foolproof solution, when you have the choice, opt to spend the few days before travel at home or areas with lower traffic.

For those who have kids in daycare or school, it’s a nearly impossible task (we know!), but consider keeping your child at home to rest the day before you travel and make sure to wash up the second your kids get home from school. While avoiding  quickly-spreading viruses may not be easy, washing hands as soon as kids get home minimizes the spread and therefore limits exposure.

Getting rest before travel isn’t just for the kids. Catching up on some zzz’s can do wonders to boost your immune health and ensure your body has the power to fight off viruses (6-8 hrs is the recommended amount).

Make sure both you and your children get a proper night’s sleep and nap a day or two before you travel. For young babies that means trying to ensure proper rest which may mean keeping naps outside the home to a minimum.

On that note, stress can leave your body more vulnerable. If you don’t want to get sick, and pass it on to your kids, find ways to eliminate stress leading up to travel. Consider offloading tasks that can be stressful —  this is a great time to try out a Totts box to help with the stress of packing!

 While You Travel

This starts with what you pack—purchase both disinfectant and antibacterial wipes. Disinfectant wipes like Clorox wipes can be used to clean surfaces such as armrests, tray tables, windows, seats and other hard surfaces. For the wipes to do their magic, make sure to follow instructions —  surfaces are required to be wet for a certain amount of time in order for germs to be killed properly.

Antibacterial wipes are great to wipe grime off your child’s hands and also make sure they are cleaned along the way. Antibacterial wipes are still no replacement for hand washing, so continue to wash and use the wipes in between washes.

It’s hard to avoid the tray table while you’re on a plane (or the desire for your toddler to play with one). But before you start feeding your child from the table, make sure the surface has been sanitized and that there is a clean layer between the table and food or other activities your child is doing on the tray table.

You can use a stick-on disposable placemat to cover the table or there are other products out there specifically designed to create a barrier between the table and your child.

Areas of the plane to avoid? Yes, the bathroom is not ideal, but avoiding that altogether isn’t feasible. However, the back seat pocket can— and should— be avoided! According to tests it’s the dirtiest part of a seat and one where germs tend to linger. Avoid putting toys and other items your child uses (or you use) in the pockets.

A big question families are asking right now —  should we wear a mask? The right type of mask can protect you by filtering the airborne particles but in a lot of cases it doesn’t offer 100% protection against airborne illnesses. It’s just the same if you are in a crowded subway or coffee shop —  there is still going to be exposure.

Unless you are traveling to areas that you feel you have an increased chance of getting sick, purchase a heavy-duty mask (a surgical mask won’t do) — otherwise it’s okay to leave the masks at home.

When You Arrive

Pull out the disinfectant wipes and cover the surfaces that you know your child will touch —  tables, tv remote, phones and doorknobs. Use only glassware / utensils wrapped in plastic, and wash anything else before using (or better yet bring your own!).

Many families use high chairs, cribs or rented car seats at their destination. Take the same approach to wiping down these surfaces. Even though you may not stop everything, it’s all about helping to put the odds in your family’s favor.

Lastly, take time to relax! It may seem counterintuitive now that you have a laundry list of things to wipe down (sorry for the extra work!), but make sure you don’t overexert yourself or your kids during your vacation.

Rest is still the best remedy to help fight any illness and you want to make sure your whole family is getting plenty of it. Remember, a vacation is a time to re-charge so make sure you take advantage of this natural immune booster while you have it!

Good luck, parents!


Here are the Strollers Celeb and Posh Moms Use

celebrity stroller

It has been 10 years since I last posted the annual Bellyitch Most Expensive Strollers post. It was a yearly blog post staple and used to get tons of traffic because, honestly, I think people, generally, are obsessed with knowing what baby items are used and coveted by the super wealthy and celebrities.

Since the last post, a few stroller companies have gone out of business. RIP to Orbit, Maclaren and newer brands 4Moms and iCandy, which were once considered “it” strollers in their day but no longer manufacture luxury strollers.

In 2013, I published the list as part of the Bellyitch 100, a book of the top crib makers, maternity wear designers, stroller makers and baby clothes brands.

You can get your Free Copy of The Bellyitch 100 here!

Anyway, so I used to publish the Most Expensive Strollers list at a time when I was raising a young family and brands would boast that they were on the list.

My social circle at the time included professional working women, stay-at-home moms, and mom bloggers, several who were affluent and looked at the stroller as a status symbol.

Here is another secret about what happens among moms at the park, at the school pick up lot, in the mall and other social places where mommies congregate. They check out what strollers they’re pushing a baby or child in and make judgments.

Yes, there is a definite hierarchy in quality of strollers and believe me when I tell you that certainly check out what stroller another mom’s child is being pushed in and make judgments.

When I was raising my children as a young lawyer, I went through 6 strollers, which is a low number considering many of my friends at the tiem had way more.

Our first stroller was a Peg Perego  which converts from a baby carriage or pram to a push stroller. At the time, it was among the best. Then, when my first born turned into a toddler, we ordered the Inglesina Swift umbrella stroller from the Italian stroller manufacturer. It had a great run!

To pair with the Inglesina, a sturdy Italian brand, we got a lower cost Combi umbrella stroller for travel, a stroller we could beat up which was so much less that so that we wouldn’t mind if it got lost by the airline or damaged during travel.

Then, when I was expecting baby #2, I got as an amazing shower gift from my co-workers at my old job: a Peg Prerego Aria double stroller!

By the time baby number 3 rolled around, the Inglesina had hit the dirt, we left the Combi on some island we visited for vacation once and we had loaned out the Peg Perego Buggy to relatives who didn’t take good care of it.

The wheels on the double gave out and we opted to give to Goodwill rather than try to fix it or get the company to repair it.


We opted for a lesss expensive Graco Snug Ride for Baby #3 and a B.OB. jogging stroller (the air-filled jogger stroller with hand activated rear wheel brakes that can ride smooth on any terrain) when I was ready to get back in shape.

Now, while we didn’t get any of them to make a statement, I have had many moms and dads comment on the pricier high end ones while walking in the parks, malls etc. People are always looking for a status symbol and there is a preconception that most expensive means the best!

It’s no wonder, you can see celebrities strolling their children in many of those on this list. The celebrities know that too. That is why Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony sued Silver Cross from publishing on their website an unauthorized endorsement which featured a People magazine photo of them pushing their twins in two Silver Cross prams.

People flock to buy whatever celebrities purchase and that stroller companies know that endorsement mean lots for their bottom line.

Anyhoo, on to the list. Of course, as a disclaimer, this list is not exhaustive. As usual, this list is based on my own personal research and I urge readers to point out other vehicles that should grace this list. Certainly, I would amend the post to reflect corrections.

In the meantime, check out this year’s list of “it” strollers pushed by the most Poshest of moms and celebs out there (I’m updating this list with a few more after the initial post so come back and ping me on Twitter if you don’t see one you think should be on this list)


DESCRIPTION: For over 128 years, Silver Cross has been handcrafting traditional prams in Northern England. This hallmark company is known for being pushed by Royals in the UK and across Europe and beyond.

The Silver Cross Balmoral Pram model boasts three coats of high shine lacquer, English leather and is painted by hand and individually numbered.

GET IT FOR: $5,000 at the company website

There is another less expensive line you can get for $4,025 from an exclusive line of Aston Martin Silver Cross strollers.

If you like the look of a British pram but not the funds to shell out $5,000, you can still get the Limited Edition Doll Pram from Harrod’s for just $902

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, Geri Halliwell Horner (“Ginger Spice”), Nicky Hilton


DESCRIPTION: Mima® is an established Dutch designer and manufacturer of strollers and high chairs and a favorite brand for European new parents that want high-end design, functionality and a very chic aesthetic.

This relatively new entrant to the market makes a very functional and innovative stroller that features a patented “carrycot inside” system.

The popular Xari Black Chassis Stroller can be used as a carrycot or as a stroller and comes with a reversible seat that allows your baby to face you or the world ahead. It has one of those super fancy simple fold mechanism. It is very stylish and chic and has a design that grows with your child and provides enhanced convenience for parents.

CELEBRITY OWNERS:  Kourtney Kardashian, Alex Curran Gerard


DESCRIPTION: CYBEX delivers Versatile, elegant and convenient line of top-notched quality strollers, many that features a reversible seat, one-hand seat recline, and a quick-fold chassis usually in an ultra premium, lightweight design that adapts to your growing family’s changing needs. This American-made Massachusetts company makes renowned products.

The Cybex Priam Cherub Stroller is part of the Cybex Platinum Priam range in collaboration with renowned designer Jeremy Scott, this 3-in-1 stroller has been made from high-quality fabrics with a smart, luxe appearance. Its flexible frame can be turned into a travel system with matching carry cot, combined with one of the brand’s award-winning infant car seats, or transformed into a luxurious stroller sporting a reversible seat unit. A vibrant cherub print and golden wing attachments offer a heavenly touch to suit your little angel.

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Serena Williams, Rosamund Pike, Anne Hathaway, Olivia Wilde, Irina Shayk 


DESCRIPTION: The StokkE brand of stroller is an “it” stroller indeed. And about a decade ago, this Norweigian company’s strollers slowly replaced the Bugaboo as the favorite or wannabes, posers and the nouveau riche. The babies inside these strollers are decked out in mini-adult Designer clothes. The diamonds on the hands of the moms pushing these things can put your eye out, I mean the shine is that bright. And they are being folded and thrown in the back of Land Rovers. Pretentious? Naaaah! Their owners just appreciate a gorgeous quality crafted stroller, that’s all (wink).

The Stokke™ Xplory® Complete baby stroller is the only stroller you’ll ever need to buy! The Stokke Xplory Complete is an innovative urban stroller that adapts to your changing needs.

CELEBRITY OWNER: Chris Hemsworth, Sienna Miller, Stacey Keibler


DESCRIPTION: This Dutch company has had a major mark in the business since the early 1990s. The strollers Bugaboo manufacture guarantee a full of smooth ride, no matter the surface, city street or bumpy park. The brand has long been considered a posh status symbol and continues.

The classic Donkey buggy is fully loaded with push handle to shift the wheels to tackle any terrain, 5 harness straps, multiple recline position, a spacious under carriage bassinet, as well as a reversible, fully reclining seat.

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Leelee Sobieski, Amy Poehler, Julianna Marguiles, Jon Stewart, Matthew McConaughey and Gwen Stefani 


DESCRIPTION:  Phil & Ted’s is a small New Zealand company that has made children’s products for over 20 years and about a decade ago was known for its super sturdy brand of tough terrain buggies and strollers for the rugged athletic and sports enthusiast parent who takes baby out on jobs and mountain hikes. It is still the market but has retreated to a smaller share given new competitors on the market.

Its Sport Stroller line feature a smart handle with one touch brake, smart fold, aluminum frame, and top quality tough, washable cloth.

CELEBRITY OWNERS:  Jessica Alba and Cash Warren, Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts


DESCRIPTION: Joolz is a very new entrant to the market. This Australian company hinges its products on sustainable and eco-friendly renewable design and materials.

The Joolz Geo² Studio Complete Stroller features a modular design that offers 3 different configurations that make it the ultimate stroller for any family adventure. The award-winning design captures ergonomic comfort, ease, style, and maneuverability. It can be used as a toddler stroller, a modern pram for newborns, and an infant car seat carrier

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Harry Judd, Carey Mulligan



Another American company is Boston, Massachussets-based UPPAbaby which makes innovative, high-quality strollers and car seats that fit the needs of parents, while appealing to the sense of style they’ve always had.

The VISTA convertible stroller allows for multiple configurations to transport up to three children, making it a great choice for growing families. The included bassinet features a longer, ventilated mattress, while the toddler seat is perfect as your little one grows. It has a telescoping handlebar and a large, easy-access under-seat basket that holds up to 30 lb. make the VISTA fuss-free for parents.

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore, Katherine Heigl 


DESCRIPTION: When I started having a family, the Peg Perego was the it stroller. It is an Italian family-owned brand which makes baby strollers, car seats, high chairs and kid-sized riding toys for children and babies all over the world.

The versatile and agile Duette Piroet inline double stroller by Peg Perego can easily pass through narrow places, folds compactly, and is travel system ready. Comes with two independent adjustable seats with reclining backrests and two-position footrests. Peg Perego Duette Piroet features a versatile and extremely agile Italian inline double stroller design that can easily go through narrow pathways and allows various seating configurations for twins or different age siblings

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Rachel Zoe, Minnie Driver, Gwen Stefani, Heidi Klum


babyzen yoyo stroller

DESCRIPTION: This is another relatively new arrival for city dwellers and traveling families. Babyzen manufactures and markets baby products and designs, produces, and sells collapsible baby strollers. Babyzen offers its produces to retailers throughout Europe and internationally.

The BABYZEN YOYO+ comes ready to roll, complete with the YOYO Newborn and Seat Color Pack Fabric Sets. The YOYO+ is an incredibly lightweight, compact stroller and steers easily even with one hand, allowing you to navigate corners and tight spaces. An underseat storage basket makes a convenient spot for on-the-go items, and an included travel bag is perfect for storage.

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Eddie Redmayne, Amanda Seyfried , Justin Timberlake, Keira Knightly



DESCRIPTION: Yet another Dutch stroller manufacturer whose name has been synonymous with top quality is Quinny. This company is among Europe’s most respected stroller brand and set the standard for engineering, design and trendsetting style.The Quinny line offers clever solutions for the confident parent of today; solutions that are made with parents and their lifestyles in mind.  Stroll with ease and in stylish comfort with the rugged and innovative

The Quinny Mood Stroller features a unique hydraulic system that automatically unfolds stroller, plus never-flat, all-terrain tires that allow you and baby to conquer any terrain.

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Allyson Hannigan, Ali Landry


DESCRIPTION: This is another American baby product company. The Austin, Texas company boasts a staff of in-house engineers, mostly made up of parents, that make products to accommodate the daily lives and frustrations of new moms and dads. They’ve stopped at nothing to create intuitive, purpose-driven, well-made products that make family life easier and more fun — giving parents more freedom to live in the moment without being overwhelmed by more and more.

The flagship model, the Entourage, is perfect for families on-the-go. This one-handed expandable frame has three positions, 5 recline positions, a market tote and expandable lower storage area, giving you the freedom to travel anywhere in comfort.




Thule is an established Swedish outdoors and transportation products manufacturer that is a leader in cargo carriers for automobiles. It recently expanded to get into the stroller biz.

The Thule Sleek is a stylish stroller for on-the-go travel adventures with the ever-innovative, marvelously multifunctional which features a ventilated canopy, a convenient window, a reversible seat, generous seating options and more.



DESCRIPTION: Another Dutch company is Maxi-Cosi which started in the 1980s as one of Europe’s first permiere car seat manufacturers. It has since expanded and updated its quality of strollers to the point that is competes with the other exquisite brands out here.

Travel everywhere with ease with the Lila Modular Stroller is a convenient, compact and extra comfortable, making it great for dining out, shopping or vacation that is good with maneuverability and can accommodate an infant seat. It’s perfect for a growing family because it can easily turn into a dual stroller.


DESCRIPTION This Richmond, Virginia-based company launched one of the first jogging strollers in the 1980s. It designs and manufactures jogging strollers and all-terrain strollers and offers strollers and joggers, such as urban use and three wheeled all-terrain strollers; and accessories. The company also provides dependable push chairs for children and adults with physical disabilities.

The City Select LUX is a rugged yet streamlined stroller features an extra seat with a telescoping handlebar adjusts to just the right height, while the hand-operated decelerating and parking brake provides additional peace of mind.

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Toby McGuire, Ellen Pompeo, Elizabeth Banks, Miranda Kerr


DESCRIPTION: This Dutch company started out as a baby furniture maker and expanded to strollers. Today, it is a premiere must-have stroller for the upper echelon. I love the logo.

The Nuna MIXX Travel System includes a stroller and the company’s featherlight PIPA Lite LX Car Seat which makes one superb travel system. An ideal set for you, but especially for your little one.

CELEBRITY OWNERS: Gwen Stefani, Molly Sims, Jaime King

There you have it! Good luck stroller shop or social climbing, whatever floats your boat!

cover photo Cella Jane, Pinterest

How Encouraging Your Child to Be a Storyteller could Cultivate His Empathy

kids playing

kids playing

We live in a world where some may say there is an overemphasis in academia and education public policy on STEM (Science Tech Engineering and Math) and where technology addiction is a thing, and  children are growing up lacking basic social skills. The tech part of children’s brains and lives do not necessarily cultivate or stimulate interpersonal development when it comes to human in-face interaction.

In fact, I know I am not alone among the many parents scrambling these days to figure out how to teach their children empathy.

I know there is not a day that goes by that I am not lecturing my children about the importance of exercising basic social decorum and practices. I want them to always say “excuse me” when they pass in front of someone, and to do  so audibly so the person hears. I want them to run to help when they see an elderly person struggling to open a door or carry a package. I want them to look people in the eyes when they have a conversation with them.  I want them to show interest in other people’s lives and days and their well being, and to do the minimum and ask others how is their day is going.

I know young people are ruled by the ego and that they are generally, self-centered and self-interested. But I know that it is possible for them to also  show interest in others at the same time.

Personally, I am at the point that I am not considering enrolling my three children into social etiquette classes because I figure, they may better respond to an instructor and instructional class setting where they can practice these habits with others in a controlled classroom environment.

I don’t know.

As I am considering this drastic approach, I was skimming through my copy of  The Formula: Unlocking the Secrets to Raising Highly Successful Children and noted one passage in the chapter called “Raising Storytellers: Cultivating The Power of Empathy“, where authors Ronald F. Ferguson and Tatsha Robertson, might have come up with one solution: storytelling.

They write that ” the act of storytelling – of imagining the lives of real people – stretches the brain.”

The two researchers posit that “storytellers have to come up with words their character will use, the ways they’ll move, and even their vocal inflections and emotions. They must imagine how characters will interact with one another and how one doe will affect what the others will do.”

In short, the authors state, “storytelling builds empathy: it teaches the storyteller how to put themselves in other people’s shoes, which in turn increases their ability to ‘read” (and respond to) others’ thoughts and feelings.”

Storytellers, they explain, have a highly developed “theory of the mind” – what scientists call the ability to anticipate how other people think.

So today, after your child comes home from school or wakes from a nap and you read them a story, ask them to tell YOU a story or tell you a story about what happened the other day or imagine what another friend is grappling through.

I will try though I highly doubt my older two will engage me, but I’ll try.

Good luck!

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